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The study aims to AQ of the majority of the faculty members is average, while in terms of ownership, it is below average. Lastly, majority of the respondents got an average level inthe overall Adversity Quotient.
This study sought to determine the relationship between adversity quotient and teaching performance of thirty (30) faculty members at West Visayas State University–Lambunao Campus during the first semester of the school year 2008-2009. The researcher utilized to gather data the respondent’s profile, adversity quotient profile, and the performance evaluation sheet. The study revealed that, generally, the faculty members had “high” adversity quotient mean scores and a “very satisfactory” teaching performance. Likewise, it identified some personal variables which may influence the adversity quotient of the faculty members. Further, the results showed that faculty members who were classified according to their age and academic rank had “high” adversity quotient. However, when they were classified according to length of service, those who served the school for more than 20 years have “high” adversity quotient while those who served less than 20 years have “average” adversity quotient. SPSS Computer Software was utilized in the computation of the research data. Results of the t-test showed that there is a significant difference in the adversity quotient of faculty members when they were classified according to their academic rank and length of service. Results of Pearson’s r showed that there is a significant relationship between adversity quotient and teaching performance of faculty members at WVSU-LC.
Indigenous: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi
This study aims to explore and explain the dynamics of the striving force namely, the supporting and inhibiting factors of high achieving students striving force with necessitous condition. The informant characteristics of this study are high achieving students with necessitous condition (students who are needy with the broken home family and experiencing violence from their family) who attend junior and senior high school and college students. There are 3 informants and 9 informants complementary, with interview method. The results of this study are; 1) Informants control economic difficulties with frugal behavior and concerned attitudes. Good self-regulation in controlling difficult situations so as not to widen and influence the educational dimension. Resilience behavior is more appear in informants of victims of broken homes and survivors of domestic violence. Gratitude makes the informant more eager to rise from adversity to achieve a better life, accompanied by strong motivati...
Klabat Journal of Nursing, 2023
Prestasi akademik merupakan hasil pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui aktivitas kognitif dalam pendidikan tinggi dan sering diukur atau dinilai. Namun, prestasi ini tidak semata-mata didasarkan pada kapasitas kognitif. Ini dipengaruhi oleh berbagai situasi, dan salah satunya adalah gagasan mengenai Adversity Quotient, yang merupakan kemampuan seseorang untuk menghadapi dan mengatasi hambatan dalam hidup dengan menggunakan potensi bawaan, proses berpikir, dan metode pemecahan masalah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara Adversity Quotient dan prestasi akademik mahasiswa tingkat III di Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Klabat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survei dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, menggunakan kuesioner valid yang diadopsi dari Alita. Jumlah responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini adalah 31 mahasiswa. Data dan informasi yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan koefisien korelasi Spearman menggunakan IBM SPSS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 25 responden (80.0%) telah mencapai prestasi akademik yang Sangat Baik, sementara 22 responden (71.0%) memiliki Adversity Quotient Moderat. Hasil uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan nilai p 0.850 > 0.05. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara Adversity Quotient dan Prestasi Akademik mahasiswa keperawatan di Fakultas Keperawatan. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor tambahan yang memengaruhi prestasi akademik, seperti motivasi, kebiasaan belajar, dan metode pengajaran, sementara institusi pendidikan dapat mempertimbangkan untuk mengembangkan program peningkatan Adversity Quotient dalam kurikulum keperawatan guna meningkatkan adaptabilitas dan ketangguhan mahasiswa, kualitas yang bermanfaat untuk karier keperawatan mereka.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Modern Science and Technology
Adversity quotient is a measure that shows the ability of a person to face adversities or difficulties of life. It reflects a person’s capacity to adapt and grow in the midst of challenges and difficulties. The purpose of the current study is to examine the research on the adversity quotient that has been done in several fields, including business, education, and health. This study will help the future researcher to explore the concept of adversity quotient and that will be helpful in the field of psychology, education, management and health.
TIJ's Research Journal of Social Science & Management - RJSSM, 2012
It is said that human mind is the most complex machine on earth. Psychologists have always been trying to know why we behave the way we do or the way our mind functions. It is a complex area of research where explanations have always fallen short. Humans differ in their mental capabilities. There are various tests available to analyze various mental abilities of a human mind which have a direct effect on their behaviour. Some such measures are IQ test, EQ test, personality tests, achievement test, aptitude test, etc. One such relatively new measure is AQ, which stands for adversity quotient. AQ is the predictor of success of a person in face of adversity, how he behaves in a tough situation, how he controls the situation, is he able to find the correct origin of the problem, whether he takes his due ownership in that situation, does he try to limit the effects of adversity and how optimistic he is that the adversity will eventually end. The science of AQ was developed by Dr. Paul G....
Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan
This quantitative study examined the role of AQ on English proficiency. The four dimensions of AQ named Control (x1), Ownership (x2), Reach (x3) and Endurance (x4) were independent variables while TOEIC score (y) was dependent variable. The subjects were 77 students of ELT Department. The result showed that AQ had influenced 15.9% (R 2 = .159) to TOEIC score. There was significant influence of CORE to TOEIC score simultaneously (F>Ftable=3.44>2.33). Nevertheless, the result of partial regression analysis showed only Control (t>ttable=2.89>1.66) had significantly influenced TOEIC. Thus, this research had statistically proven that AQ provided minor contribution to students' English Proficiency. Abstrak: Penelitian kuantitatif ini menguji pengaruh Kecerdasan Adversiti terhadap kecakapan berbahasa Inggris. Empat dimensi Kecerdasan Adversiti, yakni kontrol (x1), kepemilikan (x2), pencapaian (x3), dan ketahanan (x4) adalah variabel bebas sementara skor TOEIC adalah variabel terikat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Kecerdasan Adversity berpengaruh 15.9% (R 2 = .159) terhadap skor TOEIC. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan emapt dimensi Kecerdasan Adversiti terhadap skor TOEIC secara simultan (F>Ftable=3.44>2.33). Namun, hasil regresi parsial menunjukkan hanya kontrol (t>ttable=2.89>1.66) yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap skor TOEIC. Penelitian ini telah membuktikan secara statistik bahwa Kecerdasan Adversity hanya memberikan kontribusi minor terhadap kecakapan siswa berbahasa Inggris.
The major components of collegial interaction college and university faculty and of faculty in different disciplinary groupings were studied, and the way that these components differ among four-year college and university facult w e addressed. Faculty at a Ph.D.-granting university and two liberl_ arts colleges were studied. Pilot interviews were conductel with faculty members to identify specific individuals with whi.:h they haL a meaningful professional relationship and to indicate the nature 7_ development of each such relationship. Based on the interviews, a questionnaire was developed and pretested. The final questionnaire included 30 items representing research* teaching, profEr.-ssional-HE FROB7EM OF t-,OLLEAGUESHIP Colige and =1.-.:Tersity 7.7ofessors spend a considerable portici
International Journal of Educational Researchers, 2010
Organizational culture is a vital element of effective management practices in universities. Lately, researchers are motivated to study on the organizational concept to provide managerial effectiviness in the universities. Furthermore, one should analyze the typologies of organizational culture to understand the organizational behaviours in higher education institutions. The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of current organizational culture at Ege University so the effective management strategies will be developed. The Competing Values Framework was employed to identfy the organizational culture type displayed by Ege University faculty. This framework assesses the dominant organizational culture based on four culture types: Clan, hierarchy, adhocracy, and market. According to the results of this study, Ege university faculty exhibits hierarchy culture type as dominant in the current situation. The hiearchy culture represents Ege university as an organization that concentrates on internal maintenance with stable and where individuals follow procedures, and leaders effectively coordinate and organise activity to maintain a smooth running organisation. However, the strategic objectives of Ege University emphasize the attributes of mainly adhocracy and clan culture types and market culture to some extent. This implies that Ege University's mission, goals, and strategic objectives are not mostly being met with the dominant current culture type. On the other hand, the second dominant culture type for Ege University is the market culture which is mostly adequate to the strategic objectives of the university. The market culture organization concentrates on results to be achieved and the competition is the significant attribute in this type. Researches on organizational culture indicate that mission, goals and strategic objectives of an organization shouldn't conflict with the current culture and they must work together to enhance effectiveness of the organization.
Frontiers in Public Health
The study aims to develop the Adversity Quotient (AQ) index of pre-service teachers during practicum training. The study also has assessed psychometric characteristics using the Rasch model. The original contribution is by addressing gaps of measuring AQ accurately among pre-service teachers through index at the Institute of Teacher Education (IPG) that not been widely explored. The research design entails a survey with a quantitative approach through questionnaires. The four main constructs of AQ comprises Control, Ownership, Reach, and Endurance (CORE model). This study involves several key procedures such as challenge identification, expert validity, item development, and psychometric testing of items before developing the index. A total of 96 items were produced and piloted over 159 pre-service teachers. Findings from the pilot study showed 54 items that met all assumptions from the Rasch model such as item fit, unidimensionality, local independence, reliability, and separation ...
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 1, 2019
This research endeavor was undertaken in order to loo k into the different determinants of interpersonal values and morale of faculty of the different state universities and colleges of Region I, CAR and NCR. This research made use of the descriptive research design. It also utilized a three-part questionnaire to wit: Part I is on Personal information; Part II is on Staff Morale; and Part III is on Interpersonal Relations. The researchers used the following statistical tools: Frequency Count and percentage; Weighted Mean; one-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) ;and Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression to determine the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable. It was disclosed that there exist no significant differences. On the other hand, there exist a significant differences in the morale of faculty of the different SUCs compared by region. Moreover, age is considered good predictor of interpersonal values along support, recognition, benevolence, and leadership. Along conformity, it is foreign countries visited teaching experience is for independence. Relative to faculty morale, it appears that its best predictor along cohesive pride in foreign countries visited; educational attainment for leadership synergy while foreign travel is for personal challenge. In the light of the preceding findings of this study and the conclusions drawn, the following suggestions/recommendations are hereby offered: 1) the school administrators should be instrumental in establishing or expanding linkages at both national and international levels in order to give more chances for the faculty to travel abroad. This can be strengthened if the school can allocate budget for this purpose; 2) the university should create a committee in charge on incentive and awards of faculty with meritorious performance in the field of instruction, research and extension; 3) the leadership potential should be fully developed by the supervision who would give them some kind of empowerment in the participation of decision-making as regard the affairs of the unit; 4) he school administrators should initiate a program for social transformation of the faculty through values education programs. This will enable the creation of a working environment where there is a team building, caring, humanistic, and sympathetic atmosphere to support the objectives of the institution (please refer to action plan); 5) R.A 6713 should be fully implemented in order to benefit those deserving government personnel.
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