Assessing driving risk in patients with glaucoma

Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia

Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide and can affect a broad array of daily activities, including driving. Recently, studies investigating the relationship between driving performance and glaucoma have received a great deal of interest. Assessment of driving behavior is not straightforward because driving is a complex skill involving significant multi-tasking ability. In this review, we summarize recent work from clinical studies investigating how glaucoma can affect driving performance. Patients with glaucoma are more likely to be involved in motor vehicle collisions when compared to healthy subjects. Here we describe how conventional functional tests performed in glaucoma patients, such as visual field measure ments via standard automatic perimetry, are associated with driving performance. However, the risk of motor vehicle collisions is not entirely attributable to visual field impairment in glaucoma, suggesting that other factors also account for both driving safety and performance. Finally, we show different studies suggesting that parameters from driving simulators can be helpful because they can identify the impact of visual loss on complex situations.