Queer Legal Theory


The article explores the understanding of the notion, concept and method of queer legal theory. In other words, what do we mean by "queer legal theory"? If we are to understand it as a theory and practice of liberal liberation and struggle for the rights of LGBT people, it can be subsumed under the general theory of human rights, prohibition of discrimination, equality, and freedom. We can also understand it through different variations of critical legal studies. Understood in this way, queer legal theory is viewed through the prism of "outsider" jurisprudence and has tremendous critical potential. In this sense, the article aims to explore the methodological perspectives for a legal theory which tries to position law "outside" of the traditional streams of legal positivism. That is, the different levels of content and concepts of "queer" and queer legal theory, its methodology, approach, comprehension, as well as understanding of identity. Finally, the aim is to present one's own reflection on the possible understanding of and interrelationships within the broadly understood field of queer legal theory.