Hume’s Argument Concerning Induction – Skeptical or Explanatory?


Hume’s problem of induction has played a major role in modern epistemology and in the philosophy of science. It has provided an inspiration for various philosophers who intend to refute the allegedly skeptical conclusion included in the Hume’s works. Interestingly, though, in contemporary Hume research the claim that Hume was skeptical about induction is vigorously challenged. It is claimed that he meant his argument to be only an explanation of causes of our inductive reasoning. Hume appears to be, on that reading, a kind of naturalistic epistemologist who inquired into the mechanisms of our inductive reasoning. He assumed that some mechanisms of our mind are producing beliefs about causal links and he posed the question: how do we come to have that kind of beliefs? What is the source of our beliefs about causal links? His research led him to discover that the beliefs about causal links are not determined by any piece of abstract reasoning but by nature, custom and imagination. It ...