Taquile, tradición y modernidad


One of the foundations of cultural manifestations-lies in a specific space-time, that is, a place and a moment where they are reflected, in such a way that they transpose the psychological, social and economic state of their creator people at the moment they are developed and which can span decades. In every time and place, before and now, and with certainty in the future, these manifestations translated into parties, customs, textiles, celebrations, transfer a whole collective experience in time and space, maintaining their validity and adapting to the reality that lives; for the same reason, these are in time, possible for changes and transformations without losing their essence. The importance of education in the formation of ethical values, thoughts and practice in community behavior, should and can be an example to follow, and at the same time living in the contemporaneity of the moment to improve community well-being, using the technology of the information and communication a...