The concept of Europe as a cultural identity

2017, Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization

The long discussion on the formulation of “Europe and her identity,” from a political, economic, cultural or religious aspect, has, on one hand, paved the way for the unity of European nations, and created many misconceptions in the mind-set of both the elite and the masses, the developed and undeveloped nations, on the other. The worry about the absorption of core principles of one’s culture within European Community and the superiority of high culture (a subculture presented by the elite in the society within the European Community) towards popular culture or low culture (a subculture presented by the majority of the community within the European Community) have created numerous obstacles for the construction of the concept of Europe as a cultural identity, which is the thrust of the study in this paper. Cultural identity is very essential for European Community, as it persuades its people to have a sense of self and how to interact with each other. Also, it contributes to people’...