On One Linear Equation in One Quaternionic Unknown


We study quaternionic linear equations of type λm(x) := m j=1 b j xc j = e with quaternionic constants b j , c j , e and arbitrary positive integer m. For m = 2 the resulting equation is called Sylvester's equation. For this case a complete solution (solution formula, determination of null space) will be given. For the general case we show that the solution can be found by a corresponding matrix equation of a particular simple form. This matrix form is connected with the centralizers of a quaternion and of its isomorphic image in R 4×4. We present a complete determination of these centralizers. However, the mentioned matrix form does not inlude a detection of the singular cases. The determination of singular cases is to some extent possible by applying Banach's fixed point theorem from which we are able to deduce several sufficient conditions for non singular cases. We end the paper with a conjecture on the form of the inverse of a linear mapping and show that interpolation ...