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Art Bulletin
64 pages
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Godine 2008. održan je međunarodni pozivni natječaj za izradu idejnog urbanističko-arhitektonskog rješenja radi odabira najboljeg projekta za novi putnički terminal Međunarodne zračne luke Zagreb. Međunarodni natječajni žiri stručnjaka te predstavnika vlasti, provoditelja i raspisivača djelovao je u sljedećem sastavu: generalni direktor
Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino, 2023
Avtorica v prispevku predstavi kompleksno pot razvoja ter evolucijo univerzalno in modularno zasnovanega kioska K67 − znamenitega rdečega kioska slovenskega arhitekta in industrijskega oblikovalca Saše Janeza Mächtiga od njegove zasnove v drugi polovici 60. let, nadgradnje in specializacije glede na funkcijo v 70. letih, do današnjega posodabljanja v interaktivni samooskrbni večnamenski kiosk za enaindvajseto stoletje K21. Kiosk K67 − izdelek urbane ulične industrijsko oblikovane arhitekture je nastal pod vplivom tedaj aktualnih arhitekturnih gibanj zaradi naraščajočih potreb mesta in razvoja urbanih storitvenih dejavnosti. Mini cestna arhitektura, v katero so umeščali prodajalne časopisov, tobaka, hrane, manjše delavnice, cvetličarne, blagajne za plačilo parkirnine in nakup vstopnic, informacijske pisarne, turistične poslovalnice, vratarnice ipd., je poleg splošne urbane kulture nekdanjega jugoslovanskega prostora postala tudi del urbanega prostora bivših vzhodno evropskih socialističnih držav in kultni izdelek ter del kolektivne zavesti in spomina.
Journal of the Croatian Association of Civil Engineers
The design solution presented by authors from the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Civil Engineering won the first prize award at the international competition organized by the Zagreb Airport. The structure and form of this solution are integrated through multidimensional approach in which individual factors-town planning, environmental aspects, architecture, structure, functionality, and traffic-are not given precedence one over another, but are rather evaluated as a whole made of equal parts. The principal airport building is covered with a fluid steel truss structure, which continuously expands into linear, tubular passenger piers on each side. The terminal building constitutes, together with proper regulation and development of surrounding space, a new dimension of development of the city of Zagreb, and its merger with Velika Gorica.
Facta Universitatis: Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2019
The location of the entrance and its relation to the main functional apartment groups in multi-storey, multi-family buildings, is to a great extent determined by the organizational concept of the apartment. The apartments with auxiliary entrances are less present in practice, majority of apartments fit the spatial frame of the building itself. The apartments can border with the next apartment on the same floor, be oriented towards one or more facades, but what is of key importance in determining the number of apartment entrances and their positioning is the size of contact zone between the apartment and common communication areas, as well as the configuration of the apartment. The aims of this paper include the analysis of the main positions of the entrance and the concepts of apartment organization that they determine, analysis of characteristic concepts of two-entrance apartments in multi-storey, multi-family buildings and re-examination of the relation between the introduction of the additional entrance and the necessity of having constant or occasional segregation of certain activities in them. Položaj ulaza i njegov odnos prema osnovnim funkcionalnim grupama u stanu u višespratnim višeporodičnim objektima, u velikoj meri određuje koncept organizacije stana. Stanovi sa pomoćnim ulazima su manje prisutni u praksi, jer je većina stanova „upakovana” u prostorni okvir zgrade. Stanovi se mogu graničiti sa susednim stanovima na istom spratu, mogu biti orijentisani prema jednoj ili više fasada, ali za određivanje broja ulaza u stan i njihovo pozicioniranje, od presudnog značaja su veličina kontaktne zone između stana i zajedničkih komunikacija, i konfiguracija stana. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja obuhvataju analizu osnovnih pozicija ulaza i koncepata organizacije stanova koje oni određuju, zatim, analizu karakterističnih koncepcija stanova sa dva ulaza u višespratnim višeporodičnim objektima, kao i preispitivanje relacije između uvođenja dodatnog ulaza u stan i neophodnosti stalne ili povremene segregacije pojedinih aktivnosti u njemu.
Prostor m space, room; (površina) area; (zona) tract; (prostranstvo) extent, expanse; (za kretanje/ manevriranje) elbow-room, playroom, leeway, scope; (prostorije, smještaj) premises, accomodation | životni ~ living space; stambeni ~ housing; školski ~ school space; poslovni ~ office space/premises; ~ za noge legroom; prema raspoloživom ~u on a space available basis; fig pružati ~za offer/give scope for; posvetiti (pokloniti) ~ (u novinama) devote (give) space to; zbog pomanjkanja ~a because of limited space; radi uštede na ~u to save space; povreda zraËnog ~a violation of airspace, aerosp; istraživanje ~a space exploration Željko Bujas (1999.), Veliki hrvatsko-engleski rjeËnik | Croatian-English dictionary,
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta, 2018
Both urban research and planning practice lately signifficantly contributed to understanting and dealing with the phenomenon of urban shrinkage. Although affected the most by population decrease and industrial regression since the political changes in 1990, these advancements seem to have had varied influence in the former Central and Eastern Europe. The focus of this paper is thus set on the problem of signifficant population decline in the particular urban context of the Republic of Serbia that was still neither fully recognized nor adequaltly addressed. Through consideration of some international examples of strategic advancements in dealing with shrinkage (particularly of Leipzig in Germany and Detroit in the US), the aim is to draw attention to this issue, question solution transferability, as well as point out at some future perspectives for shrinking urban realm in Serbia.
Technical -technological advances and globalization influence on the development of logistics and distribution methods from point of manufacture to point of consumption. To make this process as successfully as possible, a need of building logistics -distribution centers has occurred, where goods are collected, stored, upgraded and prepared for further distribution to customers. One of the possible functions of logistics distribution centers is their transformation to so called "Inland port terminals" (dry ports). Inland port terminals represent inland intermodal terminal directly connected with the seaport / seaports, where users can leave / pick up their cargo in the same way as in the seaport. The task of the inland port terminal is collecting goods for overseas transport over long distances and distribution of goods at the local, regional and international level. Application of the inland port terminals concept in the seaport hinterland, can increase capacity of the sea...
Kartografija i Geoinformacije, 2019
This paper analyzes the new method to create a safe living environment for a city. CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) is an innovative interdisciplinary method for crime prevention in living environment implemented using environmental design and urban planning tools. This paper aims to investigate the possibilities of application of CPTEDstrategies in Lithuanian residential areas, and to identify elements of urban environment that affect crime. Calculation of crime risk and CPTED audit for determination of urban design was applied for the research of residential areas in Kaunas City, Lithuania. During the research unique database was created. For the identifications of relations and causations between crimes, id est. thefts from motor vehicles, robbery, intentional damage of property,and urban environmental factors correlation and linear regression analysis were applied. The results demonstrate that post-Soviet residential areas and the parking areas within them w...
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MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta, 2015
Acta Turistica, 2012
Kartografija I Geoinformacije, 2005
Architecture and Engineering, 2017
Zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta, 2018
Journal of Transport & Health, 2017
14th Belgrade International Architecture Week - Catalog , 2019
Conference: IV International Scientific Conference „Science, Education, Technology and Innovation - SETI IV 2022”, 2022
Opuscula Archaeologica, 2018
Historia i Polityka, 2017
Mersin Üniversitesi Denizcilik ve Lojistik Araştırmaları Dergisi
Dela, 2015
Hrvatski geografski glasnik/Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 2018