Ethics in International Relations

2014, Marthe Sotong Ethics in International Relations

The effects of globalization have increased States ethical obligations and the willing to stop people suffering and atrocities. In that sense, Shapcott, M. (2011, p.197) defines ethics as the evaluative study of what actors ought to do. Indeed, it can be said that the international actors should take moral responsibilities towards their own citizens first and then towards other states, even if there is no clear agreement about the attitude to be adopted by states. In this perspective, this essay will focus on the definitions of the role of ethics in International Relations by different theories, mainly realism, liberalism, cosmopolitanism and pluralist ethics. Then, it will criticize the fact that ethics in International Relations should be (but it is not always the case), a roadmap for international actors constraining them to have relationships based on the respect of norms, values and moral principles.