The morphology of selected Cebuano verbs: A case analysis



This study accepts the assumption that the verb is central to the syntax and semantics of the Cebuano l predicational sentence. It aims to investigate exhaustively the morphology of Cebuano verbs using Case Grammar as the mode l of analysis. Although Case Grammar has attempted to handle equat ional sentences by posit ing the Essive case , these sentences are excluded in this analysis since their V nodes are lex ically empty and therefore do not exhibit structure s that are morpho logically interesting. Two types of verbal affixes are ident ified in this study : the case re lated affixes and the extra-case affixes. Case-related affixes mark the verb for the particular actant that the speaker wishes to topic alise. 2 (Actant s refer to nouns , noun phrases , sentences , preposit ional phrases and adverbials that can enter into a case relationship with the verb .) Extra-case affixes include the aspectual affixes and the affixes that allow the verb to restrict or specialise it s semantic range. These latter affixes are called specialisation affixes 3 in this study. The following are the six specific tasks wh ich this study has chosen to tackle. 1) To determine the allowab le cases that occur with each verb. Each verb is provided with a case frame , wh ich is a formalised device to show how the actant s that the grammar allows to occur with the verb may be related to it. The case frame specifies the kinds of cases , both the optional and the obligatory , that a verb may take. It does not , however, specify the maximum numb er of cases that can occur with a particular verb in any part icular simp lex. This is specified by the grammar. For example, in Cebuano , disregarding the Time , the Cause and the Locative , which generally ha v e no co-occurrence restric tions with other cases when they are not chosen Topic , only four other cases at the mo st may be allowed in the same sentence at any time. l Cebuano is one of the major Philippine languages. It had, in 1969 , as recorded in the 1969 census , 6,529 ,882 speakers , the biggest number recorded for any of the major languages. It is the language of the provinces of Cebu , Bohol , Negros Oriental , the western portions of the Leyte provinces , and of many provinces in the island of Mindanao. 2 An ac tant that is topicalised is marked by ang/s i in surface structure. This phenomenon is also reflected in the affixation of the verb. For example , if the actant fulfilling the role of Agent is topicalised, t h e verb will be affixed by mag muor maN-. 3 These affixes are explained in detail in 3.11. and 3.12. 4 This restriction is probably dictated by the limitations on memory ; i.e. the speaker and the list ener cannot cope with remembering more than a few cases at any one time in an ut terance. 2) To categori se verbs according to the nature of their case environ ments. Verbs with the same case frame allow the same kind of cases to co occur with them. This typology is done to find out how and in what ways verbs may be similar or different. 3) To determine the extra-case non-aspectual affixes that are allowed for each verb. 'lawyer ' 'back pack ' 'child' 'meat ' 'yeast plant ' 'mushro om ' 'dampness ' 'tame anima l ' 'diffe rent ' 'scorched ' 'common co ld ' 'hunger ' 'numbness ' 'water in which ri ce 'stirring spoon ' 'plough ' 'temporary fence ' 'leve l trai l ' 26 Benefactive (B) , "the case of the animate being for whose bene fit the action ident ified by the verb is carried out " (Diller 1971:17 9). pa litan ku SIY A ug muny ika sa iyang ad law 'I wi n buy her a do n on her birthday. ' mag lutuq aku ug biku para NIMU ugmaq , I wi l l cook biku for you tomorrow. ' salinan ku SIY A ug pagkaqun 'I wi ll leave him some food. ' Cause (C) , which "provide s the reason why the action or state ident ified by the verb has , is, or will occur" (Diller 1971:187). mi tambuk siva sa BITAM INA 'He became stout because of the vitamins. ' nahubug aku sa TUBAQ , I go t drunk because of the tubaq. ' Experiential (E) , the case of the animate noun that is affected by the psychological state or condition expressed by the verb. nasukuq SIYA na kuq 'She is/wa s angry wi th me. ' gimi ngaw SIYA sa iyang manga anak 'She misses/mi ssed her children. ' Goal (G) , the case of the ac tant "which indic ates either (a) the obj ect , being , or place toward whi ch the ac tion or state is directed , or (b) the ac tual recipient of the action indicated by the verb" (Diller 1971 : 244). gihatag nila sa IRUQ ang pa nqus nga pagkaqun , They gave the spoi led food to the do g. ' nidagan ang bataq ngadtu sa iyang NANAY 'The chi Zd ran to his mo ther. ' gisulatan niya ang iyang TRATU , He wro te to his girlfriend. ' Instrumental (I) "which marks the actant wh ich expresses the object or being which is us ed as an instrument in carrying out the ac t ion or state ident ified by the verb " (Diller 1971 :250). gibunalan niya sa llPAK ang bataq 'He beat the chiZd with the stick. '