Ramsey Properties for Classes of Relational Systems

1985, European Journal of Combinatorics


A class J{ of relational systems (of the same type) has the 8-Ramsey property if for every $ E J{ there is T E J{ such that to every 2-coloring of (!) (= relational subsystems of T isomorphic to 8) we can find a monochromatic (iJ for some {J E (D. Extending recent results by JeZek and Ndetnl we prove it for (a) every class J{ of finite reflexive relational systems closed for products and 8 E J{ a singleton, (b) every abstract class J{ of finite relational systems with the strong amalgamation property and 8 E J{ such that the sets from (!) are disjoint for all $ E J{. Finally we prove: Let J{ be an abstract class of finite reflexive or areflexive relational systems with the strong amalgamation property. If J{ has the 8-Ramsey property, then 8 is constant.