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In a closed 2-cell embedding of a graph each face is homeomorphic to an open disk and is bounded by a cycle in the graph. The Orientable Strong Embedding Conjecture says that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some orientable surface. This implies both the Cycle Double Cover Conjecture and the Strong Embedding Conjecture. In this paper we prove that every 2-connected projective-planar cubic graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some orientable surface. The three main ingredients of the proof are (1) a surgical method to convert nonorientable embeddings into orientable embeddings; (2) a reduction for 4-cycles for orientable closed 2-cell embeddings, or orientable cycle double covers, of cubic graphs; and (3) a structural result for projective-planar embeddings of cubic graphs. We deduce that every 2-edge-connected projective-planar graph (not necessarily cubic) has an orientable cycle double cover.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2011
In a closed 2-cell embedding of a graph each face is homeomorphic to an open disk and is bounded by a cycle in the graph. The Orientable Strong Embedding Conjecture says that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some orientable surface. This implies both the Cycle Double Cover Conjecture and the Strong Embedding Conjecture. In this paper we prove that every 2-connected projective-planar cubic graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some orientable surface. The three main ingredients of the proof are (1) a surgical method to convert nonorientable embeddings into orientable embeddings; (2) a reduction for 4-cycles for orientable closed 2-cell embeddings, or orientable cycle double covers, of cubic graphs; and (3) a structural result for projective-planar embeddings of cubic graphs. We deduce that every 2-edge-connected projective-planar graph (not necessarily cubic) has an orientable cycle double cover.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1986
Let G and H be finite graphs with equal uniform degree refinements. Their finite common covering graph G 0 H is constructed. It is shown that G, H, and G 0 H can be 2-cell embedded in orientable surfaces M, N and S", respectively, in such a way that the graph covering projections G 0 H + G and G 0 H + H extend to branched coverings M + S-+ N of the surfaces. Additional properties of G 0 H are used to obtain some nontrivial consequences about coverings of some planar graphs.
We shall show that any projective-planar double covering of a 3connected graph is planar, discussing structures of double covering of planar graphs algebraically and combinatorially.
Acta Mathematica Scientia, 2002
In this paper, the authors discuss the upper bound for the genus of strong embeddings for 3-connected planar graphs on higher surfaces. It is shown that the problem of determining the upper bound for the strong embedding of 3-connected planar neartriangulations on higher non-orientable surfaces is NP-hard. As a corollary, a theorem of Richter, Seymour and Siran about the strong embedding of 3-connected planar graphs is generalized to orientable surface.
Discrete Mathematics, 1996
A closed 2-cell embedding of a graph embedded in some surface is an embedding such that each face is bounded by a circuit in the graph. The strong embedding conjecture says that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface. A graph is called k cross-cap embeddable if it can be embedded in the non-orientable surface of k cross-caps. In this paper, we prove that every 2-connected 4 cross-cap embeddable graph G has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface. As a corollary, G has a cycle double cover, i.e., G has a set of circuits containing every edge exactly twice.
We introduce and study embeddings of graphs in finite projective planes, and present related results for some families of graphs including complete graphs and complete bipartite graphs. We also make connections between embeddings of graphs and the existence of certain substructures in a plane, such as Baer subplanes and arcs.
We present two conjectures related to strong embeddings of a graph into a surface. The first conjecture relates equivalence of integer quadratic forms given by the Laplacians of graphs, 2-isomorphism of 2connected graphs, and strong embeddings of graphs. We prove various special cases of this conjecture, and give evidence for it. The second conjecture, motivated by ideas from physics and number theory, gives a lower bound on the number of strong embeddings of a graph. If true, this conjecture would imply the well-known Strong Embedding Conjecture.
Discrete Mathematics, 2009
Consider a planar drawing Γ of a planar graph G such that the vertices are drawn as small circles and the edges are drawn as thin stripes. Consider a non-simple cycle c of G. Is it possible to draw c as a non-intersecting closed curve inside Γ , following the circles that correspond in Γ to the vertices of c and the stripes that connect them? We show that this test can be done in polynomial time and study this problem in the framework of clustered planarity for highly non-connected clustered graphs.
Discrete Mathematics, 2006
Orientable triangular embeddings of the complete tripartite graph K n,n,n correspond to biembeddings of Latin squares. We show that if n is prime there are at least e n ln n−n(1+o(1)) nonisomorphic biembeddings of cyclic Latin squares of order n. If n = kp, where p is a large prime number, then the number of nonisomorphic biembeddings of cyclic Latin squares of order n is at least e p ln p−p(1+ln k+o(1)). Moreover, we prove that for every n there is a unique regular triangular embedding of K n,n,n in an orientable surface.
We explore the well-known Jaeger's directed cycle double cover conjecture which is equivalent to the assertion that every cubic bridgeless graph has an embedding on a closed orientable surface with no dual loop. We associate each cubic graph G with a novel object H that we call a "hexagon graph"; perfect matchings of H describe all embeddings of G on closed orientable surfaces. The study of hexagon graphs leads us to define a new class of graphs that we call "lean fork-graphs". Fork graphs are cubic bridgeless graphs obtained from a triangle by sequentially connecting fork-type graphs and performing Y-Delta, Delta-Y transformations; lean fork-graphs are fork graphs fulfilling a connectivity property. We prove that Jaeger's conjecture holds for the class of lean fork-graphs. The class of lean fork-graphs is rich; namely, for each cubic bridgeless graph G there is a lean fork-graph containing a subdivision of G as an induced subgraph. Our results establish ...
Discrete Mathematics, 2001
A closed 2-cell embedding of a graph embedded in some surface is an embedding such that each face is bounded by a cycle in the graph. The strong embedding conjecture says that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface. In this paper, we prove that any 2-connected graph without V8 (the M obius 4-ladder) as a minor has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface. As a corollary, such a graph has a cycle double cover. The proof uses a classiÿcation of internally-4-connected graphs with no V8-minor (due to Kelmans and independently Robertson), and the proof depends heavily on such a characterization.
Discrete Mathematics, 1994
We show that every 3-connected planar graph has a circular embedding in some nonspherical surface. More generally, we characterize those planar graphs that have a 2-representative embedding in some nonspherical surface.
Discrete Mathematics, 2001
A closed 2-cell embedding of a graph embedded in some surface is an embedding such that each face is bounded by a cycle in the graph. The strong embedding conjecture says that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface. In this paper, we prove that any 2-connected graph without V8 (the M obius 4-ladder) as a minor has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface. As a corollary, such a graph has a cycle double cover. The proof uses a classiÿcation of internally-4-connected graphs with no V8-minor (due to Kelmans and independently Robertson), and the proof depends heavily on such a characterization.
Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1992
Let G be a graph embedded in a closed surface. The embedding is “locally planar” if for each face, a “large” neighbourhood of this face is simply connected. This notion is formalized, following [RV], by introducing the width ρ(ψ) of the embedding ψ. It is shown that embeddings with ρ(ψ) ≥ 3 behave very much like the embeddings of planar graphs in the 2-sphere. Another notion, “combinatorial local planarity”, is introduced. The criterion is independent of embeddings of the graph, but it guarantees that a given cycle in a graph G must be contractible in any minimal genus embedding of G (either orientable, or non-orientable). It generalizes the width introduced before. As application, short proofs of some important recently discovered results about embeddings of graphs are given and generalized or improved. Uniqueness and switching equivalence of graphs embedded in a fixed surface are also considered.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2001
Whitney's theorem states that 3-connected planar graphs admit essentially unique embeddings in the plane. We generalize this result to embeddings of graphs in arbitrary surfaces by showing that there is a function ξ : N 0 → N 0 such that every 3-connected graph admits at most ξ(g) combinatorially distinct embeddings of face-width ≥ 3 into surfaces whose Euler genus is at most g.
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 2006
Polyhedral embeddings of cubic graphs by means of certain operations are studied. It is proved that some known families of snarks have no (orientable) polyhedral embeddings. This result supports a conjecture of Grünbaum that no snark admits an orientable polyhedral embedding. This conjecture is verified for all snarks having up to 30 vertices using computer. On the other hand, for every nonorientable surface S, there exists a non 3-edge-colorable graph, which polyhedrally embeds in S.
Discrete Mathematics, 1996
It is shown that embeddings of planar graphs in the projective plane have very specific structure. By exhibiting this structure we indirectly characterize graphs on the projective plane whose dual graphs are planar. Whitney's Theorem about 2-switching equivalence of planar embeddings is generalized: Any two embeddings of a planar graph in the projective plane can be obtained from each other by means of simple local reembeddings, very similar to Whitney's switchings.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2017
A class of graphs that lies strictly between the classes of graphs of genus (at most) k − 1 and k is studied. For a fixed orientable surface S k of genus k, let A k xy be the minor-closed class of graphs with terminals x and y that either embed into S k−1 or admit an embedding Π into S k such that there is a Π-face where x and y appear twice in the alternating order. In this paper, the obstructions for the classes A k xy are studied. In particular, the complete list of obstructions for A 1 xy is presented.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1985
This paper classifies the regular imbeddings of the complete graphs K,, in orientable surfaces. Biggs showed that these exist if and only if n is a prime power p', his examples being Cayley maps based on the finite field F= GF(n). We show that these are the only examples, and that there are q5(n-1)/e isomorphism classes of such maps (where 4 is Euler's function), each corresponding to a conjugacy class of primitive elements of F, or equivalently to an irreducible factor of the cyclotomic polynomial Qn-r(z) over GF(p). We show that these maps are all equivalent under Wilson's map-operations Hi, and we determined for which n they are reflexible or self-dual.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 1997
The strong embedding conjecture states that every 2-connected graph has a closed 2-cell embedding in some surface , i. e. an embedding that each face is bounded by a circuit in the graph. A graph is called k-crosscap embeddable if it can be embedded in the surface of non-orientable genus k. We confirm the strong embedding conjecture for 5-crosscap embed-461
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