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2021, Muhamad Ali and David Krisna Alka (eds), Karsa untuk Bangsa: 66 Tahun Azyumardi Azra, CBE, Jakarta: Kompas, pp. 11-15
6 pages
1 file
Юртцк гатынын рянэи вя пигментляри. Тябиятдя раст эялян бцтцн рянэ вя чаларлара щяшяратын бядяни вя ганадларынын рянэляриндя раст эялмяк олар. Чох вахт бу рянэлярин мцхтялиф уйьунлуглары мцряккяб нахышлар ямяля эятирир. Бязян бу рянэлярин нисбяти ятраф мцщитин шяраитдян кяскин сурятдя фярглянир вя даща айдын шякилдя бирузя верир (хябярдарлыг, апосематик рянэлянмя), йахуд яксиня, щямин фон дахилиндя итир, щяшяратын бядянинин рянэи йашадыьы мцщитя уйьун олур (горуйуъу, криптик рянэлянмя).
Година време ни дели от деня 18 февруари 2013 г., в който проф. Златозара Гочева ни напусна. Тя премина в отвъдното достойно, в тишина и благочестие, както и живя. Но оказва се трудно начинание да опиша своя учител, да намеря думите, с които да извая образа й за тези, които не са били толкова близо, за да оценят духовното й богатство, красотата на характера и обаянието й да увлича в интригата на неизвестното… Твърде скучни са думите и повърхностен е всеки опит да изкажа съградената в годините своя представа за учения, колегата и приятеля Златозара Гочева. В научните си занимания тя не признаваше ограниченията на методи и школи, твърде широки бяха интересите й и натрупаните знания, за да се побере в ограниченията на единствен метод. Просторът й бе от класическата филология и древните писатели през историческите писания до археологическите извори и методи, цялата палитра от знания, които градят представа за предците ни. Този обширен кръг от научни интереси е белязан от няколко акцента, които ще останат дългопаметни жалони в българската историопис и в науката за древността. Това са заниманията й с изворите за Тракия и траките с участие в издаваната поредица, на която тя е съставител, член на редакционния колектив и преводач в том І (1981) и главен редактор на том ІІ (2002), както и няколко аналитични писания на тази тема. Вторият акцент са заниманията й с религията на траките, документирано начало е нейният докторат: "Култът на Аполон в Тракия" (1976), последвано от дълъг ред изследвания върху паметниците и култа на тракийското конно божество, тема към която тя неизменно се завръща в годините, за да ни остави едно наследство от над 50 научни публикации, както и наченатия с Манфред Оперман през 1979 г. корпус на паметниците на Тракийския конник (Corpus Cultus Equitis Thracii, I, II-1, II-2). Друга тема е за организацията на религията в тракийските провинции на Римската империя с изследвания върху жреци, храмове и светилища, и включваща изследвания върху религиозния живот на отделните градове: Никополис ад Иструм, Филипопол, Пауталия, Сердика, Августа Траяна, Одесос, Абритус. Тази широта на интересите може да се проследи и в участието й в археологически разкопки и проучвания:
Polilingvialʹnostʹ i transkulʹturnye praktiki, 2020
ПерВый контакт" глазами аборигеноВ канаДской субарктикитипачимуна и атанукана Ключевые слова: типачимуна, атанукана, миф, предание, рассказ "первый контакт", инну, кри, чипевайан Исследователями не раз отмечалось, что в фольклоре и устной истории большинства алгонкинских и других народов существует две основополагающих категории рассказов. На языке инну (монтанье), населяющих восточный сектор Канадской Субарктики, эти категории называются атанукан (во мн. ч. атанукана) (atanukan) и типачимун (во мн. ч. типачимуна) (tipatshimun, tipachimun). Обычно, не вдаваясь в подробности, атанукан классифицируют как миф или легенду, а типачимун как бытовой рассказ, новость и иногда как историческое предание. Однако окончательного решения этот вопрос еще не получил. Так, канадская исследовательница Сильви Винсан -признанный специалист в области культуры и в особенности устной истории инну, считает, что прежде чем отождествлять атанукан с "мифом", а типачимун с "новостью", необходимо доказать соответствие одних терминов другим и пересмотреть границы между двумя типами рассказов (Vincent 1991: 126).
Богословље , 2020
An Encounter with “The Other” in the Book of Ruth Summary: The main hypothesis of this paper consists of the notion that the Book of Ruth is appealing for a new perception of “The Other”, in this particular case of Moabites as “The Other”. The term “Other” is used in a sense in which it is used in sociological research (identity studies) and this paper is trying to build a bridge between two realities. By building a positive image of the Moabites who are in most of the Bible the designated as The Enemy, the Book of Ruth is a valuable resource for studying the process of reevaluation of “the Other” and an appeal for a new experience of “The Other”. ▶ Key words: Bible, Holy Scripture, The Book of Ruth, Ruth, Naomi, “The Other”, otherness, othering, religious and ethnic otherness, migrations, refugees, widow, role of women, interfaith marriage, levirate marriage, integration.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Linguistica Rossica
У беларускай лінгвістыцы акрэслілася пытанне пра неабходнасць захавання назваў дробных геаграфічных аб’ектаў. Асноўная мэта артыкула – фіксацыя і аналіз мікратапонімаў Камянкоўскага сельскага савета як часткі тапанімічнага кантынуума Уздзеншчыны. Аналізу мікратапанімічных адзінак адзначанай тэрыторыі прысвечана адзіная навуковая публікацыя Р. А. Філіповіч, дзе вывучаюцца мікратапонімы в. Куль Уздзенскага раёна. Матэрыял для даследавання сабраны аўтарам артыкула ад інфарматараў – жыхароў даследаванай тэрыторыі і прааналізаваны ў структурным і семантычным плане. Вылучаюцца мікратапонімы адонімнага і адапелятыўнага паходжання. Адтапонімныя найменні ўтвараюцца шляхам ад’ектывацыі ад назваў вёсак і шляхам прамога перанясення назвы больш буйнога аб’екта на больш дробны. Адантрапонімныя адзінкі ўтвараюцца звычайна ад прозвішча, імя або мянушкі чалавека, на тэрыторыі якога знаходзіцца геаграфічны аб’ект. Мікратапонімы адапелятыўнага паходжання часта матываваныя знешнім выглядам або ўнутран...
As well as all countries of the world, Azerbaijan faces environmental problems of various character too. Uncontrollable use of means of chemicalization, pollution of water resources construction waters, pollution of atmospheric air by the industrial enterprises and vehicles, degradation of fertile lands (an erosion, the saline soil), reduction of a biodiversity is deterioration of production of agriculture. The solution these problems is one of the strategic tasks facing Azerbaijan for which solution programs of planned and long-term activity, large state investments are required. For getting out of crisis state, the new concept of development of agriculture offered. Activation of natural soil formation processes, improvement of biological properties of soils, use of the mixed sowings of agricultural crops, crop rotations and creation of forest agrarian landscapes is its cornerstone.
A new page of germans black archaeology in Gedebey or scientific ethics, 2022
The presented article is devoted to the “black archaeology” carried out by the Germans in the territory of Azerbaijan and its chronologically processes, especially in the modern stage. First, the article describes the excavations carried out by “Siemens” in Gedebey and surrounding areas in 1865. It was noted that the German specialist R.Virkhov used the friendly relations with V.Siemens - the head of the “Siemens” in those years and instigated the company employees to conduct excavations without permission in Gedebey. And the latters sold material culture samples belonging to Gedebey and Azerbaijan in general to merchants and collectors from Germany, Austria, Russia and other countries. Then the modern stage of “black archaeology” carried out in Azerbaijan was covered in detail. Thus, a century later, the author of the article, based on personal experience, demonstrates the beginning of a new phase of “black archaeology” in Azerbaijan with concrete facts. The main content of this article is the process of purposeful appropriation of the author’s project by R.Virkhov’s predecessors for “Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi Muzeyi - 2022” 280 the critical articles, which he has been working on for years, and for her principled position. Thus, the attempt to remove her from her project in 2019 by German colleagues, ignoring scientific ethics and copyright, was also regretted on the basis of accurate facts. Then, the principles of work of some foreign archaeologists in Azerbaijan and the problems of joint publications were touched upon. The main content of the article states that in 2014, the author submitted material on Khojaly-Gedebey culture to the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Museum of Prehistory and Early History in Berlin a 5-year author’s project on the study of material culture samples and new archaeological excavations. Material and moral support of the project was entrusted to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism by a special order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In her scientific articles the author revealed with facts mistakes made by R.Virkhov, V.Belck, Schweinitz and other German amateur archaeologists in connection with the history of Gedebey, as well as Caucasian archaeology and repeated in the articles and exhibition catalogs by the employee of the Berlin museum M.Navrot on Caucasian archaeology until 2011. It was after this that her colleagues who did not accept her objective criticism and the terms of her authorship project angered at her, and attempts were made to estrange her from her own project. These non-objectivity, bias, unscientific ethical behavior and attempts of R.Virkhov’s and V.Belck’s predecessors in the world of modern science to violate international projects are reflected in the article with precise facts. Another point mentioned in the article is connected with unprofessional behavior of Dr.M.Qruber – the employee of the Institute of Central Asian Archaeology at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. Thus, on 14.01.2017, the employee of the Institute of Central Asian Archaeology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Dr. Martin Gruber wrote a letter to the author, saying that he was currently conducting archaeological excavations in Garajamirli, near Shamkir, in LMUMunich, and that he was involved in the discovery of tombs related to the Khojaly- Gedebey culture. He asked her to send him her books, and especially their pdf, to be accessible to all staff and students at the institute. In each of her monographs, the author provides detailed information on the latest status of his project, including the preparation of an international project on Khojaly-Gedebey culture and its submission to the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Azerbaijan Ministry of Culture and Tourism, as well as the Berlin Museum of Primary and Ancient History. Nevertheless, Martin Gruber, in turn, decided to privatize the author’s project together with the Museum of Primary and Ancient History of Berlin, and worked for 2 years to achieve this goal. It is clear from the correspondence between the employees of the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS and M.Gruber from 01.11.2018 to 23.07.2019 that the latter showed special “Milli Azərbaycan Tarixi Muzeyi - 2022” 281 effort to sign an agreement between the Berlin Museum of Primary and Ancient History and the Academy. According to the official information of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan, M.Navrot was removed from the project due to this undesirable position and was banned from visiting Gedebey. However, without the permission of the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS, without signing any project, M.Gruber started excavations in Gedebey with Ezel Gunesh on behalf of the afore- mentioned museum. However, these excavations were stopped after 2 days. Thus, thanks to the principled position of the author and the Institute of Archaeology, Ethnography and Anthropology of ANAS, the predecessors of V.Belck and R.Virkhov could not find their support in Azerbaijan a century later and were forced to leave Gedebey. In conclusion, the author re-emphasized the difficult aspects of Khojaly-Gedebey culture, Gedebey archaeological research, called her colleagues and the international scientific community to take an objective position on this sensitive issue, to work together, and stressed the importance of scientific research.
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Ezhelgi tarikhting tamyrshysy, 2020
Первая международная научная конференция на тему: “История науки и науковедение: междисциплинарные исследования”, 2018
Islamic Studies in Uzbekistan. Istanbul: IRCICA, 2020, 2020
Sums'ka Starovyna (Ancient Sumy Land), 2019
Археология Евразийских степей, 2020
RSUH/RGGU Bulletin. Series Political Sciences. History. International Relations
VDI 2015, № 4, с. 22–43, 2015
Deleted Journal, 2024
Университетско издателство Шумен, 2022