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2021, Report-Environmental Protection and Climate change Expenditures of Metropolitan Municipalities
16 pages
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TESEV Briefs aim to share with the public different opinions and recommendations on issues that are under TESEV's working areas.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
CA. Consortium Agreement. The consortium agreement is a private agreement between the beneficiaries, to set out the rights and obligations amongst themselves. (It does NOT involve the European Commission/Agency.) Communication. Taking strategic and targeted measures for promoting the action itself and its research outputs to a multitude of audiences, including the media and the public, and possibly engaging in a two-way exchange. Dissemination. The public disclosure of the research outputs by any appropriate means, including by scientific publications in any medium. Exploitation. The utilisation of research outputs in further research activities other than those covered by the action concerned, or in developing, creating and marketing a product or process, or in creating and providing a service, or in standardisation activities. EELISA Community. The EELISA communities are mission-driven working groups that bring together students, teachers, and researchers from all partner universities with prestigious professionals, grassroots organizations, citizens, private companies, and public institutions to find innovative solutions to real-world challenges. EELISA Cluster. EELISA Clusters are science-based working groups that will work on the scientific and technological solutions that may contribute to solve the societal challenges identified by EELISA Communities. GA. Grant Agreement. This is the grant contract concluded between the EU and the beneficiaries. It establishes the rights and obligations that govern the grant. It consists of a core text and annexes (for instance, fixing the project content and the project budget).
Public Service Accountability Monitor, 2017
The Nigeria State Health Investment Project (NSHIP) was designed to improve the allocative and technical efficiency in the health sector in Nigeria. The project focuses on increasing access to health services particularly among pregnant women and children in the NE. Iterative beneficiary monitoring (IBM) is a small scale high frequency data collection mechanism, developed by the poverty team, that collects data from project beneficiaries to create a beneficiary feedback loop and serve as an alert system. The approach improves project efficiency and increase beneficiary engagement and satisfaction. It also helps examine project activities, identify challenges within the project, inform decision-making process and improve project outcomes based on the feedbacks from beneficiaries. The findings of the IBM for NSHIP are presented in this report.
KATCH_e authors would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication, presentation or course program that uses this material as a source. More information about the project, training materials and contacts, available at: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Abstract PloneGov. org is a recent community aiming at providing open-source software to local and regional governments. It gathers IT specialists from local and regional governments from Belgium, France, Switzerland, Spain and Argentina, supported by IT SMEs. Open-source communities are not used to think of development in terms of software product lines (SPLs), relying instead on the flexibility provided by source code modifications.
Budgeting and expenditure data is the clearest expression of a government's priorities. Despite its importance, making it available to the public imposes hard challenges that not every administration is ready to undertake. The lack of IT capabilities and constrained resources of government agencies -regardless of size or budgetmake it difficult for them to respond to the demands of information from their constituencies, transparency advocates, the press and central governments. Moreover, these administrations don't usually have access to analysis tools that help them view how the resources are being used and to detect potential risks of misspending -a critical need of elected officials, who are under everyday scrutiny. Responding to these needs, I propose the design, implementation, impact and usability studies of a software platform for analysis and visualization of government budget and expenditure data. Thesis Supervisor Dr. C6sar A. Hidalgo Associate Professor of Media A...
from the day, including extracts from the discussions in the group work: The workshop today focused on the following three questions that will be discussed in groups, but other scenarios are welcome. The questions should help define the boundaries of KADK: LAB.
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Online Submission, 2008
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2017
Proceedings of the The 1st International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering Technology Universitas Muria Kudus, 2018