Medical Oaths and Their Educational Impact

2016, Academic Medicine

Current health system put different tasks on physicians. Alongside with this change, medical education also becomes more sophisticated and the humanistic features of medicine undermined. However, it should be pointed out that the professional commitment of a physician and his/her primary duty is caring for the patients. Although changes in the health care system have affected the physician’s roles, this primal commitment mentioned as the primary task of the medicine as a profession. Besides, nowadays, physicians, patients, and members of the society have come to believe that medicine and especially its physician-patient relationship component is under threat, and virtually all have concluded that any action to address the issue must include a major educational initiative. (R L. Cruess, S R. Cruess &Yvonne Steinert eds. Teaching Medical Professionalism. 2009, Cambridge University Press) On the other hand, usually duties and responsibilities show themselves in the form of national and...