Racism in Alice Walker’s The Complete Stories

2018, SMART MOVES JOURNAL IJELLH c/o Smart Moves E 5/11, 2nd Floor, Bitten Market Bhopal-462038 India

This present paper explores the plight of African American people in the USA. The racist agenda exploit and subjugate the African American people and takes away their fundamental human rights to exist as human beings. In Alice Waker's short story collection, The Complete Stories, Alice Walker depicts the agonies and harrowing pangs of African American people resulting from racial prejudices and presents the critique of white racist society for imposing slavery and exploiting the labor of the African American people. This paper exposes the racial oppression of the African American people as reflected in the short stories of Alice Walker and focuses on the problems and issues which hinder the growth and development of the dispossessed African American people in general and women in particular. This paper is an attempt to highlight how the racial imperialism of the whites has a dehumanizing and demoralizing impact on the African American people at the racially fraught time in the USA.