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This study is about the impact of Divorce on young children. Divorce nowadays became a dramatically increasing social problem and needs to be addressed much. Divorce damages our children in different forms such as children’s emotions, behaviors, academic performance and sometimes causes confusion to the children. The study was conducted at Borama Town with the purpose of determining the impact of divorce has on the young children. The objectives of the study were: 1) to Assess impact of parental divorce have on children’s attitude in Borama District 2) to Determine impact of parental divorce have on the child’s education in Borama District 3) to Determine impact of parental divorce have on children’s growth in Boarama District. Recent studies show that divorce is one of the biggest disappointments in life. Children and families are hurt by divorce event. Prevalence of the divorce has been increased in Somaliland. Numerous researches have come up with that finance is huge cause of marital stress divorce. Another studies show that some children from divorced families have decreased functioning in academic performance and display oppositional behavior or signs of anxiety and depression. A survey conducted by Ergo Radio shows that reasons driving women out to work are divorce, widowhood and inadequate earning of their husband. The study adapted crasssectional survey design which is the most suitable design for descriptive studies, cross-section survey design enabled the research to describe the impact of divorce on young children. The target populations of the study were 200 while accessible populations were 177. Stratified sampling was used to divide the population into different strata because the populations were heterogeneous simple random sampling and purposive sampling methods were used to select the responding from the different strata. A sample of 177 was select from 200 adults using kregcie and Morgan table of sample size. The study used questionnaire with semi-structured question and interview methods for collecting the data form respondents. Piloting of the study was done at Hargeisa district. Validity of the study was addressed by assessing the questionnaires after pretesting, Reliability of the study was controlled through test-re-test method and it is ensured to get a validity and reliability coefficients of 0.70 for all instrument used. The study found that most of the people have poor attitude towards impact of divorce on young children while little of them have good attitudes toward it. Study also found that majority of the divorced parents’ children are poor in education while little of them are good in education. Study also found that most of the divorced parents’ children have poor growth while little of them have good and acceptable growth as respondents told. In a conclusion, the study found that divorce has a negative effect on young children in Borama Town.
The study attempts to investigate the causes of divorce; the economic and social impact of divorce on divorced women and the mechanisms used to adopt life after divorce. In addition, the study tries to assess the impact of parental divorce on the psychological, social and child parent relationship of children from divorced families. Data collection primarily relies on survey and supplemented with case histories, key informant interview, document analysis and observation of case proceed at EWLA center and Arada Family Court. The sample size determined based on principle of random sampling, which is proportional distribution of attributes taken in to assumption where 50 % for each married and divorced family. Then with 95% confidence interval and 5 % significance level the sample size became 384 for each group. This is for each group i.e. 384 married and 384 divorced women and a child in each family. Then a total of 768 house holds where 768 mothers and 768 children included in the sample. Complete data was collected from 341(89.84 %) married women, 339(88.28 %) children from married family, 307(79.94 %) divorced women and 309(80.98 %) children divorced family. Data collection instruments used for mother of two groups are structured questionnaires incorporated both open and closed end questions. Items included in the questionnaire for both group are background information, forms of marriage, economic condition, social situations, information about their children and their husbands and exhusbands. Children questionnaires have included background information and outcome measures of the children psychological condition, social and child parent relationship. Child Divorce Women: women who were legally or traditionally married at one time but legally or traditionally divorced and during the time of study participated as divorced women. Intact Family: A family comprises parents who are living in together as husband and wife having children. Social relationship measure: A perception of children above age of 10 on selected aspects of their social relationships with their peers and in the community in relation to their social competence, shyness, loneliness, and social anxiety and distress.
Global social sciences review, 2018
Divorce is the lawful form of dissolution of a marriage, which is permitted by Allah Almighty only in unavoidable unconducive conditions, hence it is still the most disliked act near to Him among lawful acts. The divorce has severe socio-psychological outcomes for stakeholders, particularly children from divorced spouses are at worst hit. Today's children are the tomorrow's vital human resource. The main objective of this research has been to analyze social and psychological impacts of divorce on the divorced spouses' children. Hypothesis of study was that "parental divorce affects the children adversely in psycho-social terms". The universe selected for this study was province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A number of 30 respondents were purposively selected, while using non-probability sampling technique. The respondents were juveniles having their ages ranging between 5 years to <18 years; these juveniles' parents were divorced. The Interview was used as method of data collection. The results of study shows that parental divorce affect their juveniles in terms of parental loss associated with emotional and economic loss, stress in life, complex dynamics in relationships, social and psychological problems etc. It is recommended that every possible effort should be made to maintain the marital tie intact, and if in some case, Allah forbid, the divorce occurred, even then children should be supported by both parent, by society and by the state.
A documentation study was conducted in Delhi to investigate the single parent families through divorce and influence of absent of one parent through divorce on children. The study investigated problems faced by these families in social, economic and emotional dimensions. The objective was to look at family dynamics and socialization pattern in single headed families. Data was obtained by using semi-structure interview schedule for both children and parent. Sample consisted of 20 single parent families which included 20 single parent and 20 children making a total sample of 40. The study was located in Delhi. The findings revealed that majority of the single parent have taken divorce as a positive decision of their life. All the parents have managed well the dual role and responsibility as bread winner, home manager and sole care giver to the children. There was no difference found in mother headed single family and father headed single family. All the single parents believed that divorce was a traumatic part of their life but its pain has decreased with time. All single parent families have developed strategies to cope with problems that occurred after divorce. Data reveals that mutual incompatibility, extramarital affairs, drug addiction/ alcoholism, and dowry were among the main reason for divorce.
Science World Journal of PEDIATRIC S, 2019
In spite of the fact the current rate of divorce in The Gambia is not well documented, divorce and its associated problems especially on the children is a great concern not only to the government and its development partners but the communities as well. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of divorce and its negatives impacts on the children of the divorcees. In nature, it was a descriptive survey and purposive sampling technic was used to select the respondents. The survey concentrated on six core areas: level of knowledge of divorce, Levelof understanding of divorce, Level of knowledge of the causes of divorce, Level of knowledge of the negative impacts of divorce on the children, Level of knowledge of the support services needed by children of divorcees; and Level of knowledge of the preventive methods of divorce
Recent studies and research approve the decline in rate of marriage and increase in divorce throughout the globe. Although divorce is an abominable act both culturally and spiritually that is dealt in disgusting and almost opposing manner, yet is found vis-à-vis marriage in variety of forms following numerous causative factors. Divorce is mainly caused by the commission of adultery by one partner or both, rushing into marriage, two people simply growing apart, or ultimately, marriage not being taken seriously in the first place. Relationally, the ratio of divorce among * Associate Professor and Chairman Department of Sociology University of Malakand, Pakistan ** PhD Scholar/Lecturer in Social Work University of Malakand, Pakistan *** Lecturer Department of Sociology, AIOU, Islamabad, Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities: Volume 24, Number 2, Autumn 2016 12 Pakhtunsis also increasing due to rapid social change and modernization. However, people of the area strive to avo...
Globally almost 5 million children are living on street due to divorce. In Ethiopia around 4,042,357 children are living under difficult condition because of families' inability to support their children because of family dissolution (Woldekidan, 2007). This study investigates determinants of divorce and its effects on children's wellbeing in Eastern Wollega Zone of Western Oromia, Ethiopia. Descriptive research design with mixed research approach was employed. Data was collected through questionnaire, interview and focus group discussion from divorced individuals. One hundred fifty-eight (158) divorcees individuals from five districts were randomly selected by simple random techniques from each district. Eight (8) interviews and three (3) focus group discussion were conducted with divorced individuals and zonal high court officer on the factors related to divorce and children wellbeing. Study found that ,peoples in marriage at young age have the higher probability of divorce at the first five years than people at marriage who marry during their older ages. Major socio-cultural factors contributed to divorce in the study area which include age difference between couples, interference from family, repeated conflicts, substance abuse and lack of appropriate communication, the socioeconomic status of spouses insignificantly affects the wellbeing of their family, sexual relationship related factors were rated as a major factor leading to divorce. Children from divorced households are significantly depressed, exposed to financial crises and divorce diminishes children's learning capacity
Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Although divorce is the most despicable act in Islam, Pakistan, an Islamic country, has a growing tendency in its divorce rate. Divorce and separation of a couple effects negatively on children, families, financial conditions even society at large. Although children seems to have higher negative exposure after divorce / parental separation that those baggage can last into adulthood. The actual goal of the study is to understand the reasons contributing in divorce and the impact of divorce of children’s life on whole analyzing its social, occupational, financial, physical and psychological consequences. The current study is entirely grounded in secondary data analysis based on previously released research studies by newspapers or other organizations, such as the Gilani research institution. Additionally, as the main goal of this analysis was to provide a clear picture of the factors leading to the divorce rate in the case of Pakistan, we also consulted the individual/independent rese...
Effects of divorce on child development in ASA Local government area of Kwara State , 2023
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Objectives of the Study 1.5 Hypothesis of the Study 1.6 Significance of the Study 1.7 Scope and Limitations pf the Study 1.8 Operational Definitions of Terms CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Conceptual Review 2.1.1 Divorce 2.1.2 Rate of Divorce 2.1.3 Child Development 2.1.4 Effects of Divorce 2.2 Theoretical Review 2.2.1 Ecological Systems Theory 2.2.2 Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development 2.3 Literature Review CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Study Area 3.3 Research Design 3.4 Target Population 3.5 Sample Size 3.6 Sampling Techniques 3.7 Research Instrument 3.8 Data Collection 3.8.1 Validity of Instrument 3.8.2 Reliability of Instrument 3.9 Method of Data Analysis 3.9.1 Descriptive Statistics 3.9.2 Correlation Analysis CHAPTER FOUR: PRESENTATION OF DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Preamble 4.2 Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents 4.3 Assessment of parent's divorce background 4.4 Assessment of the impacts of parent's divorce on children 4.5 Testing of hypothesis 4.5.1 Hypothesis 1: There is no significant relationship between divorce status of parents and emotional development of children in Asa Local government area of Kwara state. 4.5.2 Hypothesis 2: There is no significant relationship between parent's divorce status and academic performance among children in Asa Local Government area of Kwara state. 4.5.3 Hypothesis 3: There is no significant relationship between parent's divorce status and children perception of relationship and marriage among children in Asa Local Government area of Kwara state.
Divorce has psychological, economical and social impact on the divorcees and their children. Children who experience their parents going through divorce often left susceptible to depression, acting out, and suffering in stress problem. When parents decide to divorce, their action can affect their children’s psychological well-being. Hence, the main objective of the present study was to assess the impact of divorce on student’s academic performance in Arba Minch town secondary schools. Moreover, it explores conditions that promote the academic performance of students. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed to achieve the research objectives. The study participants were 204 students from divorced parents, 4 school counselors and 10 divorced parents (student’s parents). The students from divorced parents were taken using available sampling technique while divorced parents were conveniently taken and school counselor were taken purposively as samples. The students given...
Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 2020
Background and Objectives: Divorce is known to have tremendous negative impacts on children. These impacts are detrimental to the development of children and their standards of living. Globally this topic is well research, while in our region still it needs more investigation and interventions. Therefore, the current research investigates the consequences of divorce on children and their mothers. It responds to the following questions, (a) Does divorce impact the daily living arrangement of divorced mothers and their children?, (b) Does mothers' divorce impact the social behavior of their children? And (c) Does divorce impact the living standards of mothers' and their children? Methodology: The population of the study was divorced men and women in Jordan at the time of data collection. The sample of the study consisted of 400 participants (divorced men and women). Data were collected through interviews conducted by professional and trained researchers using a questionnaire which was designed as a main tool for the study. Results: Finding of the study show that children are severely impacted by divorce. They daily life was interrupted, they living arrangement was altered, their level of education was lowered. In addition, they experience psychological and emotional and social problems. Conclusions: The findings of the study contributed to the international research finding from various regions in the world and through decades of research that divorce is a highly stressor for children in their present and future life.
This study examine Factors Influencing Divorce among married couple. Using Keffi local government area of Nasarawa as a case study. The purpose of this research work is to investigate difference in divorce rate between Christian and Muslims. The study also examine the relationship between early marriage and late marriage among married couples in Keffi local government. The study revealed that age, religion and marital infidelity plays a remarkable role in divorce among couple. It also showed that other causes of divorce ranges from childlessness, cruelty, undue interference from mother In-law and poverty. They also asserted that sexual deprivation is among the factors that can influence divorce. A total of 100 participants comprising 50 males and 50 females were used for the study. The participants were selected by using simple random sample technique. A survey research design was adopted and the sample selected from the targeted population was given copies of the questionnaire to measure their response. Chi-square was used to analyze the data to test the observed and expected differences of factors influencing divorce. Finding was discussed in relation to the literature reviewed and recommendations were also made.
Researchgate , 2023
BACKGROUND: Divorce is the primary factor affecting the harmony and stability of the family and society (aliyun Su.,2018)divorce is the other most traumatic issue in a child's life. And yet, for numerous factors, divorce prevails in the USA. METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted through community based cross-sectional research design. In this design, all data on a sample member was measured from the target population at one point in time by reviewing Somaliland demographic health survey. This is to save time and cost. The use of cross-sectional research design was used. RESULT; the majority of mothers, 89 (33.0 percent), were between the ages of 33 and 37, while the minority, 11 (4.1 percent), were over the age of 44. In terms of the age at which they married, the majority, 134 (49.6%), were between 21 and 26, while the minority, 7, was between 33 and 37. More than half of the 152 families (56.3%) had less than five individuals, whereas 7 minority households (2.6%) had eleven or more. CONCLUSION; The study concludes that pre-adolescences are affected by divorce and this is expressed by them showing distress and behavioral problems both in school and at home. RECOMMENDATION; The study found out that divorce as a great influence on the social development of adolescences at all ages and it does even to young adults and the choices that they make. Therefore the study recommends guidance and counseling to help children understand and adjust to avoid adverse effects of their parents’ divorce. For adolescences exhibiting adverse negative social behavior then therapy either individual or with the parents to help the children cope with the changes. The study further recommends that children priorities need to be placed at the frontline during the divorce process as they are adversely affected by divorce. Parents after divorce need to carry out co-parenting so as to ensure that adolescences social development is not adversely affected after the painful process of divorce. Keywords: divorce, effect, social development, adolescence, Borama, Awdal Somaliland.
This paper will present an overview of the impact of divorce on children and some of the ways that are intended to help children of divorce to successfully function in society. The impact of divorce on children takes many different forms. From mental and physical health concerns to financial instability, children suffer the most in the divorce situation. When a couple, who have children, divorces it affects the whole family. Children of divorced parents experience school and social related problems. Their routines are disrupted and they feel disconnected from one or the other parent. Custodial arrangements are another factor of impact for the children. This causes emotional stress and behavioral problems to develop within the child. Financial instability is another factor for children of divorced parents. In some cases a single parent household cannot maintain living conditions of the previous joint household. Children of couples, who divorce, are challenged in many different ways to cope with the reality of their new situation. These children often struggle in their environment due to many different factors but there are ways to help with the situation.
The study adopted explanatory research design, the research approach was qualitative research approach, the research strategy used was cross sectional survey, the source of collecting data for study was primary source, the method of collecting data was consultation of published articles, the sampling design were survey of the articles published at the various websites and journal articles, the population of the study was 10 authors, background of the study was detail information about divorce, the objectives of the study were achieved through research, the problem statement of the study was "The impact of parental divorce on the modern society", literature review for the study was based on the consultation of articles on the subject matter under study. The study found out the history of divorce, the causes of divorce, consequences of divorce, the benefits of divorce, argument against divorce, religious views on divorce, myths about divorce and prayer could prevent divorce. The generalized that divorce negatively affect the future children and a nation at large. The study recommended that ministers of God should educate their congregation to know that God hate divorce and help them to understand the effects of divorce BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
Divorce is an available evil. The institution of divorce has been introduced to produce an alternative to mitigate hardship where for special reasons the continuance of matrimonial risks by re-marriage and even by a subsequent divorce, if required. It is a protective weapon for the women against the tyranny of men. It is one of the largest form to enable marital and in turn familial disorganization. Divorce undermines the peace and happiness of the whole family. It also destroys the lives of the children. A child who is easily roused to anger needs calm and controlled home atmosphere and a great deal of understanding. So that he is opposed and frustrated no one than is necessary some children seems more prove to anger than others. This characteristic may be the result of certain disturbed home environment. A child who does not feel secure in his house. In this study the introduction of the study consists of the literature review, which includes definitions, historical background Islamic print of view, the impact of divorce on children, forms of divorce, causes of divorce and related terms and conceptions. It is also touched that how attitude of children toward child labor of divorced families, criminal/juvenile crimes behavior of children socialized in such conditions, comparative performance of children socialized in divorced and non-divorced families is different. Research in which purpose and objectives of the study, assumptions, hypothesis, and universe of the study are given also.
Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 2012
This paper discusses the issue of divorce within the context of Pakistani society. It introduces the reader to the definition and concept of divorce and shares some of the national and global statistics regarding the topic of divorce. Then it progresses to highlight the various reasons that lead to the annulment of marriage. These reasons may be economic, social, cultural, personal and/or a combination of all these. The paper then discusses the impact of divorce on the spouses, the children and all those who may be affected by the situation. The paper also discusses some ways to resolve marital conflicts so that they may be solved without resorting to the option of divorce. In the end, it highlights some ways to lessen the adverse impact of divorce on the parties concerned.
Innovare Journal of Social Sciences, 2021
Objective: This study attempted to investigate the socio-economic effects of divorce on children in the Woreta City Administration. Methods: Qualitative, specifically phenomenological research design was employed for understanding the lived experiences of children from divorced families. Data were collected from children of a divorced family and experts through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews and participants of the study were selected by using a non-probability of snowball sampling technique. The collected data analyzed and interpreted thematically to address the aforementioned objectives. Results: The study shows that many children are negatively suffering from the social effects of divorce. This is often expressed by the feeling of insecurity, educational failure and/or low school performances, loss of attachment as well as abuse and neglect. The study further reveals that children are also facing the harmful economic effects of divorce....
African Scholar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021
Marriage is an institution that guarantees the procreation, care, socialization and the stability of the family as well as the survival of human race. It is a union of relationship both mystical and physical between a man and a woman meant for long life companionship. Despite the many advantages of marriage, the separation of spouses with their children posed a traumatic danger on all parties. This, without doubt usually leads to breakdown and divorce. This study examined the causes and implications of divorce in four selected electoral wards in Keffi Local Government Area of Nasarwa State. The study investigates the most affected party by divorce as well as the extent of the effect on them. Critical literatures were reviewed on the cause and effects of divorce. Functionalist theory was adopted as theoretical framework for the study. As a survey type of study, multi-stage sampling method was used to elicit information from 378 respondents via questionnaire. 8 Key Informants comprising the District Heads were purposively selected and interviewed, their responses were transcribed. Frequency tables were used to describe the quantitative data using SPSS version 20, while regression analysis was used to analyse the data. The study found out that sexual incompatibility between couples significantly leads to divorce. Consequently, it was found that children are the most affected party by divorce in the Study areas. Based on the following findings, the study concludes that divorce is a serious social problem bedeviling Keffi Local Government. It is no gain to say that children and women suffer most by divorce. The study therefore recommends that Proper courtship should be done between a man and a woman before venturing into marriage. Parents should endeavor to socialize the children specifically girls on sex education and the importance of sex in marriage. Couples should also be encouraged to occasionally utilize marriage counseling to aid ameliorate the menace of divorce among many others. Keywords: Marriage, Divorce, Infertility, Couples/Spouses, Family
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, 2022
Marriage is a union between individuals, establishing rights and obligations between them and the resulting biological or adopted children and affinity. The provision of breaking this marriage is called a divorce, which may be due to several personal reasons of the parents but it may affect the children born out if this wedlock in many ways that are physical and psychological in nature. This study aims at learning about the impact that a broken family has on a teenager. It also aims at understanding the level of awareness among teenagers about maintaining a healthy family. This study is descriptive in design. The information has been collected using the questionnaire method. The findings are that even though majority of the families do have fights between them self but not end up in divorces. They spend the quality time with their children. But in the case of the broken family, the children are effected badly both mentally and emotionally even few developed mental illnesses.
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