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2015, International Journal of Sports Science
The purpose of this study was to provide evidence of reliability and validity for the use of a Microsoft Kinect system to measure displacement in human movement analysis. Three dimensional (3D) video motion systems are commonly used to analyze human movement kinematics of body joints and segments for many diverse applications related to gait analysis, rehabilitation, sports performance, medical robotics, and biofeedback. These systems, however, have certain drawbacks pertaining to the use of markers, calibration time, number of cameras, and high cost. Microsoft Kinect systems create 3D images and are low cost, portable, not markers required, and easy to set up. They lack, however, evidence of reliability and validity for human movement kinematics analysis. Twenty-six participants were recruited for this study. Peak Motus version 9 and Microsoft Kinect system with customized skeleton software were used to collect data from each subject sitting on a platform moving horizontally at the...
The lack of low cost devices apt to collaborate both researches and clinical intervention s quality for health promotion is quite significant, peculiarly in developing countries. The objective of this study consisted in calculating the accuracy of the hardware Kinect™ by Microsoft™. Methods: anthropometric data were collected from a subject in orthostatic position, at four different distances from the optical axes of the hardware, on X, Y and Z. The normality and the variances homogeinity of the data were stated through Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Barlett’s tests, in this order. It has been adopted a significance P < 0.05 for all the statistical tests, and the size effect for all of the spatial coordinates (in the four different placements) exceeded 0.80. Results: the relative error presented no significant differences in all of those distances in the three spatial axels and the accuracy averaged 0.047m; such result allows to conclude that the hardware presents satisfactory both scientific and clinical applicability, embracing potentially human movement investigations and interventions, as well as orthopedics, physiotherapy, physical education, and sports among others.
BMC musculoskeletal disorders, 2018
Clinical examinations are subjective and often show a low validity and reliability. Objective and highly reliable quantitative assessments are available in laboratory settings using 3D motion analysis, but these systems are too expensive to use for simple clinical examinations. Qinematic™ is an interactive movement analyses system based on the Kinect camera and is an easy-to-use clinical measurement system for assessing posture, balance and side-bending. The aim of the study was to test the test-retest the reliability and construct validity of Qinematic™ in a healthy population, and to calculate the minimal clinical differences for the variables of interest. A further aim was to identify the discriminative validity of Qinematic™ in people with low-back pain (LBP). We performed a test-retest reliability study (n = 37) with around 1 week between the occasions, a construct validity study (n = 30) in which Qinematic™ was tested against a 3D motion capture system, and a discriminative va...
Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 2013
Background: The evaluation of foot posture in a clinical setting is useful to screen for potential injury, however disagreement remains as to which method has the greatest clinical utility. An inexpensive and widely available imaging system, the Microsoft Kinect ™ , may possess the characteristics to objectively evaluate static foot posture in a clinical setting with high accuracy. The aim of this study was to assess the intra-rater reliability and validity of this system for assessing static foot posture. Methods: Three measures were used to assess static foot posture; traditional visual observation using the Foot Posture Index (FPI), a 3D motion analysis (3DMA) system and software designed to collect and analyse image and depth data from the Kinect. Spearman's rho was used to assess intra-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the Kinect to evaluate foot posture, and a linear regression was used to examine the ability of the Kinect to predict total visual FPI score. Results: The Kinect demonstrated moderate to good intra-rater reliability for four FPI items of foot posture (ρ = 0.62 to 0.78) and moderate to good correlations with the 3DMA system for four items of foot posture (ρ = 0.51 to 0.85). In contrast, intra-rater reliability of visual FPI items was poor to moderate (ρ = 0.17 to 0.63), and correlations with the Kinect and 3DMA systems were poor (absolute ρ = 0.01 to 0.44). Kinect FPI items with moderate to good reliability predicted 61% of the variance in total visual FPI score. Conclusions: The majority of the foot posture items derived using the Kinect were more reliable than the traditional visual assessment of FPI, and were valid when compared to a 3DMA system. Individual foot posture items recorded using the Kinect were also shown to predict a moderate degree of variance in the total visual FPI score. Combined, these results support the future potential of the Kinect to accurately evaluate static foot posture in a clinical setting.
Archives of Physiotherapy and Global Researches, 2016
From a cibernetic approach, the body system can be defined like a net of structural and functional related subsystems with motor equifinality inside the concept of balance, energetic economy and comfort: therefore the ideal posture is the one that allows the maximum effectiveness of motor gesture, in absence of pain with the maximum energetic economy. The present study research is based on the necessity to individuate a real objective evaluation system of the postural parameters, inexpensive and of simple use compared to the evaluation instruments in use already scientifically validated. The instrument used in this study is the Microsoft Kinect®, gaming platform combined with the Xbox console. Created by Microsoft in the field of play, the Microsoft Kinect® for years has entertained millions of consumers through the Motion Capture System, the recording of movement through cameras and instant or deferred replay. The primary aim of this randomized controlled single-blind research is the demonstration that, despite being commonly defined objective the evaluation systems that utilize markers, is essential to look for an alternative evaluation method to minimize the systematic human error. The results demonstrate the real validity of Kinect®, and have verified the reliability of the data obtained from the assessment, showing the scientific reliability of this innovative objective evaluation method in rehabilitation-clinical field.
Gait and posture studies have gained much prominence among researchers and have attracted the interest of clinicians. e ability to detect gait abnormality and posture disorder plays a crucial role in the diagnosis and treatment of some diseases. Microsoft Kinect is presented as a noninvasive sensor essential for medical diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. ere are currently no relevant studies that attempt to summarise the existing literature on gait and posture abnormalities using Kinect technology. e purpose of this study is to critically evaluate the existing research on gait and posture abnormalities using the Kinect sensor as the main diagnostic tool. Our studies search identified 458 for gait abnormality, 283 for posture disorder of which 26 studies were included for gait abnormality, and 13 for posture. e results indicate that Kinect sensor is a useful tool for the assessment of kinematic features. In conclusion, Microsoft Kinect sensor is presented as a useful tool for gait abnormality, postural disorder analysis, and physiotherapy. It can also help track the progress of patients who are undergoing rehabilitation.
Sports and Exercise Medicine - Open Journal, 2015
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal
Objectives: Although the Microsoft Kinect has compelling potential for gait analysis in medicine, data available to compare it with observational gait analysis (OGA) is scarce. This study compared the Microsoft Kinect and the OGA in assessing the gait parameters of apparently healthy adults. Methods: Ninety-seven apparently healthy young male adults participated in this comparative study. First, the participant’s age, height, weight, and body mass index were obtained. Afterward, gait parameters involving the number of steps, cadence, stride length, and step length were assessed concurrently following OGA standard procedures and the Microsoft Kinect during a 6-m walk down the hallway. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The significance level was set at P<0.05. Results: The Mean±SD walk time, steps, cadence, velocity, and stride length were 8.07±1.39 s, 14.0±2.96 counts, 72.9±11.9 steps/min, 0.8±0.13 m/s, and 0.77±0.13m, respectively. Step...
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal (IRJ), 2023
Although the Microsoft Kinect has compelling potential for gait analysis in medicine, data available to compare it with observational gait analysis (OGA) is scarce. This study compared the Microsoft Kinect and the OGA in assessing the gait parameters of apparently healthy adults. Methods: Ninety-seven apparently healthy young male adults participated in this comparative study. First, the participant's age, height, weight, and body mass index were obtained. Afterward, gait parameters involving the number of steps, cadence, stride length, and step length were assessed concurrently following OGA standard procedures and the Microsoft Kinect during a 6-m walk down the hallway. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The significance level was set at P<0.05.
Background: The evaluation of foot posture in a clinical setting is useful to screen for potential injury, however disagreement remains as to which method has the greatest clinical utility. An inexpensive and widely available imaging system, the Microsoft Kinect ™ , may possess the characteristics to objectively evaluate static foot posture in a clinical setting with high accuracy. The aim of this study was to assess the intra-rater reliability and validity of this system for assessing static foot posture. Methods: Three measures were used to assess static foot posture; traditional visual observation using the Foot Posture Index (FPI), a 3D motion analysis (3DMA) system and software designed to collect and analyse image and depth data from the Kinect. Spearman's rho was used to assess intra-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the Kinect to evaluate foot posture, and a linear regression was used to examine the ability of the Kinect to predict total visual FPI score. Results: The Kinect demonstrated moderate to good intra-rater reliability for four FPI items of foot posture (ρ = 0.62 to 0.78) and moderate to good correlations with the 3DMA system for four items of foot posture (ρ = 0.51 to 0.85). In contrast, intra-rater reliability of visual FPI items was poor to moderate (ρ = 0.17 to 0.63), and correlations with the Kinect and 3DMA systems were poor (absolute ρ = 0.01 to 0.44). Kinect FPI items with moderate to good reliability predicted 61% of the variance in total visual FPI score. Conclusions: The majority of the foot posture items derived using the Kinect were more reliable than the traditional visual assessment of FPI, and were valid when compared to a 3DMA system. Individual foot posture items recorded using the Kinect were also shown to predict a moderate degree of variance in the total visual FPI score. Combined, these results support the future potential of the Kinect to accurately evaluate static foot posture in a clinical setting.
Analyzing human poses at workstations is a key issue in ergonomics in order to evaluate potentials risks of musculoskeletal disorders. Kinect looks promising in measuring 3D joint kinematics on site but few studies have estimated the accuracy of the kinematic data delivered by this sensor in real situations. Thus, this study aims at evaluating the accuracy of the Kinect sensor for work-related motions. To this end we compared ISB Euler joint angles estimated with a Kinect to those obtained with a wellestablished marker-based device. Several repetitions of four of the main manual tasks described in MTM-2 classification were performed. Results showed that the RMSE between the data obtained with the two systems were 11(±3)° and 25(±4)° for the shoulder and the elbow joints respectively. Moreover, the measurement error was not randomly distributed but strongly depended on the joint configuration. Better knowledge on the Kinect measurement errors should help scientists and engineers to design appropriate protocols to measure joint kinematics in ergonomic assessments with this promising device.
Biomechanical analysis is a powerful tool in the evaluation of movement dysfunction in orthopaedic and neurologic populations. Three-dimensional (3D) motion capture systems are widely used, accurate systems, but are costly and not available in many clinical settings. The Microsoft Kinect! has the potential to be used as an alternative low-cost motion analysis tool. The purpose of this study was to assess concurrent validity of the Kinect! with Brekel Kinect software in comparison to Vicon Nexus during sagittal plane gait kinematics. Twenty healthy adults (nine male, 11 female) were tracked while walking and jogging at three velocities on a treadmill. Concurrent hip and knee peak flexion and extension and stride timing measurements were compared between Vicon and Kinect!. Although Kinect measurements were representative of normal gait, the Kinect! generally under-estimated joint flexion and over-estimated extension. Kinect! and Vicon hip angular displacement correlation was very low and error was large. Kinect! knee measurements were somewhat better than hip, but were not consistent enough for clinical assessment. Correlation between Kinect! and Vicon stride timing was high and error was fairly small. Variability in Kinect! measurements was smallest at the slowest velocity. The Kinect! has basic motion capture capabilities and with some minor adjustments will be an acceptable tool to measure stride timing, but sophisticated advances in software and hardware are necessary to improve Kinect! sensitivity before it can be implemented for clinical use.
Journal of physical therapy science, 2016
In this study, a program was developed for leg-strengthening exercises and balance assessment using Microsoft Kinect. [Subjects and Methods] The program consists of three leg-strengthening exercises (knee flexion, hip flexion, and hip extension) and the one-leg standing test (OLST). The program recognizes the correct exercise posture by comparison with the range of motion of the hip and knee joints and provides a number of correct action examples to improve training. The program measures the duration of the OLST and presents this as the balance-age. The accuracy of the program was analyzed using the data of five male adults. [Results] In terms of the motion recognition accuracy, the sensitivity and specificity were 95.3% and 100%, respectively. For the balance assessment, the time measured using the existing method with a stopwatch had an absolute error of 0.37 sec. [Conclusion] The developed program can be used to enable users to conduct leg-strengthening exercises and balance assessments at home.
BioMed research international, 2018
The rehabilitation process is a fundamental stage for recovery of people's capabilities. However, the evaluation of the process is performed by physiatrists and medical doctors, mostly based on their observations, that is, a subjective appreciation of the patient's evolution. This paper proposes a tracking platform of the movement made by an individual's upper limb using Kinect sensor(s) to be applied for the patient during the rehabilitation process. The main contribution is the development of quantifying software and the statistical validation of its performance, repeatability, and clinical use in the rehabilitation process. The software determines joint angles and upper limb trajectories for the construction of a specific rehabilitation protocol and quantifies the treatment evolution. In turn, the information is presented via a graphical interface that allows the recording, storage, and report of the patient's data. For clinical purposes, the software information ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)
The analysis of human motion as a clinical tool can bring many benefits such as the early detection of disease and the monitoring of recovery, so in turn helping people to lead independent lives. However, it is currently under used. Developments in depth cameras, such as Kinect, have opened up the use of motion analysis in settings such as GP surgeries, care homes and private homes. To provide an insight into the use of Kinect in the healthcare domain, we present a review of the current state of the art. We then propose a method that can represent human motions from time-series data of arbitrary length, as a single vector. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of this method by extracting a set of clinically significant features and using them to detect the age related changes in the motions of a set of 54 individuals, with a high degree of certainty (F1score between 0.9-1.0). Indicating its potential application in the detection of a range of age-related motion impairments.
— In this paper, the accuracy evaluation of the Kinect v2 sensor is investigated in a rehabilitation scenario. The accuracy analysis is provided in terms of joint positions and angles during dynamic postures used in low-back pain rehabilitation. Although other studies have focused on the validation of the accuracy in terms of joint angles and positions, they present results only considering static postures whereas the rehabilitation exercise monitoring involves to consider dynamic movements with a wide range of motion and issues related to the joints tracking. In this work, joint positions and angles represent clinical features, chosen by medical staff, used to evaluate the subject's movements. The spatial and temporal accuracy is investigated with respect to the gold standard, represented by a stereophotogrammetric system, characterized by 6 infrared cameras. The results provide salient information for evaluating the reliability of Kinect v2 sensor for dynamic postures.
2012 Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, 2012
New and powerful hardware like Kinect introduces the possibility of changing biomechanics paradigm, usually based on expensive and complex equipment. Kinect is a markerless and cheap technology recently introduced from videogame industry. In this work we conduct a comparison study of the precision in the computation of joint angles between Kinect and an optical motion capture professional system. We obtain a range of disparity that guaranties enough precision for most of the clinical rehabilitation treatments prescribed nowadays for patients. This way, an easy and cheap validation of these treatments can be obtained automatically, ensuring a better quality control process for the patient's rehabilitation.
European review of aging and physical activity : official journal of the European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity, 2017
Rapid compensatory stepping plays an important role in preventing falls when balance is lost; however, these responses cannot be accurately quantified in the clinic. The Microsoft Kinect™ system provides real-time anatomical landmark position data in three dimensions (3D), which may bridge this gap. Compensatory stepping reactions were evoked in 8 young adults by a sudden platform horizontal motion on which the subject stood or walked on a treadmill. The movements were recorded with both a 3D-APAS motion capture and Microsoft Kinect™ systems. The outcome measures consisted of compensatory step times (milliseconds) and length (centimeters). The average values of two standing and walking trials for Microsoft Kinect™ and the 3D-APAS systems were compared using t-test, Pearson's correlation, Altman-bland plots, and the average difference of root mean square error (RMSE) of joint position. The Microsoft Kinect™ had high correlations for the compensatory step times (r = 0.75-0.78, p =...
Medical Engineering & Physics, 2018
Stair negotiation is one of the most challenging, yet frequently encountered, locomotor tasks in daily life. This study is the first attempt to investigate the capacity of the Kinect TM sensor to assess stair negotiation spatiotemporal and sagittal plane kinematic variables. The goal of this study was to examine the validity of the Kinect TM v2 sensor in assessing lower extremity kinematics and spatiotemporal parameters in healthy young individuals; and to demonstrate its potential as a low-cost stair gait analysis tool. Twelve healthy participants ascended and descended a 3-step custom-built staircase at their preferred speed, as spatiotemporal parameters and kinematics were extracted simultaneously using the Kinect TM and a threedimensional motion analysis. Spatiotemporal measures included gait speed, swing phase time, and double stance time. Kinematic outcomes included hip, knee, and ankle joint angles in the sagittal plane. Consistency (ICC 2,1) and absolute agreement (ICC 3,1) between the two systems were assessed using separate interclass correlations coefficients. In addition, ensemble curves and associated 90% confidence intervals (CI90) were generated for the hip, knee, and ankle kinematics to enable between system comparisons throughout the gait cycle. Results showed that the Kinect TM has the potential to be an effective clinical assessment device for sagittal plane hip and knee joint kinematics and for some spatiotemporal parameters during the stair gait negotiation.
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018
Kinect-based physical rehabilitation grows significantly as a mechanism for clinical assessment and rehabilitation due to its flexibility, low-cost and markerless system for human action capture. It is also an approach to provide convenience for for patients’ exercises continuation at home. In this paper, we discuss a review of the present Kinect-based physiotherapy and assessment for rehabilitation patients to provide an outline of the state of art, limitation and issues of concern as well as suggestion for future work in this approach. The paper is constructed into three main parts. The introduction was discussed on physiotherapy exercises and the limitation of current Kinect-based applications. Next, we also discuss on Kinect Skeleton Joint and Kinect Depth Map features that being used widely nowadays. A concise summary with significant findings of each paper had been tabulate for each feature; Skeleton Joints and Depth Map. Afterwards, we assemble a quite number of classificati...
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