Brainwave Controlled Robotic Arm



Paralysis is one amongst the major neural disorder that causes loss of motion of one or more muscles of the body, where in depending on the cause, it may affect a specific muscle group or region of the body or a larger area may be involved. In pursuit of rehabilitation, the eye can be regarded as one of the organs that can help a paralyzed person to communicate suitably. The Brain Signals of such patients can be used to help them communicate to others and also to perform various tasks by providing necessary infrastructure and training. This project describes the acquisition and analysis of Brain signals for operating a robot having a robotic arm mounted on top of it. The proposed method here uses a minimum number of electrodes for obtaining the brain signals using EEG Headsets available in the market and then control a robot based on the levels of these brain signals which can be varied by varying the states of mind. The EEG Headset detects the signals and generates a discrete value. This value is then sent over Bluetooth to a PC/ Laptop for further processing and plotting using MATLAB. After processing the actions to be performed are sent over ZIGBee to the ARM Microcontroller that controls the robot as well as the robotic arm mounted on the robot.