Russell on names and communication




This paper explores Russell's theory of names and its implications for communication, contrasting it with Kripke's description theories. It delineates the structural variations in describing the relation between names and descriptions and highlights the role of the speaker's thought in Russell's conceptualization, advocating for a unique perspective that recognizes the variability in descriptions without viewing it as problematic. The discussion underscores the significance of structure and meaning in understanding how names function within language.

Key takeaways

  • Kripke on more than one occasion attributes "the" description theory of names to Russell.
  • Russell on names and communication 6 See, for example: "When one person uses a word, he does not mean by it the same thing as another means by it.
  • Some might challenge my attribution to Russell of a description theory of names as weak as DTN9 on the grounds that this theory will not seriously engage with, let alone "solve", these problems.
  • It is interesting that Russell, so far as I know, always applies his description 96 Russell on names and communication 12 "If you give up the idea that [the theory] is a theory of meaning and make it into a theory of reference .
  • But I will also consider whether they touch any of the theories of communication, reference, or truth conditions which I have attributed to Russell.