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2012, Essachess : Journal for Communication Studies
20 pages
1 file
This paper seeks to define commotional media cases, to describe their structure and to provide a few examples, for the period following the economic and social crisis in Argentina in 2001. Specifically, the article aims to highlight some features of the production of these cases, which facilitate their penetration into social memory. Thus, some routines are used to record news output into memory. Repetition is a mark of the production process of these cases: cases pass from one medium to another and from one day to another, every medium repeats the background in every news story and associates news with other similar cases which generates "waves" with other news of the same type, and appeals to the archive for editing timelines to synchronize with the news. Journalists often use an earlier case as a model for the interpretation of a new case, hence, bringing it back to life. Sometimes these cases disseminate impacting images, which synthesize the content of the crisis they...
Latin American Perspectives, 2016
Television represents Argentina’s recent past through three specific links with social memory: as an “entrepreneur of memory,” shaping public agendas, as a vehicle of intergenerational transmission of past events, and as a creator of meaning through images, sounds, and words, a “stage for memory.” An analysis in terms of the links between television and the memories constructed around the forced disappearance of persons during the 1976–1983 military dictatorship reveals the complex way in which the obstacles when narrating an extreme experience are combined with the attempt to sell a product and entertain the spectator. La televisión representa el pasado reciente de la Argentina a través de vínculos específicos con la memoria social: como un “emprendedor de la memoria” definiendo las agendas públicas, como un vehículo de transmisión intergeneracional sobre el pasado y como un creador de significados por medio de imágenes, sonidos y palabras, esto es, un “escenario para la memoria.” ...
Memory (Hove, England), 2018
Studies on collective memory have recently addressed the distinction between cultural and communicative memory as a way to understand how the source of a memory affects its structure or form. When a groups' memory is mediated by memorials, documentaries or any other cultural artifacts, collective memory is shaped by cultural memory. When it is based mostly in communication with other people, its source is communicative memory. We address this distinction by studying two recent events in Argentinean history: the 2001 economic-political-social crisis (communicative memory) and the 1976 coup (cultural memory). We also examine the political ideology and the type of memory involved in collective memory. The memory of the studied events may occur during the lifetime of the rememberer (Lived Memory) or refer to distant events (Distant Memory). 100 participants responded to a Free Recall task about the events of 2001 in Argentina. Narrative analysis allowed comparing these recalls with ...
Comunicación y Sociedad, 2019
La ejemplificación es clave para la percepción de las personas sobre el mundo y es común en los medios. Los ejemplos en las noticias, sin embargo, no son necesariamente precisos y podrían confundir a la audiencia. A partir de un análisis de contenido, este trabajo examina la presencia de casos particulares (ejemplos) en una muestra de diarios chilenos de 1991 a 2015. Los resultados muestran que la ejemplificación está extendida en la prensa de Chile, con un continuo aumento a lo largo de los años. / Exemplification is crucial for people’s perception of the world and is common in mass media. Exemplars in news stories, however, are not necessarily accurate and could mislead audiences. This study relies on a content analysis to examine the extent of particular case reporting in a Chilean newspaper sample covering 25 years (1991-2015). Results show that particular cases (or exemplars) are widespread in the Chilean press, with a steady increase over the years.
Brazilian Journalism Research, 2010
This article explores the hypothesis that the meta-category “conflict” centralizes and structures newscasts based on a bipolar framing. Characters from the political scene are placed successively against each other, interweaving the narrative texture. Conflict is taken as a pre-category preceding that which will become news, from which other subcategories (protagonist, antagonist, enemy) derive. Thus, news coverage not only represents political reality, but delimits and institutes it as well. The empirical analysis presented in the article focuses on the coverage of a recent political scandal by the Jornal Nacional, the main television newscast in Brazil.
Anàlisi, 2021
El presente artículo, que contiene un estudio de prensa mixto y comparativo, tiene como objetivo analizar la cobertura mediática de una noticia eventualmente conocida como «el caso de Julen». El impacto de la historia se ha analizado con un método específico: en primer lugar, se analizaron 72 fuentes de medios nacionales e internacionales utilizando Mynewsonline. A continuación, se compararon con las distintas perspectivas que ofrecen los diarios españoles El País, El Mundo y ABC, con especial atención a la teoría del encuadre (framing). La historia de Julen fue seleccionada como estudio de caso debido a su extraordinario impacto en los medios locales e internacionales. Los resultados confirman que la cobertura analizada en la muestra no solo relató el hecho de manera fáctica. Los medios se centraron en ángulos y criterios sensacionalistas, como los conflictos emocionales relacionados con la pena, el dolor y la fascinación mórbida. Para incrementar sus ingresos, los medios de comuni...
The development of online journalism has facilitated easy access to newspapers' archives by the general public. On occasion this has generated problems for people who have appeared in the news and now have to deal with events from their past life. The management of the right to be forgotten goes beyond the judicial realm, and takes on an ethical component. In this study, we investigate how journalistic institutions act in respect to the right to be forgotten, paying particular attention to those European media which have stated their position regarding the issue. The initiatives are few and the debate appears to have been relegated to an internal problem within each medium. --------------- El desarrollo del periodismo en la Web ha facilitado el acceso a los archivos de los diarios, generando en ocasiones, a los protagonistas de las noticias la dificultad de superar pasajes de su vida que quedaron reflejados en la prensa. La gestión del derecho al olvido excede al ámbito jurídico y adquiere un componente ético. En este trabajo indagamos en las actuaciones que desde esa perspectiva están llevando a cabo las instituciones periodísticas, prestando atención a aquellos medios euro-peos de referencia que han fijado públicamente su postura sobre esta materia. Las iniciativas son muy escasas y el debate incipiente parece haber quedado relegado a un problema interno de cada medio.
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts
At the border between information and entertainment, memes and newsgames aresome of the news formats that, made viral in social networks, complement the informational experience and compete with the traditional news media in constructing alternative readings of the real. If in the light of Bakhtine (apud Ponte, 2004) journalism can be understood as a secondary discursive genre that feeds on primary genres, how to understand the circulation of these discourses produced from journalistic events in social networks? On the other hand, how are these narratives appropriated by the media? What functions do they play in media discourse? In this article we present some examples of products created from events of political impact for than register, by the analysis of a set of news stories, how the digital press, in the Iberian context, make use of them. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the reflection on how the information media relate to these new narratives.
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Brazilian journalism research, 2013
Barcelona Investigación Arte Creación, 2014
Universum, 2021
Communication & Society, 2015
Journalism and Media
Media History, 2020
Comunicación y Sociedad, 2019
Moment Journal, 2014
Comunicación y Sociedad, 2018