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مستخلص البحث: الغرض من هذا البحث لوصفية عن مادة تعليم، وطريقة تعليم، ووسيلة تعليم، وتقويم تعليم، ومشكلة تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة العالية الإسلامية الأهليّة بادنج غنتينج. هذا البحث يستعمل المدخل الكيفي بمنهج دراسة حالة. وأما طريقة جمع البيانات هي الملاحظة والمقابلة والوثائق. و أما تصحيح البيانات بتثليث طريقة. نتائج هذا البحث فيما يأتي: مادة تعليم اللغة العربية مأخوذة من كتاب اللغة العربية على قرار وزارة الشؤون الدينية رقم 183 لعام 2019 والتي تتكون من مهارة الاستماع، والكلام، والقراءة، والكتابة وقواعد. طريقة تعليم هي طريقة القواعد والترجمة، وطريقة القراءة، وطريقة المباشرة، وطريقة الإملاء. وأما وسيلة تعليم سبورات، وأقلام الحبر، وكتب اللغة العربية، وممسحة، وصورات، والأشياء المحيط. تقويم تعليم اختبار الإملاء، واختبار قراءة النص وترجمته، والحوار أو التحدث مباشرة إلى المدرس باللغة العربية، واختبار القواعد هو تحديد موضع كلمة من الجملة أو إعطاء حركات في الجملة. مشكلات تعليم اللغة العربية يعني بعضهم عدم إتقان المفردات للطلاب، بعضهم لا يقرأ الطلاب النص العربي بشكل صحيح لأنهم لا يجيدون قر...
This study aims at 1) to reveal the planning, implementation, and supervision of student management in the Arabic language learning program at Salafiyyah Bangil, 2) to express the planning, implementation, and supervision of student management in the Arabic learning program at Ma'had Babul Khoirot Mace. This study used a qualitative approach with a multisite case study type. This research was carried out in the days of the mass salafiyyah and ma'had Babul Khoirot Lawang. The research was conducted in September-October 2018. Research Results Show that 1) management of students in the mass salafiyah community namely a) Management planning in the real salafiyyah era is carried out directly based on the decisions of the kiyai. Learning management planning of students in the real world of salafiyyah is not much changed than before, especially relating to learning Arabic as a science tool to help students understand science from the original source. This is because mahad salafiyyah has good management of students in Arabic learning that has been arranged well from generation to genes, b) Implementation of student management in learning Arabic in the real world salafiyyah has a well-structured system. This is indicated by the system of implementing good learning activities by the great salafiyyah both in the student admission system, class distribution, learning material, and in the effective learning process with good environmental support. The good management of students carried out by the great salafiyyah can be shown by output or alumni who have good Arabic skills, c) Management supervision of students Mahad Salafiyyah really does not have strict supervision. This is indicated by Supervision of student learning which is only done by using attendance book. One of the reasons for the ease of supervision of students in the learning process is that every student who learns in a very salafiyyah has the principle to follow the rules in his learning system with the belief of getting blessings in his life. 2) management of students in the ma'had Babul Khoirot Lawang is a) Management planning of students in mahad babul khoirot generally follows the school rules in general. In planning students, the principal will conduct deliberations with the ustadzah who will then be decided through the kiyai or caregivers. In general, student management planning carried out by babul khoirot runs quite well, b) Implementation of student management in learning Arabic in mahad babul khoirot has a well-organized system. This is indicated by the system of implementing Arabic language learning activities carried out by compiling learning materials that are strengthened in the science of tools such as nahwu, sorof, i'lal, balaghah and so on. The good management of students carried out by the great salafiyyah can be shown by output or alumni who have good Arabic language skills when continuing on to the next level 3) Management supervision of students Mahad Babul Khoirot does not have strict supervision. This is indicated by Supervision of student learning which is only done by using an absent book. Supervision of Arabic language learning in mahad babul khoirot is done naturally there are no specific rules in supervising students in mahad.. This is proof that student management in Arabic learning in the Babul Khoirot era succeeded in improving students' Arabic language skills.
Management is an activity that was built by a person or group of people to achieve the goals of an organization well. Then the management also is a special skill and ability to perform activities either individually or jointly with others. State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang have an organization that is unbelievably particular concentration on improving the language is in the field of speaking skills. The community is Al Kindy that have some weekly program of activities that are within the university. and activities outside the university one of which is the activity of competitions and national conferences or campsite Arabic. As this discussion there are four issues: (1) How to program planning improvements speaking Arabic at Al Kindy community? (2) How does the organization improvement program speaks Arabic at Al Kindy community? (3) How is the implementation of improvement programs speak Arabic at Al Kindy community? (4) How would you evaluate improvement program speaks Arabic at Al Kindy community? This research uses descriptive method with qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the instruments which are used in collecting data are interviewing, observation, and documentation. While the results of research in program planning is to show that this Arabic language improvement based on the experience of the activities of the previous year. (1) Later in the program planning improvements speaking Arabic has several programs such as the Scientific Debate, Speech, Host, Singing, Reading Book Turath, Reading Poetry / Rhymes. Then (2) The organization is overseen by the board, as for learning by mushrifs / ah in each program. As for his time every Saturday, at the back of Micro Teaching at 7:00 to 10:00 pm. (3) Then the delivery of almost every activity in accordance with the program and organizing. But a very fundamental thing that is problematic relation to time is often too late so very little time left. between members and officials because they are always late. Then to (4) the evaluation of all the programs are held in the community of Al Kindy aims to repair speak Arabic that the program Scientific debates or speeches. Because of the many programs geared to talk without seeing the text especially scientific debate. While other programs that they felt a little slow because a lot of time developing exercises look to the text.
مستخلص البحث هناك الأسس لتعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها، من إحدى أسس لتعليم اللغة الثانية هي الأسس الثقافية التي لها أهمية كبيرة لتقليل المشكلة تعليم اللغة الثانية وتساعد تلاميذ ليفهم درس اللغة العربية بسهولة والسرعة. وحاول مدرسة إسماريا القرآنية المتوسطة الإسلامية بندار لامبونج تطبيق تلك الأسس التي يقال بالأسس الثقافية في تعليم اللغة العربية لترقية الكفاءة والدوافع التلاميذ. أما الأهداف لهذا البحث منها: 1- الوصف تطبيق الأسس الثقافية في تعليم اللغة العربية 2- الكشف عن المزايا الأسس الثقافية في تعليم اللغة العربية 3- الوصف عن العناصر الثقافة العربية المستخدمة في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية في المدرسة إسماريا القرآنية المتوسطة الإسلامية بندار لامبونج. استخدم هذا البحث المدخل النوعي لجمع المعلومات عن كيفية تنفيذ الأسس الثقافية في تعليم اللغة العربية بمدرسة إسماريا القرآنية المتوسطة الإسلامية بندار لامبونج وتحليلها. وفي هذا البحث، استخدمت الباحثة من أدوات جمع البيانات المقابلة مع رئيس المدرسة والمدرسة اللغة العربية، ثم الملاحظة تنفيذ عملية التعليم في الفصل، كذلك الوثائقية. أما نتائ...
alfazuna: Jurnal Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 2017
The institute for Foreign Language Development (LPBA) is a program centered on foreign language learning activities for students of the Sunan Drajat Paciran Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan. The purpose of this institution is to master foreign language, especially Arabic and English. Therefore, researchers want to know about how to apply additional lessons in the Foreign Language Development Institute (LPBA). This research was conducted at the Sunan Drajat Paciran Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan, with class XI as the sample. This study uses descriptive quantitative method to determine the efficiency of speaking skills using the test formula “t”. The results of this study indicate an increase in santri’s speaking skills after the implementation of additional learning at the Institute for Foreign Language Development (LPBA) at the Sunan Drajat Paciran Islamic Boarding School in Lamongan with the value of t count 9.823 greater that t table 2.026 and this indicates Ho is rejecte...
تناول هذا البحث موضوعا مهما من المواضيع التي تشغل الأسرة التربوية في الجزائر، ألا وهو موضوع تعلم اللغة العربية، وكان تركيز هذا البحث على تعليم اللغة العربية من خلال النصوص الأدبية وفق المقاربة النصية والمقاربة بالكفاءات المطبقتين في المدرسة الجزائرية، واستعرضنا ذلك في دراسة ميدانية لتحليل واقع تعليمية اللغة العربية في المرحلة الثانية من التعليم الثانوي، وخلصنا إلى نتيجة مفادها أن التجربة الجديدة في تناول النص الأدبــي تحمل بين طياتها الكثير من السلبيات والايجابيات والتطلعات، ولذا يجب أخذها بعين الاعتبار من أجل عملية تعليمية ناجحة تخرج بالمتعلم متقنا للغة العربية في الجانبين الكتابي والشفوي
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