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Abstract This paper presents a stylistic analysis of two poems of well-known poets of the English literature, namely; E.E. Cummings and the Irish noble laureate Seamus Heaney. The researcher's attempt here is to approach Cummings‘s poem ―maggie and milly and molly and may‖ and Heaney‘s ―A Kite for Aibhín‖ from the stylistics‘ point of view. The paper also analyzes the poems using the tools of linguistics with a view to make their meaning explicit. It is worth noting that stylistics as a scientific discipline is really beneficial to those who are teaching and studying English language and literature. No matter whether English is the native, second or the foreign language. Not only foreign students but also the speakers of the English language can benefit from stylistics. They can get linguistic beside literary competence. Nowadays, stylistics with its tools and methods of linguistics can help to a logical and scientific understanding of the literary texts based on linguistic evidence.
This paper attempts a stylistic study of a poem. It targets to unveil the deeper underpinnings of semanticity in condensed literary pieces, particularly in poetry, as a consequence of the style employed by an author. Among other findings, the study uncovered the peculiar use of lexis and the features embedded in such peculiar use. It brings to the fore, the heavy use of deviation and parallelism in drumming home the theme of the poem. And finally, a fundamental literary feature used which is worthy of note and which the study has clearly drawn attention to in the analysis, is the foregrounding of the entire literary piece, which gives it a unique outlook. On the surface, one might not notice the effect of this literary technique but the study has meticulously pointed this out. Article visualizations:
A linguistic analysis of literature has caused debates among linguists and between linguists and literary critics. The debate among linguists occurs because they have different opinions regarding the nature of literary language, while the debate between linguists and literary scholars arises as literary scholars question the authority of linguistics to study literary writings. Therefore, in this paper I argue that the language of literature is similar to that of non-literary texts, and I also believe that because the centrality of language in literary writings, linguistics, as the study of language, has the authority to study literature. One linguistic approach to literature is stylistics, which studies the forms, functions, and meanings of literary language in a detailed and systematic way.
Perceiving the meaning of literary texts requisites studying and understanding the language of these texts. Stylistic approach to literary texts does not only involve linguistic textual analysis but also encourages readers to interact with textual structure to infer meaning . This paper focuses on the relevance of stylistics approach for the analysis of poems in Teaching English as a Foreign Language contexts. To this end, Siegfried Sassoon`s The Rear-Guard and Wilfred Owen`s Anthem for Doomed Youth are taken into consideration. After having explained in what ways stylistic analysis helps the reader to come to terms with the process of coding the meaning embedded in the text by focusing on the linguistic features, the two poems are compared and contrasted via a stylistic approach. The paper does not solely focus on analysing the texts, but also argues in favour of exploiting language-based approaches in literature study in English as a Foreign Language contexts, since stylistics is interested in what writers do with and through language.
This study aims at analyzing a selected poem "A Herbal" written by one of the greatest poets of the twentieth century; Seamus Heaney. The methodology is a corpus-based one. Using the tools of the computer to analyze and interpret poetry allows readers/ researchers to examine to what extent technology can bring the attention to crucial details that might be missed by human manual analysis. This does not imply that the later analysis should be neglected, but to emphasize employing both of the analyses to reach much more reliable results. In short, this study is qualitative and quantitative in nature. This study has a great importance. There is an attempt to fill a gap in the area of analyzing poetry using corpus stylistics. As a matter of fact, few works are conducted by using corpus stylistics to examine poetry. The findings show how important to apply both quantitative and qualitative analyses to interpret and study literary texts. Relevantly, it can provide researchers with a better understanding of the themes, keywords, and the style of language. The obtained results have an objective trait. To put it differently, the data is examined by computational tools, here, WebCorp Live and Wmatrix, then the data is scrutinized in terms of manual study. In fact, this work demonstrates the importance of interdisciplinary work, here humanities (linguistics) and computer studies. The results reflect the importance of using technology to study literary texts.
Language as we all know is an important or should I say an indispensable tool for human communication as it is through language that knowledge is transferred, meaning is created and understood ensuring social as well as scientific development of human society. It’s true not only for speech but also in writing, both being two of the most potential uses of language. After becoming a university subject in 1960s English language has being the target of literary critics. They have accused the linguists for being too dry when it comes to analysis of a piece of writing. And the linguists have accused the literary scholars for being to subjective, imaginative unambiguous for the same task. To bridge the differences or the gap between the two, stylistics a branch of applied linguistics functions to analyse the use of language literary texts. However it's not limited to the study of literature alone but is also stretched to varieties of writings like texts related to media and journalism, the advertisements etc. This paper is an attempt to explore the link between language and its most creative use that is Literature. Through this paper I aim to show the features of language and creative uses under which these forms are put to appeal to human senses and make a piece of literature alive whether it's romance, tragedy or comedy.
Teaching stylistics is both enchanting and challenging. Many students come to stylistics having studied English and American literature, but it demands a very different set of skills. Analyzing a text stylistically is unlike doing a 'literary' analysis, as it needs to be much more objective and rooted in fact. The main aim of a stylistics analysis is to explain how the literary structure of a text creates the feelings and responses that we get when we read it. I have chosen E. E Cummings poetry since it is considered as interesting as tricky at the same time. One of the most important stylistics techniques used there is foregrounding and, moreover internal foregrounding. Foregrounding refers to a form of textual patterning which is motivated specifically for literary-aesthetic purposes. The aim of this paper is to introduce a model of a stylistics analysis as already being discussed with the students who I teach stylistics. We will focus on the results we reached by the use of the interesting techniques of foregrounding and inner foregrounding.
This paper juxtaposes linguistics analysis and existentialism as a literary theory in the analysis of a short story. It purports to show that the meaning of a text is decoded in the linguistic elements of the text itself, and that the reader's interpretation coheres with the language of the text.
Kufa Journal of Arts
Discourse-stylistic has the benefits of an eclectic methodology as well as an organized study. Also, it can establish a connection between literary and linguistic studies. A discourse-stylistic analysis is presented in this study of a poem of a well- known poet of the British literature, Gerard Manley Hopkins. Accordingly, this study aims to discuss how cohesion might contribute to interpreting and understanding poetry. Besides, it shows how stylistic analysis shapes the meanings of literary texts. Therefore, the significant of the present study is based on the fact that it contributes to the understanding of how linguistic and stylistic analysis of a text can be made to elucidate the features and meanings of texts. Based on the results and findings, the study has drawn the following conclusions: through this study, a discourse-stylistic analysis of the selected poem has shown that there is a distinction between poetic and non-poetic language. Furthermore, the words selected by the ...
Stylistics is considered as a branch of applied linguistics. It analyses literary or non-literary text in an objective way. It has got immense vitality in analysing, understanding and comprehending literary work of art. Therefore I have taken this topic for the discussion. This very article will focus on the term stylistics ,it's role and its distinction from literary criticism. Two approaches of stylistics : linguistic stylistics and literary stylistics are discussed in general terms. This study will focus on which approach is better or more apt for the readers understanding of the literary piece. After all literature is created for the readers/audience(drama, one act plays) so, their understanding it is important. This article will also discuss the relationship between linguistics, stylistics and literary criticism.
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