Shakespeare and the Body Politic



Acknowledgments Preface Chapter 1: Shakespeare and the Body Politic Bernard J. Dobski and Dustin Gish Part One: The Heart Chapter 2: "The Very Heart of Loss": Love and Politics in Antony and Cleopatra Joseph Alulis Chapter 3: Julius Caesar: The Problem of Classical Republicanism Timothy Burns Chapter 4: Who is Shakespeare's Julius Caesar? Nasser Behnegar Chapter 5: Love, Honor,and Community in Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Pamela Jensen Part Two: The Limbs Chapter 6: At War 'Twixt Will and Will Not: Government, Marriage, and Grace in Measure for Measure Peter Meilaender Chapter 7: Trojan Horse or Troilus' Whore? Pandering Statecraft and Political Stagecraft in Troilus and Cressida Nalin Ranasinghe Chapter 8: Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece: Honor and Republicanism Robert Schaefer Chapter 9: Hotspur and Falstaff vs. The Politicians: Shakespeare's View of Honor Timothy Spiekerman Part Three: The Head Chapter 10: Shakespeare, Timon of...