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2022, Randare arhitecturala foto realista
7 pages
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Solutii de randare arhitecturala foto realista cu 3D Studio Max, V-Ray Next si corona Renderer
Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii, 2010
This paper presents an analysis of the market trends for building and construction paintings, considering the need to lower the volatile organic compounds (VOC). It also presents some of the benefits of water-born products (acrilic resins) and the alternative of siliconic paints or some special products as radiation-curable paints or paints destinated to reduce energy and resource losses.
Argumentation, 2009
I In nt tr ro od du uc ce er re e Teoriile de arhitecturã disputã, în mod ierarhic, termeni opuºi care definesc sfera producþiei arhitecturale. Dihotomii ca suprafaþãprofunzime, ornamentstructurã, opactransparent, reduc complexitatea actului
Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de echipare complexa al acestor asezari. Locuirea presupune de asemenea si legatura intre locuinte, dotari tehnico-edilitare si social-culturale iIntr-un scop
Argumentation, 2009
Premio de Arquitectura Miguel Martín-Fernández de la Torre. Architecture Award 2008-2017 / Colegio oficial de arquitectos de Gran Canaria (Ed.), p. 167-172, 2020
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2006
Developing the knowledge-based economy has changed dramatically in the guiding forces of urban development in Europe. In conditions of globalization, the competitiveness of cities not only depends on basic infrastructureroads, energy, water and sanitation-thouse beeing forced to fight on the field of technology through the adoption of modern management structures. Thus, the provision of services at higher level becomes the main activity in cities, leading to the emergence of a new concept, the "intelligent cities".
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
Demographic explosion has become one of the great epochal changes alarms which determined the great architects to design possible models for the city of the future. Spatial planning is one of the great cultural and technical defiance of the future, namely urban projects based on the concept of three-dimensional city, which extend not only occupying territories, but also fully enjoying of a third spatial dimension.
Argumentation, 2013
The urban identity depends on reshaping urban landscape following the restructuring of the city. Agreed with the trends dictated by the society transformed by the new technologies, the new identity must be linked with society, urban history, the local values and character, the specificity or potential elements. Urban image, supported by the phenomenon of appropriation by the society of the living space, becomes it's "brand", and the spatial continuity becomes an essential quality of the urban landscape, that must be understood, memorized, appropriated. In the intervention approach is necessary to understand the escape from the physical limitations of the project itself, the perception at different scales of the site, in connection with the territory that belongs to, the "read" of space as a sum of different accumulations, as identitary space belonging to the local community, a result of needs and social interactions. Building urban landscape requires a sequential approach, but not segmented, allowing urban development running parallel with the evolution of society, so the sequences can be so versatile, convertible to the new requirements arising in the ongoing process of change in traditional social structures. In the the urban interventions developed in recent decades, this has proved the main motivation of investors and the starting point of designers, achieving this by identifying, then marking or intensifying regional or local character (as a reaction to some negative consequences of globalization)-either through a process of restoration and revitalization of heritage, or by marking spaces or areas with no identity. It was intended in all cases to restore urban spatial coherence, building a "mosaic city" characterized by the sequence of places with certain meanings, related to a network perceptible at the urban landscape level.
Crisia LII, Supliment nr. 1, 2022
When we started the archaeological research in the Bronze Age tell settlement and Middle Ages Monastery at Sântion, back in 2015, we paid special attention to landscape research near the site. During the documentary stage we encountered some remarks that indicated that the landscape around the site had changed radically over a few decades, which would underline the idea that the archaeological landscape from the Bronze Age it was quite different from what we see today. Subsequently we searched for the maps that allow to determine the extent of the changes in the Crișul Repede river course and to analyze the relation between the tell-settlement and Crișul Repede river. In 2022, after a period marked by financial shortages and the break forced by the COVID-19 epidemic, we managed to resume work on this site.
Sergiu Moraru: 75 de ani de la naștere, 2021
Spiritual patron of the gymnasium from Obreja Veche, the folklorist Sergiu Moraru honors his mission ‒ in relation to the young generation ‒ through the model of his becoming and through the opera. The vocation folklorist needs vocation pedagogues, who can adjust the potential of the biography and the work in attractive projects for the pupils of the gymnasium that bears his name, but also for those from the Gymnasium no. 1 from Olacu commune, Giurgiu district (Romania). To motivating them to know more about the museums and libraries in the locality ‒ the patrimonial dimension of their existence, in which Sergiu Moraru’s destiny is a kind of guide. The attractive reason for becoming a folklorist is the reason for vocation, calling, crucial categories, generating controversy and lessons according to the age of the two institutions united in a project. The beneficial nuance, offered from Italy by the poet and pedagogue Iurie Bojoncă, refers to the importance of the family and the nati...
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Parcul Carol – patrimoniul artistic, arhitectural și natural, 2019
Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series, 2015
Studia Theologica Orthodoxa Doctoralia Napocensia, 2020
Limbă, Literatură şi Folclor, 2021
CaieteARA. Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie
Revista Româna De Materiale, 2007
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
Editura Universitară Ion Mincu eBooks, 2022
Brazilian Dental Journal
Theoretical and Empirical Researches in Urban Management, 2007
Cercetări Arheologice, 1997
Cercetări Arheologice, 2021
Urbanism. Arhitectura. Constructii, 2010
Provocări şi tendinţe actuale în cercetarea componentelor naturale şi socio-economice ale ecosistemelor urbane şi rurale, 2020