Magic Cities, Future Dreams — Urban Contradictions

2018, China Story Yearbook 2017: Prosperity


The term New Area is also China's development-planning language for a higher standard of 'special zone' 特区, one whose conditions will surpass those of the historic special economic zones led by Shenzhen in the 1980s. China's leadership chose the term 'New Area' to distinguish Pudong from the early manufacturing zones like Shenzhen. 1 A New Area has high-technology industry, a green urban environment, and a spectrum of leisure and consumer opportunities. It is a 'creative city' with good schools, well served by public transportation and connected to regional inter-urban rail lines as well as the latest style and standard in high-rise housing, offering investors the possibility of making a fortune in real estate. Xiongan is the nineteenth state-level New Area but it is also the most important New Area since Pudong. 'No one had ever heard of Xiongan,' The Economist observed, yet now 'it's the most talked-about place in China.' 2 A Google search cannot retrieve it on the map of Hebei province-because it does not yet exist on the map. Xiongan is a new name for a new administrative division. It merges three historic counties-Anxin 安新, Rongcheng 荣成, and Xiongxian 雄县-by abolishing their governments and combining them to establish a new territory that will be jointly governed by the Hebei Province Party Committee in Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital, the Jing-Jin-Ji Cooperative Develop-Location of the Xiongan New Area in Hebei province Image: Wikipedia