A Developer Recommendation Method Based on Code Quality

2020, 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)


During the development cycle of a project, it is common for software requirements and functionality to change and for code errors to occur. To deal with these unforeseen changes, the artifact known as change request, which is a formal proposal to alter a system, is used. Its assignment is an important step in the development process. Projects can receive a very high number of requests daily, which makes the automation of this process compelling. This work proposes a method for assigning unresolved requests, based on developer’s profiles. The proposed method consists of three steps. The first step is to extract code quality metrics, commit data and previously resolved requests, in order to model developers through the mining of repositories. The second step concerns with the selection of the profile of potential developers through the application of natural language processing and information retrieval techniques. And finally, in the third step the appropriate developers are selected...