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Many research works deal with the phase of modeling workflow schemes and several formalisms for specifying structural properties have been already proposed to support the designer in devising all admissible execution scenarios. Most of such formalisms are based on graphical representations in order to give a simple and intuitive description of the workflow structure.
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 2003
We describe a new approach to worko w analysis, which combines a rich graph representation of worko w schemes with simple (i.e., stratied), yet powerful DATALOG rules to express complex properties and constraints on execu- tions. Both the graph representation and the DATALOG rules are mapped into a unique program in DATALOGev!, that is a recent extension of DATALOG for
We propose Concurrent T ransaction Logic (CTR) as the language for specifying, analyzing, and scheduling of work ows. We show that both local and global properties of work ows can be naturally represented as CTR formulas and reasoning can be done with the use of the proof theory and the semantics of this logic. We describe a transformation that leads to an e cient algorithm for scheduling work ows in the presence of global temporal constraints, which leads to decision procedures for dealing with several safety related properties such as whether every valid execution of the work ow satises a particular property or whether a work ow execution is consistent with some given global constraints on the ordering of events in a work ow. We also provide tight complexity results on the running times of these algorithms.
Abstract. We address the problem of workflow requirements specifications under realistic assumptions that it involves experts from different domains (different business policies), where not all the possible execution scenarios are known beforehand. Using recent results on reasoning about actions, we formalize the notion of the specifications' correctness. To address this, we propose a high level language AW as a basis of our prototype tool for process specification.
A workflow is a collection of coordinated activities designed to carry out a well-defined complex process, such as trip planning, student registration, or a business process in a large enterprise. An activity in a workflow might be performed by a human, a device, or a program. Workflow management systems (or WfMS ) provide a framework for capturing the interaction among the activities in a workflow and are recognized as a new paradigm for integrating disparate systems, including legacy systems. A large workflow system might involve many disparate activities that are coordinated in complex ways and are subject to many constraints. Thus, modeling such systems and ensuring that they perform according to the specifications is not an easy task. To be able to analyze the properties of workflows, the latter must be specified using a formalism with well-defined semantics. The popular formalisms in this area are the various logics, Petri Nets [1,35], Event-Condition-Action rules , and State Charts . In this chapter we survey and compare a number of logic-based formalisms that were proposed in the literature.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
Workflow-based systems are typically said to lead to better use of staff and better management and productivity. The first phase in building a workflow-based system is capturing the real-world process in a conceptual representation suit-able for the following phases of formalization and implementation. The specification may be in text or diagram form or written in a formal language. This paper proposes a flow-based diagrammatic methodology as a tool for workflow specification. The expressiveness of the method is appraised though its ability to capture a workflow-based application. Here we show that the proposed conceptual diagrams are able to express situations arising in practice as an alternative to tools currently used in workflow systems. This is demonstrated by using the proposed methodology to partial build demo systems for two government agencies.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2010
This paper describes a process-algebraic approach to specification and refinement of workflow processes. In particular, we model both specification and implementation of workflows as CSP processes. CSP's behavioural models and their respective refinement relations not only enable us to prove correctness properties of an individual workflow process against its behavioural specification but also allows us to design and develop workflow processes compositionally.
Group Decision and Negotiation, 2006
We present work concerning the formal specification of business processes. It is of substantial benefit to be able to pin down the meaning of business processes precisely. This is an end in itself, but we are also concerned to do so in order that we might prove properties about the business processes that are being specified. It is a notable characteristic of most languages for representing business processes that they lack a robust semantics, and a notable characteristic of most commercial Business Process Management products that they have no support for verification of business process models. We define a high-level meta-model, called Liesbet, for representing business processes. The ontological commitments for Liesbet are sourced from the YAWL workflow patterns, which have been defined from studies into the behavioural nature of business processes. We underwrite the meta-model by giving it a formal semantic characterisation using a language that we define called LCCS, an abstract machine language which has a mapping to a prioritised form of standard CCS. We present the Liesbet meta-model and its semantic characterisation in LCCS, explain how we have facilitated the verification of properties of business processes specified in Liesbet, and discuss how Liesbet supports the YAWL workflow patterns. We include a simple three-part example of using Liesbet.
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Computer Supported Activity Coordination, 2004
The workflow map development for an organization is a highly complex process. Therefore, the workflow map should be tested and validated before it is implemented (into a WfMS). Most current workflow systems deal with this validation issue by using simulation modules that "execute" the model and examine the possible problems before it is truly "executed" and implemented. Although these simulation modules are very useful for the management team to detect problems in the business processes represented by the workflow, it would be advisable to find other more reliable methods. In this paper we propose a formal method based on Temporal Logic of Actions to formalize workflow maps (based on a communication modelling methodology). 2 Workflow Workflow has a wide range of possibilities related to group support and the automation of organizational processes. In general terms we can define workflow as [9]: "workflow
14th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP'06), 2006
The different approaches of emerging workflow modeling languages are manifold. Today, there exist many notations for workflow modeling with various specializations on different domains. In this paper we analyze three well known business process (workflow) modeling notations for their support for elaborated key aspects in workflow modeling. The aim of this paper is to discuss their differences and commonalities concerning these aspects.
Abstract. A workflow is a collection of coordinated activities designed to carry out a well-defined complex process, such as trip planning, student registration, or a business process in a large enterprise. An activity in a workflow might be performed by a human, a device, or a program. Workflow management systems (or WfMS) provide a framework for capturing the interaction among the activities in a workflow and are recognized as a new paradigm for integrating disparate systems, including legacy systems.
International Journal of Computer Science Theory and Application, 2014
The study and implementation of formal techniques to aid the design and implementation of Workflow Management Systems (WfMS) is still required. Using these techniques, we can provide this technology with automated reasoning capacities, which are required for the automated demonstration of the properties that will verify a given model. This paper develops a formalization of the workflow paradigm based on communication (speech-act theory) by using a temporal logic, namely, the Temporal Logic of Actions (TLA). This formalization provides the basic theoretical foundation for the automated demonstration of the properties of a workflow map, its simulation, and fine-tuning by managers.
This work addresses the problem of workflow requirements specifications considering the realistic assumptions that, it involves experts from different domains (ie representatives of different business policies); not all the possible execution scenarios are known beforehand, during the early stage of specification.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005
The increasing dynamics and the continuous changes of business processes raise a challenge to the research and implementation of workflows. The significance of applying formal approaches to the modeling and analysis of workflows has been well recognized and many such approaches have been proposed. However, these approaches require users to master considerable knowledge of the particular formalisms, which impacts the application of these approaches on a larger scale. This paper presents a new formal, yet intuitive approach for the modeling and analysis of workflows, which attempts to overcome the above problem. In addition to the abilities of supporting workflow validation and enactment, this new approach possesses the distinguishing feature of allowing users who are not proficient in formal methods to build up and dynamically modify the workflow models that address their business needs.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2008
We present a framework for the simulation and formal analysis of workflow models. We discuss (i) how a workflow model, implemented in the BPEL language, can be transformed into a dataflow network model, (ii) how potentially incorrect execution paths can be incorporated, and (iii) how the properties of a workflow can be formally verified using the SPIN model checker. For the several model transformation steps from workflow to analysis models, we use graph transformations.
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020, 2020
Administrative workflows refer to variable business processes in which all cases are known; tasks are predictable and their sequencing rules are simple and clearly defined. When such processes are collaboratively executed by several actors, it may be desirable, for security reasons (confidentiality), that each of them has at all times, only a partial perception (this is what we call "actor's view") of the current process state. This concern seems sufficiently important to be considered when specifying such workflows. However, traditional workflow specification languages (BPMN, BPEL, YAWL) only partially address it. This is why we present in this paper, a new language for specifying administrative workflows that allows us not only to simply model all of the processes tasks and their sequence, but also and especially to explicitly express the rights of the various actors with respect to each of them, in order to guarantee a certain degree of security. The proposed model is an executable grammatical specification that allows to express using decorated productions, the different types of basic flows (sequential, parallel, alternative and iterative) that are found in workflow specification languages; moreover, it also allows to specify the rights of each actor in each process and on its data in a formalism similar to that used in UNIX-like operating systems.
OOER'95: Object-Oriented and Entity …, 1995
Abstract. Workflow management is emerging as a challenging area for databases, stressing database technology beyond its current capabilities. Workflow management systems need to be more integrated with data management technology, in particular as it concerns the ...
We propose a small set of parameterized abstract models for workflow patterns, starting from first principles for sequential and distributed control. Appropriate instantiations yield the 43 workflow patterns that have been listed recently by the Business Process Modeling Center. The resulting structural classification of those patterns into eight basic categories, four for sequential and four for parallel workflows, provides a semantical foundation for a rational evaluation of workflow patterns.
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design, 2006
The dynamic nature of incident command systems and their requirement for high flexibility raise a challenge to the research and implementation of workflows. The significance of applying formal approaches to the modeling and analysis of workflows has been well recognized and several such approaches have been proposed. However, these approaches require users to master considerable knowledge of the particular formalisms, which impacts their application on a larger scale. To address these challenges, we developed an intuitive, yet formal approach to workflow modeling, enactment and validation. In this paper, we further develop a set of theorems to support dynamic modeling, modification and on-the-fly verification of the workflows. A prototype has been implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of the theoretical approach.
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