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Student unrest of 1956 in Soviet universities is examined based on the example of the Ural State University and the Ural Polytechnic Institute in Sverdlovsk. Student attitudes are analyzed in terms of social and critical thinking, and the reaction of authorities — in light of the policy towards the intelligentsia. The theoretical and methodological frame of analysis is constructivism, with emphasis put on aspects of bilateral, reciprocal design and temporality. The empirical base consists of documents from the collections of the Documentation Centre of the Social Institutions of Sverdlovsk Region, the University Museum, as well as materials from local and national press. The mid 1950’s were marked by a radical revision of the limits of acceptable criticism, which was unfolding until the end of 1956. Unorthodox activity was not regarded as seditious up until a point. The gap, interval between the original action and the resulting stigmatizing mark shows how such a notion crystallized...
This course paper was written in order to analyze OUN actions in 1929-1939 as contentious politics. Repertoire of contention and robust processes of OUN contentious politics were analyzed and their pecularities discovered.
В фонде упраздненных сельсоветов Чукотского района в Государственном архиве Чукотского автономного округа сохранились документы Науканского сельсовета за 1940-1950-е гг. Среди них - переписи имущества и собак Наукана в 1956 г. - уникальный источник для изучения социальной и генеалогической структуры, истории и материальной культуры этого поселения,
У монографії досліджуються умови, за яких українське студентство включилося у суспільно-політичне життя Галичини; аналізується місце студентів у творенні та діяльності народовської і радикальної течій. Подано детальний аналіз національно-політичних напрямків у студентському середовищі; з’ясовано роль, яку відіграли студенти у діяльності галицьких політичних партій, у виборчих кампаніях; розкрито участь студентської молоді у боротьбі за відкриття у Львові українського університету та впровадження демократичного виборчого законодавства. Повна версія доступна за лінком:
Bibliotekovedenie [Russian Journal of Library Science], 2020
The article considers the reading activity and book priorities of students of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute of Emperor Alexander II in 1904—1912. The author studied the readers’ interest using the analysis of student questionnaires and library loan books of the early twentieth century, as well as reports on the activities of the Institute and memoirs of students and teachers. The fundamental library was created at the establishment of the technical University in 1898. Professors and students used loan services and reading room of the Institute library. Since 1905, the library began to keep statistical records of the loan books and magazines. The article presents the data on the loan books and magazines in 1905—1909. Requests for reading of books significantly exceeded the library’s capacity, so students independently organized the library-reading room, where the books and magazines were purchased taking into account the needs of students. The work of the student library was aimed t...
Стаття присвячена аналізу результатів емпіричного дослідження уявлень про владно-підвладну взаємодію в політичній картині світу студентської молоді, що здійснювалось за допомогою психосемантичних методів та методики колажів. Описано факторну структуру уявлень молоді про взаємодію з владою. Встановлені тенденції свідчать про суперечливість уявлень респондентів про взаємодію з владою, що пов’язана з патерналізмом на тлі тотальної недовіри до існуючої влади, відсутності готовності до конструктивної взаємодії та низької готовності виконувати її рішення
Innovative technologis in science and education, 2017
Center of Scientific Cooperation "Interactive plus" 1 Content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (CC-BY 4.0)
Youth at the Margins, 2019
Аннотация В супералгебраическом представлении спиноров, использующем грассмановы плотности и производные по ним, введено обобщение дираковского сопряжения, обеспечивающее Лоренц-ковариантные преобразования сопряженных спиноров. Показано, что сигнатура обобщенных гамма-матриц и их количество, а также разложение вторичного квантования по импульсам задаются вариантом обобщенного дираковского сопряжения и требованием сохранения при преобразованиях спиноров и сопряженных спиноров их CAR-алгебры.
Mousse Publishing, 2015
This publication picks up on several of the themes which emerge conceptually and artistically in the Central Asian Pavilion project, and elaborates them in a philosophical, historical and poetic register within the specific materiality and temporality of a book – though the website as a repository and forum for these kinds of explorations should be mentioned as well – with its capacity to extend the time, space and context of the ideas beyond the Venice Biennale and to a readership beyond the project's immediate public. The Pavilion's organizing metaphor of 'Winter' is appropriated from the poem by 19th century Kazakh poet, intellectual and activist Abay Qunanbaiuli. The metaphor of winter here evokes social stagnation, cultural censorship and political unfreedom. It refers to a context where the intensity of debate on social goals lags and there seems to be little or no horizon for change; a situation then, which varies more in degree than in kind from the one we experience in the relatively privileged environs of the North and West of the world of capital, where economy not only comes first, but political means are used to enforce economic goals, imposing and deepening crises of reproduction for billions of people. This is not to lose the specificity of the Central Asian situation, nor the differences between the nation states which fall into that rubric – Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. However, Winter also embodies a potentially transformational character, as winter precedes spring and the snow gives place to a full blossoming; a frozen public dialogue may be replaced by a more participatory one. We believe that art is still able to serve as a catalyst for creating a genuine public debate, to end the state of hibernation and, in short, to open doors for the arrival of spring. A spring that has not yet come to Central Asia. Featuring essays on the geopolitics of energy, post-Soviet political narratives, art-historical analyses and the political economy of contemporary art in a time of social crisis, the book gives a snapshot of the aesthetic, political and poetic dimensions of the situation in the region. Contributors include Viktor Misiano, Kari Johanne Brandtzaeg, Adil Nurmakov, Kerstin Stakemeier, Ruslan Getmanchuk , Ekaterina Degot, Maria Chekhonadskih, and artists projects from Anton Vidokle, Slavs and Tatars, Vyacheslav Akhunov, and Faruh Kuziev. Tjago Bom, Vanessa Ohlraun, Ayatgali Tuleubek, Marina Vishmidt, Susanne M. Winterling, eds. Texts by Viktor Misiano, Kari Johanne Brandtzaeg, Adil Nurmakov, Kerstin Stakemeier, Ruslan Getmanchuk , Ekaterina Degot, and Maria Chekhonadskih. Artists projects by Anton Vidokle, Slavs and Tatars, Vyacheslav Akhunov and Faruh Kuziev.
Науковий вісник Ужгородського університету. Серія: Історія , 2016
РЕЗЮМЕ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ И ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ ОРГАНОВ ВСЕУКРАИНСКОЙ ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНОЙ КОМИССИИ НА ЮГЕ УКРАИНЫ В ЯНВАРЕ-ИЮНЕ 1919 г. (ПО МАТЕРИАЛАМ ЕКАТЕРИНОСЛАВСКОЙ ГУБЕРНИИ) Сливенко В. А. (Днипро) Статья посвящена изучению вопросов организации и деятельности местных репрессивных органов на Юге Украины на начальном этапе их существования в январе-июне 1919 г. На основе широкого круга источников автором раскрыты проблемы функционирования спецслужбы советского тоталитарного государства на примере чрезвычайной комиссии Екатеринославской губернии. Ключевые слова: ВУЧК (Всеукраинская чрезвычайная комиссия), организация, структура, репрессии, карательные акции, антисоветские настроения, повстанческое движение.
Зборник радова Филозофског факултета, 2020
Београдски студенти и политичке организације 1935-1941. САЖЕТАК. Током међуратног периода на Универзитету у Београду међу студенти-ма се одвијао динамичан политички живот. Аутори су у овом раду на-стојали да у хронолошким оквирима од 1935. до почетка Априлског рата 1941. укажу на најважније политичке организације које су деловале на овој високошколској установи. Извршена је историографска рекон-струкција организационе структуре, идеолошко-политичке платформе, облика деловања и утицаја комуниста, Демократског студентског клуба, Омладинске секције Српског културног клуба, Клуба студената ЈРЗ "Сло-венски југ" и Омладинске организације "Збор". Посебна пажња је посве-ћена анализи међусобних односа ових организација од избијања Дру-гог светског рата септембра 1939. до почетка Априлског рата 1941. During the period between two world wars a dynamic political life took place among the students of the University of Belgrade. The University gathered thousands, close to 10,000 young people on the night of the outbreak of World War II. This attracted political parties to form student political organizations among Belgrade students and to propagate the political and ideological views they supported. Among the political organizations that were present at the University of Belgrade, especially during the second half of the 1930s, were: the Communist Party of Yugoslavia and the League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia, the Democratic Student Club, the Youth Section of the Serbian Cultural Club, the Student Club of the Yugoslav Radical Union Slovenski Jug and the Youth Organization Zbor. Of all these organizations, the greatest influence during the 1930s was exerted by the Communists, who, although illegal, persecuted and few in number, formed an extensive network of cells at the faculties, and zealously, organized and aggressively acted among the student population. Insisting on a radical solution to the existing general political and socio-economic problems, as well as university and student issues, attracted a large number of Belgrade students to the communist student movement, who took part in numerous demonstrations, strikes and incidents. The ideological-political platform and forms of action of other political organizations at the University, primarily national and right oriented, were largely directed against the influence and actions of communist students. After the outbreak of World War II and the signing of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact in 1939, the mutual relations of political organizations at the University became significantly strained. Opposing organizations of Belgrade student youth fought a verbal war on the night of the outbreak of the Second World War on the territory of Yugoslavia, but also often real street battles, in which all the irreconcilability and sharpness of conflicting ideologies of wider political organizations they represented were manifested. It will soon turn out that it was just a preparation for serious, armed and bloody conflicts during the civil war that broke out as part of World War II.
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