Transdisciplinary Views on Boundaries



3.4. The unintentional (geo)politics of airports Conclusions Chapter 4-Design: Questioning Boundaries in a Time of Urgency Micol Rispoli 4.1. Design and Politics 4.2. A new philosophy of space: the disappearance of the outside 4.3. Objects, things, assemblages: towards a political ecology 4.4. A call for openness and situatedness 4.5. Questioning boundaries in design practices 4.6. A space for hesitation and alternative livable relationalities Chapter 5-In-between: (Sub)urbanisation from the Outside-in and the Generative Role of Borders Camilla Perrone 5.1. Bringing the border at the centre stage after the explosion of the erstwhile urban/rural and society/nature binarism 5.2. A (Sub)Urban Political Ecology approach to the city-nature reconciliation 5.3. Urbanisation from the outside and the generative role of borders as Inbetween Chapter 6-Infrastructures, Borders, and the Making of the African Territory: The Case of Zambia Giulia Scotto 6.1. Infrastructure 6.2. Infrastructures and borders 6.3. Northern Rhodesia: of railways and borders 6.4. Border genesis and Uti possidetis 6.5. Independent Zambia 6.6. Trans-African nation building 6.7. Coda Chapter 7-Mapping: Questioning Boundaries, Rights and Sustainable Development in the West Nile Region, Uganda Alessandro Frigerio 7.1. The political correlations of mapping 7.2. Maps, self, power 7.3. The African challenge: Mapping from the outside vs mapping from the inside 7.4. Mapping and capacity development: reconciling borders and practices in the West Nile region 7.5. Openings: self-mapping and rights Chapter 8-Practice: Holding Breath When Crossing Boundaries Luca Gaeta 8.1. Three reasons for dealing with practices 8.2. Moving beyond dualisms 8.3. Boundary-producing practices 8.4. Practices on the move Chapter 9-Production: Historicizing Border-Making Laura Di Fiore 9.1. Political borders and territory. A proposal for historical analysis 9.2. State borders as a plural enterprise 9.3. The borderlands' role Conclusions Chapter 10-Publicness: Public and Private Spaces in the Age of Diversity Rossella Ferorelli 10.1. Some attempts to describe and measure publicness (and their limits) 10.2. A geo-cultural perspective: diversity in urban culture 10.3. A historical issue: digitalization of everyday life 10.4. Publicness in the hic et nunc: emerging phenomena Conclusions