I-Xe Ages and Trapped Xe Compositions


I-Xe isochrons are mixing lines between a single trapped and a single iodine derived component. The slope of this line establishes initial iodine and hence the I-Xe age. One end of the isochron is fixed by the composition of the trapped Xe component, which should be representative of the Xe that was present in the early solar system (Q-Xe or OC-Xe). Because the I/Xe ratio in the solar nebular was ~1, and the I-129/I-127 was about 10-4, the Xe-129 in trapped Xe cannot evolve appreciably with decay of I-129. While it may be possible for Xe in a closed system with elevated I/Xe ratios to evolve producing trapped components with higher Xe-129/Xe-132 ratios, trapped Xe compositions with lower (sub-planetary) Xe-129/Xe-132 ratios seem implausible.