From Democratic Peace to Democratic War

2007, Peace Review



This article critiques the dominant Democratic Peace (DP) theory, which posits that democracies do not wage war against one another, while asserting their warlike behavior towards non-democracies. It emphasizes the need to focus on the variability in military engagement among democracies and questions the assumptions underlying the statistical evidence supporting DP. The authors argue for a reorientation of research towards understanding the domestic factors that influence a democracy's propensity for war, advocating for a nuanced approach that considers differing democratic behaviors and motivations.

Key takeaways

  • Rather than seeking explanations for an assumed average behavior of democracies, we want to account for the marked differences between democratic states.
  • Obviously, it is a complementary term for democratic peace, that is, peace between democracies, but it does not mean war between democracies (because so far these did not occur and, in their absence, were the logical repudiation of democratic peace).
  • In analyzing democratic war involvement and DW, one will therefore not only deal with the question of the circumstances under which the causal mechanisms of the democratic peace are suspended, but also take up issue that there are specific features of democratic politics or liberal thought that induce democracies to choose military options.
  • They show up in the unintended consequences of these wars, in the domestic debates within democracies, before, during, and after wars, and in the disputes among democracies about wars that are promoted by some and opposed by others.
  • Are democracies inclined toward a special type of war?