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In this paper, we study the problem of joint tracking and classification of several targets at the same time. Targets are considered to be known and sufficiently separated so that they cannot be confused. Our goal is to propose a full methodology that is robust to missing information. The classical probabilistic approach with Bayesian tools is improved with belief functions. A simulation concerning the identification of go fast boats in a piracy problem shows that our approach improves previous results.
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 90, 2017
This article proposes a method to track and classify multiple target based on kinematics data. On one hand, tracking is performed using a Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) filter avoiding the association stage, necessary for many tracking algorithms. On the other hand, Belief Functions and imprecise probabilities are used for the classification task, reducing errors from standard Bayesian classifiers when data are ambiguous. The proposed method is evaluated on several scenarios of multiple aircraft tracking. It is shown in particular that when the number of targets is varying, the proposed approach leads to a reduced number of false created target and improves the classification task over a standard Bayesian classifier where both belief function based classifier and imprecise probabilities classifier give the same result.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2012
When associating data in the context of multiple target tracking, one is faced with the problem of handling the target emergence and disappearance. In this paper we show that we are able to handle this issue using belief theory based data association method without the introduction of an additional hypothesis to the frame of discernment. Using a specific modelling of belief functions, this is done by detecting and managing a portion of a conflict, which originates from the non-exhaustivity of the frame of discernment. The proposed method is associative and does not rely on the order under which the beliefs are combined. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with experiments on simulated data. Additionally, we compare it with the extended world based data association method where a virtual hypothesis is added to the frame of discernment.
Proceedings. IEEE Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2005., 2005
When associating data in the context of multiple target tracking, one is faced with the problem of handling the target emergence and disappearance. In this paper we show that we are able to handle this issue using belief theory based data association method without the introduction of an additional hypothesis to the frame of discernment. Using a specific modelling of belief functions, this is done by detecting and managing a portion of a conflict, which originates from the non-exhaustivity of the frame of discernment. The proposed method is associative and does not rely on the order under which the beliefs are combined. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method with experiments on simulated data. Additionally, we compare it with the extended world based data association method where a virtual hypothesis is added to the frame of discernment.
Information Fusion, 2014
This article proposes a method to classify multiple maneuvering targets at the same time. This task is a much harder problem than classifying a single target, as sensors do not know how to assign captured observations to known targets. This article extends previous results scattered in the literature and unifies them in a single global framework with belief functions. Through two examples, it is shown that the full algorithm using belief functions improves results obtained with standard Bayesian classifiers and that it can be applied to a large variety of applications.
Journal of Technology Management in China, 2011
In multi-target tracking (MTT), we are often interested not only in finding the position of the multiple objects, but also allowing individual objects to be uniquely identified with the passage of time, by placing a label on each track. While there are many MTT algorithms that produce uniquely identified tracks as output, most of them make use of certain heuristics and/or unrealistic assumptions that makes the global result suboptimal of Bayesian sense.
Proceedings of The IEEE, 2004
Tracking of highly maneuvering targets with unknown behavior is a difficult problem in sequential state estimation. The performance of predictive-model-based Bayesian state estimators deteriorates quickly when their models are no longer accurate or their process noise is large. A data-driven approach to tracking, the segmenting track identifier (STI), is presented as an algorithm that operates well in environments where the measurement system is well understood but target motion is either or both highly unpredictable or poorly characterized. The STI achieves improved state estimates by the least-squares fitting of a motion model to a segment of data that has been partitioned from the total track such that it represents a single maneuver. Real-world STI tracking performance is demonstrated using sonar data collected from free-swimming fish, where the STI is shown to be effective at tracking highly maneuvering targets while relatively insensitive to its tuning parameters. Additionally, an extension of the STI to allow its use in the most common multiple target and cluttered environment data association frameworks is presented, and an STI-based joint probabilistic data association filter (STIJPDAF) is derived as a specific example. The STIJPDAF is shown by simulation to be effective at tracking a single fish in clutter and through empirical results from video data to be effective at simultaneously tracking multiple free-swimming fish.
In this paper we analyze the performances of a new probabilistic belief transformation, denoted DSmP, for the sequential estimation of target ID from classifier outputs in the Target Type Tracking problem (TTT).
—Most tracking algorithms in the literature assume that the targets always generate measurements independently of each other, i.e. the sensor is assumed to have infinite resolution. Such algorithms have been dominant because addressing the presence of merged measurements increases the computational complexity of the tracking problem, and limitations on computing resources often make this infeasible. When merging occurs, these algorithms suffer degraded performance, often due to tracks being terminated too early. In this paper, we use the theory of random finite sets (RFS) to develop a principled Bayesian solution to tracking an unknown and variable number of targets in the presence of merged measurements. We propose two tractable implementations of the resulting filter, with differing computational requirements. The performance of these algorithms is demonstrated by Monte Carlo simulations of a multi-target bearings-only scenario, where measurements become merged due to the effect of finite sensor resolution.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2001
Existing detection systems generally are operated using a fixed threshold and optimized to the Neyman-Pearson criterion. An alternative is Bayes detection, in which the threshold varies according to the ratio of prior probabilities. In a recursive target tracker such as the probabilistic data association filter (PDAF), such priors are available in the form of a predicted location and associated covariance; however, the information is not at present made available to the detector. Put another way, in a standard detection/tracking implementation, information flows only one way: from detector to tracker. Here, we explore the idea of two-way information flow, in which the tracker instructs the detector where to look for a target, and the detector returns what it has found. More specifically, we show that the Bayesian detection threshold is lowered in the vicinity of the predicted measurement, and we explain the appropriate modification to the PDAF. The implementation is simple, and the performance is remarkably good.
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2000
Iee Proceedings-radar Sonar and Navigation, 2002
The paper describes an algorithm to jointly form a track and assign an identity flag to a target on the basis of measurements provided by a suite of sensors: surveillance radar, high resolution radar and electronic support measures. The algorithm is built around Bayes' inference and Kalinan filters with the interacting multiple model. The improved performance in the track formation and identity estimation, which accrues by the joint tracking and identification algorithm, is evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation and compared to the performance of filters that process the data provided by each single sensor. The joint tracking and identification algorithm plays an important role in modem surveillance systems with non-cooperative target recognition capabilities.
2005 7th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2005
In this paper we propose a method for solving the data association problem within the framework of multi-target tracking, given a set of environmental measurements obtained by complementary and redundant sensors. The proposed method exploits belief theory, which is a powerful tool for handling imperfect data. We applied the method to situations where colored moving targets emit an audio signal. The basic belief assignment is computed using a confidence measure between targets and incoming measurements based on multi-modal attributes. This allows the ambiguity in association between measurements and targets to be reduced especially for targets that come closely spaced. The proposed method has been tested using different sets of simulated data. The results obtained are very satisfactory and show that the method provides a useful mechanism for data association.
2016 19th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 2016
We propose a multisensor method for tracking an unknown number of targets. Low computational complexity and very good scalability in the number of targets, number of sensors, and number of measurements per sensor are achieved by running a belief propagation (BP) message passing scheme on a suitably devised factor graph. Using a redundant formulation of data association uncertainty and “augmented target states” including target indicators allows the proposed BP method to leverage statistical independencies for a drastic reduction of complexity. The proposed method is shown to outperform previously proposed multisensor methods for multitarget tracking, including methods with a less favorable scaling behavior.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004
This paper describes a real-time system for multi-target tracking and classification in image sequences from a single stationary camera. Several targets can be tracked simultaneously in spite of splits and merges amongst the foreground objects and presence of clutter in the segmentation results. In results we show tracking of upto 17 targets simultaneously. The algorithm combines Kalman filter-based motion and shape tracking with an efficient pattern matching algorithm. The latter facilitates the use of a dynamic programming strategy to efficiently solve the data association problem in presence of multiple splits and merges. The system is fully automatic and requires no manual input of any kind for initialization of tracking. The initialization for tracking is done using attributed graphs. The algorithm gives stable and noise free track initialization. The image based tracking results are used as inputs to a Bayesian network based classifier to classify the targets into different categories. After classification a simple 3D model for each class is used along with camera calibration to obtain 3D tracking results for the targets. We present results on a large number of real world image sequences, and accurate 3D tracking results compared with the readings from the speedometer of the vehicle. The complete tracking system including segmentation of moving targets works at about 25Hz for 352×288 resolution color images on a 2.8 GHz pentium-4 desktop.
In this paper we present our findings of investigating non-linear multi-target tracking techniques when jointly used with object classification. The Transferable Belief Model (TBM) is utilised in the multitarget evaluation, data association and target classification stages. A particle filter is used to track each of the targets and uses a motion model that is relevant to the classification given to that target. The targets are classified based upon their motion throughout the scene and their land based position. We show how this system can deal with prior knowledge and lack of knowledge. Situations, with data of this type, regularly occur in real world scenarios and we think it is very important that any system must be able to cope well to such situations. Bayesian and regular DST methods have shortcomings when dealing with such scenarios. We show that the TBM approach can be generally more computational tractable and more robust.
Robotic technology is advancing out of the laboratory and into the everyday world. This world is less ordered than the laboratory and requires an increased ability to identify, target, and track objects of importance. The Bayes filter is the ideal algorithm for tracking a single target and there exists a significant body of work detailing tractable approximations of it with the notable examples of the Kalman and Extended Kalman filter. Multiple target tracking also relies on a similar principle and the Kalman and Extended Kalman filter have multi-target implementations as well. Other method include the PHD filter and Multiple Hypothesis tracker. One issue is that these methods were formulated to only track one classification of target. With the increased need for robust perception, there exists a need to develop a target tracking algorithm that is capable of identifying and tracking targets of multiple classifications. This thesis examines two of these methods: the Probability Hypot...
2013 Workshop on Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF), 2013
Multi-target tracking using multiple sensors is an important research field in application areas of mobile systems and military applications. This paper proposes a decentralized multi-sensor, multi-target tracking and belief (credal) based classification approach, applied to maritime targets. A given number of sensors, considered as unreliable, are designed to locally predict and update targets states using Interacting Multiple Model (IMM) algorithms (one IMM for one target). Targets IMMs are updated by sequentially acquired measurements. The measurements are assigned to the targets by the means of a generalized Global Nearest Neighbor (GNN) algorithm. The generalized GNN algorithm is able to provide information on the newly detected or non-detected targets and these information is used by score functions which manage the targets appearances and disappearances. In addition to the tracking task of multiple targets, each sensor performs a local classification of each one of the targets. The unreliability of the sensors makes the local classifications weak. In this article, a global classification method is shown to improve the sensors classification performances.
In this paper, two novel angle tracking algorithms are proposed for tracking multiple targets using an array of sensors with known locations. First, we present an extended Kalman particle filter (EKPF) which is capable of determining the direction-of-arrival (DOA) angles using a single snapshot of data during the interval between each time step. The proposed EKPF algorithm combines particle filtering with the extended Kalman filter (EKF) in order to prevent sample impoverishment during its resampling process. Next, we present a robust Kalman filter (RKF) tracking algorithm intended to improve tracking success rates of other existing algorithms for the case of multiple snapshots of data within each time increment. In the proposed RKF algorithm, a robust decision mechanism is proposed and incorporated into the Kalman filter (KF), leading to a much better tracking success rate. Because KF (or EKF) is able to offer the predictability of DOA angles, the proposed EKPF and RKF algorithms can avoid the data association problem that usually occurs in multitarget tracking. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated via computer simulations in scenarios involving targets with crossing trajectories.
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 2011
Probabilistic Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (PMHT) is an algorithm for multi-target tracking in clutter with computational requirements, which are linear in the number of targets and the number of measurements. In order to achieve this, the PMHT removes the point target constraint, and uses the expectation maximisation procedure to optimise both data association probabilities and the target trajectory state estimates. However, PMHT is known to have high track-loss percentage in comparison with Probabilistic Data Association, at least in point target tracking. The authors propose a new PMHT-like algorithm to solve some problems of PMHT. In this study they revert the point target constraint. The authors call the new algorithm Point target PMHT. Simulation results show the efficiency of this method.
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