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J-KIs: Jurnal Komunikasi Islam
18 pages
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Manusia membutuhkan bimbingan ajaran agama dalam setiap langkahnya agar tidak terpengaruh kepada kemaksiatan. Pemenuhan bimbingan dalam ajaran agama salah satunya dengan mengikuti kajian, majelis taklim maupun mengikuti komunitas yang memiliki visi misi yang sama. Gerakan Pemuda Hijrah, Pemuda Istiqamah, juga dari kalangan artis/public figure membentuk komunitas Musawarah atau juga dikenal dengan The Squad Musawarah. Fenomena public figure yang berhijrah dengan menutupi tubuhnya menggunakan pakaian tertutup dan jilbab menjadi fenomena yang menarik untuk diteliti. Metode peneltianyang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Tujuan penelitian ini melihat kepada pengalaman berhijrah public figure di komunitas Musawarah, motif dan konsep diri serta niat dalam memaknai hijrah. Hasil daripada penelitian ini adalah: 1) pengalaman yang terjadi dalam berhijrah pada public figure termasuk pada hijrah fikriyah yakni hijrah pemikiran dan perilaku untuk meninggalkan kesenanga...
Jurnal Sosiologi Reflektif, 2019
Hijrah means moving toward a new role model in society. The current hijrah is often interpreted as the process of moving from behavior that is not in accordance with the Shari'a to behavior that is in accordance with the Shari'a, which is currently followed mostly popular artists. This study aims to find out whether the hijrah done by artists is fall into a category of commodification of religion and how people interpret this phenomenon. The method used in this study is qualitative by observing how artists perform on various social media after their hijrah. This research uses agent theory structure and agenda setting to determine the effect of these two questions. The results of this study indicate that the hijrah carried out by artists became a new commodification by making religion something to be traded. In addition, the community considers that the hijrah of artists is interpreted as a new developing trend, to do gimmicks in the media, ways to increase popularity and be interpreted as a means of making sensations.
Radar Bogor, 2014
Setelah di Madinah, kehidupan mereka membaik, diliputi ketentraman. Bahkan justru para muhajir dari Makkah yang jauh lebih berhasil, daripada penduduk pribumi yang menjadi penolong atau "Anshar", salah satu di antarnya menjadi kaya raya adalah Abdurrahman bin Auf.
Ath Thariq Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2019
Hijrah is a positive action to change a person's bad behavior to be better, or in Islamic religion means returning to fitraAllah SWTSWT, the current state of the millennial tends to be based on following trends so that the migration is limited to physical packaging or method dress is not essentially practiced properly, this happens because of the social media support factor that forces millennials to follow the trend directed by social media, considering that social media has become a life for millennials, if it does not follow trends on social media then his existence will not occur.
The event of hijrah (migration) has a number of sociological, cultural, even economical reasons as backgrounds. The antipathetic attitude of the polytheists (the Quraish) to Muhammad and his followers is not only because of theological factor but also of the implication of the intended theological dimension to their social, cultural and economic lives. The invitation of Yathrib people to Muhammad and his followers to migrate to Madinah is likewise basically more motivated by socio-cultural and historical elements than normative theological ones. Kata kunci: Hijrah , sosio-kultural historis
Kawistara : Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial dan Humaniora/Kawistara, 2024
Narratives of Muslim experiences have simultaneously influenced the knowledge and meaning on the umrah pilgrimage to become increasingly complex and contextual. The narrative of the experiences of Muslim worship on the umrah pilgrimage has not been given much scientific attention in previous studies. This study focuses on the question "What is the narrative of the experience of Muslim worship on the umrah pilgrimage?" To answer this question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach in exploring the knowledge, meaning, and experiences of Muslim worship on the umrah pilgrimage which is disseminated online news. The process of collecting and reading the news is focused on news headlines that contain stories and events experienced by Muslims while performing the Umrah pilgrimage. Findings in this study show that the narratives of Muslim worship experience when carrying out the umrah pilgrimage are not least influenced by spiritual and cultural values that are evaluative and reflective in nature. Based on these findings it is possible to formulate a concept of Narrative of religion as a novelty in this study. This study also recommends the importance of comparing the experiences of Muslim in carrying out the umrah and Hajj pilgrimages, in order to comprehensive and more empirical understanding.
Al-Din : Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Keagamaan, 2022
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji konvergensi agama pada perilaku individu dan kolektif dengan adanya fenomena hijrah beberapa artis di kajian musyawarah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian adalah kepustakaan. Data-data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan dokumentasi melalui media massa yang revelan dengan penelitian ini. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori konversi agama untuk menganalis perilaku individu dan kolektif pada kajian tersebut. Kedua bentuk perilaku tersebut akan menggambarkan fenomena hijrah beberapa artis pada Kajian Musawarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fenomena hijrah beberapa artis dapat dikategorikan fenomena konversi agama, selain fenomena urban sufisme. Faktorfaktor yang mendorong terjadinya fenomena hijrah beberapa artis pada Kajian Musawarah, antara lain; adanya perasaan hampa, ketakutan pada kematian dan neraka, fenomena kematian yang dialami teman-temannya, dan ingin terlihat baik di mata Allah swt. Pemakaian hijab, berjenggotnya beberapa artis dan keikut sertaan mereka pada kajian-kajian menunjukkan perilaku individu dalam fenomena hijrah yang disebabkan proses konversi agama. Kegiatan dakwah dalam bentuk kegiatan-kegiatan pada Kajian Musawarah dapat dikategorikan juga sebagai perilaku kolektif dari konversi agama. Perilaku ini menjelaskan dua fenomena penting, yaitu ekspresi kolektif yang menjelaskan konversi agama dan upaya mengkonversi agama pada orang lain yang dapat dilihat pada dakwah dengan popularitas sebagai alatnya.
Jurnal Studi Agama dan Masyarakat
Various kinds of religious contents were widely circulated in social media with various kinds of covers to attract users, especially the millennial generation as active users of social media. Especially for non-santri teenagers who had a high curiosity in religious insight. The method used was a qualitative research with descriptive research. Data collection techniques used were non-participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The informants in this study were Muslim teenagers who were still studying. The findings indicated that their favorite social media were Instagram, What’s up, and YouTube. The impact of utilizing social media was to add religious insight to Muslim adolescents who were obtained the materials before and the obstacles faced by adolescents when deciding to ‘hijrah ‘; that was, there were acts of bullying and were considered to only follow trends. The conclusion was the use of social media among non-santri teenagers is one way to answer curiosit...
El-Afkar: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Tafsir Hadis
Al-Qur'an text that 'lives' in society as a phenomenon that is called the Living Qur'an. This paper aims to describe the views and understanding of the Bengkulu Muslim Biker Community on migrating and provide an overview of the practice of migrating in the Muslim Biker Community. This paper is field research that uses the Living Qur'an approach and phenomenology with qualitative descriptive methods. To obtain data, this research was conducted by observation, interview and documentation. The findings in this study are: First, this community was formed as a place to accommodate bikers to become better personal, including reducing the negative image in the community. Then the migration becomes necessary for the intended change. The hijrah understood by this community is change and movement. Namely changes and transfers from actions that are not in accordance with religious teachings to actions that can draw closer to God. Hijrah is also understood as passing away in...
This study aims to describe and analyze the influence of the hijrah of the artist to change themselves followers Instagram @kajianmusawarah. This research uses the Descriptive Qualitative method with data collection techniques through interviews, online questionnaires online, and documentation. Object in this research is followers of Instagram @kajianmusawarah. The results of this study conclude: first, that many of the fans were affected by the emigration of the artist. It is shown from the turn of the artist who becomes a new phenomenon that can encourage someone to emigrate. Second, the Influence of the hijrah of the artist to the fan can be seen from the changes yourself, a fan who tends to the positive direction in the form of self-change. Third, based on the theory of George Herbert Mead claimed that the self develops through two stages, namely a person internalizes the attitude of other people towards him, and internalizes the norms of society. Change fans of the specialized ...
This paper discusses the construction of Islamic Islamic emotions in urban areas as a reflection of the influence of the hijrah movement that is widespread in Indonesia,. The growth of the Muslim middle class and the rapid advancement of information technology in Indonesia has become fertile ground for the increasing migration movement among millennial. The movement of hijrah is an expression of new Islamic emotions that brings together the spirit of religiosity and the lifestyle of the middle class. However, along with the increasing trend of transnational ideologies that lead to fundamentalism and radicalism movements, the migration movement has the potential to support transnational ideological movements targeting young people who are new to Islam. Abstrak. Paper ini membahas tentang konstruksi emosi keislaman muslim perkotaan sebagai refleksi atas pengaruh gerakan hijrah yang berkembang luas di Indonesia, khususnya di kawasan perkotaan. Pertumbuhan kelas menengah muslim dan kema...
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WACANA, Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Komunikasi
RETORIKA: Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, 2015
TA'LIM : Jurnal Studi Pendidikan Islam
Jurnal AL-MIZAB Jurnal Kajian Haji, Umrah dan Keislaman, 2021
Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi