Rule learning by Habituation can be Simulated in Neural Networks



Contrary to a recent claim that neural network models are unable to account for data on infant habituation to artificial language sentences, the present simulations show successful coverage with cascade-correlation networks using analog encoding. The results demonstrate that a symbolic rule-based account is not required by the infant data. One of the fundamental issues of cognitive science continues to revolve around which type of theoretical model better accounts for human cognition -- a symbolic rulebased account or a sub-symbolic neural network account. A recent study of infant habituation to expressions in an artificial language claims to have struck a damaging blow to the neural network approach (Marcus, Vijayan, Rao, & Vishton, 1999). The results of their study show that 7month-old infants attend longer to sentences with unfamiliar structures than to sentences with familiar structures. Because of certain features of their experimental design and their own unsuccessful neural n...