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An analysis of the use of urban transport systems and mobility in major cities of foreign countries is carried out based on the research for developed plans for sustainable urban mobility in the Republic of Bulgaria. The peculiarities of the conditions in the country, studies in literary sources, policies and good practices are the perspectives for developing sustainable urban mobility in Bulgaria. An integrated mobility model was developed that will be used in an average size town, with different modes of transport and means of active mobility. Results show the prospects for the development of integrated mobility.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
The aim of this publication is to present the relationship between the dominant forms of urban mobility and the environmental pressures of the transport sector as well as the quality of life of the inhabitants of large cities and urban agglomerations. The presentation of trends and scenarios is based, on the one hand, on statistics describing current development trends and, on the other hand, on scenarios, recommendations, and commitments defined in European, national, and local governmental documents programming the socio-economic development of urbanised areas and the directions of climate transformation in their area. The article consists of a brief introduction, background on the latest regulations in the field of sustainable urban mobility, and a comparative analysis of environmental demands, along with actual trends observed in the transport sector in urbanised areas. It closes with conclusions relating to the validity and effectiveness of current transport and environmental p...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
The problems regarding the necessity for improving the quality of urban passenger transport trips have become especially relevant in recent years due to the fact that an increasingly large portion of Europe's population now lives in major cities. They comprise about 85% of the EU's GDP. They are the engine of European economy, attracting investments and providing new jobs. At the same time, their dynamic development has led to multiple negative consequences regarding urban traffic. Despite the progress of automobile technology, the increased number of personal vehicles, the street traffic, the harmful emissions and noise pollution have become one of the biggest challenges for most cities, including Sofia. This has led to negative economic, social and ecological consequences and the destruction of the natural urban environment. Therefore, the European Commission has composed the Green Paper of Transport which outlines the primary guidelines for ensuring stable urban mobility by facilitating traffic in cities, improving the accessibility, security and safety of public transport and reducing the harmful impact of urban traffic on the environment.
This study aims to identify in the scientific literature works related to innovative strategies in the planning of sustainable urban mobility. We sought relevant scientific productions in the Web of ScienceTM and Scopus databases. After the analysis, and based on the literature review hereby developed, there is still no common ground on the concept of sustainable urban mobility, but it is true that if nothing is done in time, the quality of life in urban city spaces will be unsustainable. Challenges to achieving sustainable mobility are complex, as they involve changes in thinking, innovation strategies, using and planning of urban logistics.
This paper concisely discusses urban transport infrastructure characteristics and how they determine sustainable mobility. Sustainable development principles, directing relations between man and his environment, become key start point of space and urban planning process. In modern cities of the third millennium, urban expansion is the inevitable future and effi cient transportation systems are necessary. Infrastructure should be provided for the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and public transport vehicles. Quality, affordable and reliable transportation creates better living environment. Sustainable transport allows the basic access and development needs of individuals, companies and society to be met safely and promotes equity within successive generations. Digital technologies enable automated mobility and smart traffi c management, making transport more effi cient and thus reducing emissions. Intelligent transport systems will play a key role in making mobility more effi cient on our roads. The promotion of walking and cycling is a simple way to reduce emissions and improve the quality of life in urban areas.
- International Journal of Scientific and Management Research, Volume 5, Issue 3 (March) 2022, 2022
The movement of people, goods and information has always been one of the main components of human societies. Modern economic processes are associated with a significant increase in mobility and higher levels of accessibility. Although this trend can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution, it accelerated significantly in the second half of the twentieth century, when trade was liberalized, economic clusters emerged, and the comparative advantages of global labor and resources began to be used more effectively. This article makes a modern analysis of the transport system in Bulgaria, considering the main modes of transport in quantitative and qualitative indicators ant the factors and features that form it.
Vasil Madzhirski – Elena Dimitrova, 2019
The paper addresses the challenges that Bulgarian cities of today face in developing strategic planning instruments for sustainable mobility. Large Bulgarian cities have been developing integrated urban transport projects (IUTP) since the previous programming period (2007-2013); the plans should be upgraded during the current programming period (2014-2020). The sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP), developed as strategic instruments of EU urban policy, have been already acknowledged by many cities in the country as part of the overall strategic development framework. Yet, the efforts of local authorities in taking action for mobility improvement have in some cases faced lack of awareness on urgent local imperatives and contradictory views among different stakeholders on the way to overcome difficulties. The analysis undertaken by the authors aims to outline: (a) the effectiveness of the policy measures already introduced in the country; (b) the opportunities for a more effective implementation of EU urban policy instruments; and (c) the degree to which local public authorities appreciate citizens' involvement in the process as an important success factor. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of lessons learned on both sides-by Bulgarian urban authorities and experts, in developing current mobility development framework; and by EU policies in supportively addressing the spatial, economic and socio-cultural context of urban mobility policy implementation in Bulgaria.
The European Union is trying to strengthen economic, social, and territorial cohesion of certain regions in order to improve the quality of life for its residents. The key part of that process is improving the urban and regional mobility, which is essential for a modern living standard of the residents in those areas. This paper discusses the attitudes and documents of the EU that encourage sustainable urban and regional mobility through the development and use of public transport networks as a part of the regional, urban and suburban transport in larger cities. Special emphasis is placed on Master plans for transport development in cities, counties and functional regions, which serve as initial and strategic points for launching further transport projects. Co-funding of the design documentation of the Master plans is encouraged, as well as carrying out projects of sustainable urban and regional mobility through EU operational programmes. A case of an integrated passenger transport system and shipping tariff in the City of Zagreb, Zagreb county, and Krapina-Zagorje county was analysed.
International Journal Vallis Aurea, 2015
Consequences of individual transport rapid development are a threat for modern cities and their population. Actually, transport problems in urban areas mostly derive from inadequate solutions of urban mobility by local transport systems. Majority of these problems are caused by extreme density of motor vehicles in urban areas. Increase of motor vehicles is a consequence of income increase and better standard of living. Accordingly, theoretical part of this study will investigate and elaborate on modern problems of urban transport, while the practical part of this work gives an overview of concrete solutions to some of the problems of urban transport on the example of the city of Rijeka in Croatia. Results of research also suggest guidelines for more efficient transport management in cities of similar size.
Third International Conference “Transport for Today’s Society “, 2021
Within this paper we will present general results from the process of validation of local capacities and resources to manage the process, status and existing condition of five local self-governments in terms of the activities taken and the possibilities for sustainable urban mobility planning, and our recommendations as well.
Smart and Sustainable Supply Chain and Logistics – Trends, Challenges, Methods and Best Practices. EcoProduction, 2020
The topic of green mobility is very interesting and indispensable to consider due to European policy and climate changes. Cities are now actively starting to address these issues by implementing a range of different strategies, such as bringing in congestion charges and parking fees to internalise the negative impacts of transport (E. Commission in How can cities address future mobility challenges? 2019), improving and promoting the use of public transport (PT), encouraging nonmotorised transport with dedicated pedestrian-bike paths, and restricting the access of certain vehicles to the city centre. The main objective of hereby chapter is to evaluate actual state in terms of green mobility in selected European countries such as Poland, Ukraine, Italy and Norway. Authors endeavor to assess the availability, comfort, technical condition, safety, environmental friendliness, amenities in the cities from the point of view of existing public transport such as trams, buses, urban scooters, city bikes, electric kick scooters, carsharing.
Ekonomia Międzynarodowa
The assumptions and goals of sustainable urban mob ility are defined in global and national documents, for example, the United Nations 2030 Agenda and in the Transport Policy of the State of Poland for 2006–2025. Achieving these goals is a long process. Tools and actions have been identified that play a fundamental role in achieving sustainable mobility, and various methods of measuring the effectiveness of these activities have been presented and compared. The article presents the following research hypotheses: achieving the goals of sustainable mobility through the development of the public transport offer requires the use of modern management methods, it is necessary to identify the main attributes of public transport that determine the use of this type of transport and to finance those elements of the transport offer that correspond to these attributes. The aim of the article is to assess the role of public transport as an element of sustainable mobility and to explain the reaso...
Procedia Economics and Finance, 2015
The working paper aims to analyse the development opportunities in Romania of the sustainable mobility concept and also the process influences on the national economy. Therefore, the paper presents the main characteristics of the sustainable mobility system and development conditions in Romania. From this perspective, an important part of the study will analyse the possibilities and requests of the development and modernization of multimodal transportation. Using analytical, comparative and descriptive methods, the working paper investigate the efficiency elements respecting the promotion of multimodal transportation compared to the road, rail or naval. Based on these researches, it is obvious that for supporting the sustainable mobility in Romania it is necessarily to develop the multimodal transportation. In this context, the study also presents the current situation and perspective of multimodal transportation in Romania. As a major conclusion, the Romania's economic policies, aiming to reduce the energetic consumptions, to rise the efficiency of goods and persons transportation within a better quality of transportation offer and to reduce the environmental negative effects due to transportation, will be positively and major influenced by achieving a sustainable mobility system.
E3S web of conferences, 2022
Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUM) is a relatively modern term that started to be used in literature after the beginning of the 21st century and has recently gained significant popularity. In this paper we analyze the main aspects of SUM term, its development, and its main concepts and keywords. We also analyze the main aspects of SUM in Budapest and Vienna and compare them. A bibliometric analysis is achieved on the extracted literature using VOSviewer and Excel software. Analyzing the two case studies is achieved through revising the published plans of SUM in both cities then comparing them. SUM term reached its peak around 2020. The main aspects which accompanied this term are related to sustainable modes, planning, and policies. Budapest and Vienna cities are heading to be more sustainable cities. However, additional steps need to be taken in this regard. Analyzing the situation in the two case studies, depending on the results of the bibliometric analysis and comparing them will help in understanding to which level they represent successful examples of sustainability in Europe. In addition to proposing some useful points to develop the process of producing SUM plans to provide a more balanced and livable urban environment.
European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2018
Urban transport of passengers is considered in Romania a priority of local communities. Thus, this service, together with four other services (water supply and sewerage, public lighting, sanitation and district heating), is subject to a special law, Law 51/2006, also called the Law on Community Utilities. In 2016 the public utility law was republished, amended and completed by Law 225. Why it was necessary to change and complete the law of public utilities and what role the urban public transport service has in the sustainable development of localities, are questions that we are trying to answer through our research. The proliferation of green transport modalities as well as technological progress have forced paradigm shifts in terms of mobility in large urban agglomerations. A comparative analysis of the public transport modalities in the large urban agglomerations comparable to Bucharest could not be made without considering the socioeconomic and environmental factors. Sustainable development of urban transport will help to increase the quality of life for urban residents and regain the well-deserved position of urban transport as a public service of general interest.
Sustainable development is a concept few would disagree with at a general level, but is contested when put into actual practice. How is sustainable urban development discussed, defended and even coopted by actors in urban development? What is the actual urban development compared with the ideal? How useful are models and ideals in environmental policy-making? Urban governance in the Nordic countries has been marked by deregulation, privatisation and market solution. At the same time ecosystem management and the need for cross-sectoral and cross-boundary institutions have been underlined. What are the challenges, constraints and opportunities following from these trends in urban regions? New technology and urbanisation (both in terms of land-use and life-style) represent transport changing drivers with possibly environmentally friendly consequences. A new societal and political preoccupation with climate, energy and health issues might promote a more sustainable mobility pattern. However, the 'sustainable mobility' conceptualisation demands integrative policy measures and analytical planning tools to grasp -and communicate -the relationships and reduce the sustainable mobility complexity -across its causes, changes and consequences. The papers discuss the challenges, constraints and opportunities following from trends in urban regions and various societal (economic, political, social and cultural) drivers as important "policy and planning" challenges for a more sustainable mobility.
Speeding up the transition to clean, sustainable and smart mobility is key to improving the citizen's life quality and contributes to the EU climate goals set by European Green Deal, which represents EU strategy for achieving the climate goal for 2050, actually the reduction of emissions associated with transport for 90%. The fact that the countries of the Western Balkans are one of the most affected by climate changes in Europe, mostly due to transport sector influence, is the basis of the sustainable and smart mobility Strategy of the Western Balkans adopted in 2021 within the Transport Community Secretariat. This Strategy sets goals and a coordinated approach to create sustainable and smart urban mobility of the Western Balkans on the model of the EU sustainable and smart mobility Strategy, adapting the EU goals and actions to the actual situation and the possibilities of transport sector decarbonization and digitization in these countries. This Strategy defines leading steps to make transport in the Western Balkans cleaner, safer, smarter, greener, more resilient, more competitive and sustainable. The paper will review the activities of Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of achieving the goals set by the EU and the Western Balkans sustainable and smart mobility Strategy.
A complex and strategic approach to issues regarding urban transportation and mobility is expressed in its planning which takes into consideration various elements constituting the high quality of life of residents. The tool which enables fulfilment of such a difficult demand may be seen in a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP), drafting and implementation of which is encouraged by the European Commission. One of the most important features of such a plan is its complexity which is expressed by, among others, inclusion of all forms of urban mobility, also the widely understood individual transportation, as well as by strong connection between the transportation issues and spatial planning
The main goal of this paper is to present and analyze approaches for sustainable urban mobility in Poznan and Oslo. The topic of sustainable urban transport as well as green mobility is currently important from formal perspectives, due to European regulations, and because of ecological conditions and resulting climate changes. The research methodology implemented includes analysis of the literature on the research subject; analysis of EU documents and national policies with respect to financing and development of sustainable urban transport (SUT); development of a questionnaire on SUT in Oslo and Poznan, using the questionnaire to collect opinions on SUTs in Oslo and Poznan, and analyzing respondents’ answers, defining recommendations concerning future activities for urban sustainability in the surveyed cities. The authors provide a review of the actual sustainable urban mobility situations in Oslo and Poznan, compare government support and sources of funding, identify gaps in terms...
The global urbanisation trend and the increase in the motorisation rate has resulted in considering sustainable urban mobility, which determines rationality in terms of space, energy, economy and environment. Therefore, the European Union in its transport strategy focuses on transport problems in the urban environment, which can be seen in the following documents: Green Paper “Towards a New Culture for Urban Mobility” (2007.), The Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2009), Action Plan on Urban Mobility – State of Play (2012.), Guidelines for ITS deployment in Urban Areas - Traffic Management (2013.), and Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (2013.). A sustainable urban mobility plan consists of a strategy plan which supplements the existing planning practice and considers the principles of integration, participation and evaluation in order to comply with the needs of urban residents for mobility today and in the future, and to provide better quality of life in cities and their environment. T...
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