Treatments for Crashes on Rural Two-Lane Highways in Texas



Most of the crashes in rural areas occur away from intersections and driveways (60%), while most urban crashes occur at or are related to either intersections or driveways (57%). The distribution of crashes by first harmful event also clearly shows an urban versus rural division. In urban areas, most of the crashes involve another vehicle (81%) while only about half in the rural area involve another vehicle (51%). Striking a fixed object is more common in rural areas (25%) than in urban areas (14%). This document provides transportation practitioners with information on crash characteristics for rural roads in Texas. It also presents discussion on low-cost safety treatments used on highways and at intersections along with their known effectiveness. Treatments discussed for highways include: rumble strips, passing improvements, two-way left-turn lanes, lane or shoulder widening, pavement edge drop-off improvements, pavement markings, mowing, skid resistance improvements, side slope f...