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1979, MA Thesis
82 pages
1 file
Chosun University Graduate School, Gwangju, Korea
Rezumat: Principiul nereturnării refugiaţilor spre ţara pe care au părăsit-o şi unde nu pot sau nu doresc să revină din cauza unor ameninţări grave, este expres consacrat de Convenţia din 1951 privind statutul refugiaţilor şi a devenit o normă ius cogens a dreptului internaţional public. Întrebarea care apare frecvent este dacă acest principiu este pus în aplicare în mod real de state sau dimpotrivă, este încălcat. Practica recentă a statelor confruntate cu un număr mare de persoane care solicită acordarea statutului de refugiat sau azilant urmare a evenimentelor din Siria, în mod particular, relevă încălcarea sau ignorarea frecventă a acestui principiu. Prezenta lucrare îşi propune să realizeze o analiză a conţinutului principiului nereturnării, conform dispoziţiilor Convenţiei de la Geneva din 1951 şi a altor acte internaţionale cu care se completează, precum şi corelaţia cu noţiunea de jurisdicţie a statului căruia îi revine această obligaţie. O atenţie sporită va fi acordată identificării cazurilor de abatere de la acest principiu care ar putea justifica atragerea răspunderii internaţionale. O astfel de situaţie este cea în care statul riveran refuză accesul în apele sale teritoriale persoanelor care caută azil sau refugiu, contrar dispoziţiilor generale ale dreptului mării şi ale Pactului internaţional cu privire la drepturile civile şi politice.
Starting from the idea that researchers have extended homonymy to other levels of the language in addition to the lexical one and defined it as an association of identical phonological structures with different meanings, the objective of the current paper is to examine some aspects of grammatical homonymy with reference to the Subject and Object Complements-syntactic functions that represent a highly debatable issue among linguists. We have in view the presence of the Complement in several constructions that can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the part of speech through which it is realized and its flexibility. In such ambiguous structures, the Subject and Object Complements can be frequently analyzed as Attributes, Predicatives or Objects. Moreover, many Romanian constructions with the Subject and Object Complements have very interesting derivative histories, but, at the same time, debatable from a certain perspective: the way they were produced. Subsequently, for clarifying, one can use techniques like articulation or word order change. This proves, once again, the necessity of an integrated approach to Romanian grammar, in order to avoid confusion: although it is still a problem of morpho-syntax, grammatical homonymy must be studied in relation with semantics and phonetics, thus being a typical case of interrelation between the branches of any language.
Acta et commentationes: Ştiinţe ale Educaţiei, 2023
Rezumat. Studiul reprezintă rezultatele unei anchete și interpretarea lor sub forma analizei de nevoi de formare a cadrelor didactice din Republica Moldova și din Romania privind specificul procesului de dezvoltare a competenței de cercetare/investigare la liceeni la Disciplina Geografie. Prima parte a articolului conturează perspectiva de abordare a competenței vizate pe trei direcții de dezvoltare: gândirea științifică, metodologia sistemică, integrată a procesului formativ și componenta ei atitudinal -axiologică. Sunt descrise elementele caracteristice învățării prin Geografie care racordează absolventul de liceu la învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții: învățarea bazată pe investigație, ciclul investigativ, capacități, abilități și atitudini de investigare. În cea de a doua parte, prin sistematizarea statistică a răspunsurilor obținute în urma aplicării chestionarului se constată problemele dezvoltării competenței de cercetare/investigare și se trasează direcții de intervenție pedagogică. Cuvinte-cheie: competența de cercetare/investigare, demers investigativ, învățarea prin investigare, competențe specifice Geografiei.
Creanga's narrative model is an important subject in the investigation of some fundamental aspects of the prosaic phenomenon in the Dniester and Prut area. At different periods of the evolution of Bessarabian prose, Creanga is a standard of artistic transfigurations. Critics have tried to prove that namely the orality, the paramiological erudition, the brilliant instinctive sense of language and folk ethos, the pleasure of storytelling are sure marks of an indubitable narrative model - Creanga. Creanga's narrative model has a decisive impact in Bessarabian prose in affirming a dialogue of texts.
As an essential part of the general vocabulary, idioms reflect the environment, life, history, and culture of the native speakers, and are closely associated with their innermost spirits and feelings. The question emerges that these idioms could have had both linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that could have influenced their appearance. In this article we aim at examining both linguistic and extra-linguistic features and ways of somatic idioms emergence in the English language. To be explicit we will compare English somatic idioms having different human part body key words to various body parts with somatic expressions of the same nature in the Romanian language.
USARB, 2016
The structure of the sentence in G. Vieru's poetry is directed towards simplified models, although there are many inversions of the constituent parts of sentences. The sentence is characterized by complexity (the number of compound sentences prevails over the composite ones). The composite sentences, actually, reflect the author's style, peculiarities of reflection, techniques to structure thoughts and ideas. It is worth mentioning that the syntactic complexity of the composite sentence makes the reading of a piece of literature difficult, but G. Vieru arranges the syntactic components very carefully, thus, offering the reader the possibility to penetrate to the essence at a more careful reading.
SiQSal xAcsl sU ua (;Asa.i.ALa:ftcal asiaa' u jLcmfi iiaiQ Md Lao ^asal nou mu u rndiLcacd iiciLd £ (u^^ca 636i) a, t9-9ZV 4(,aai.' uScl cffcL u MuorSca zm casdal' mU ai.i. cJd U C4i.a uq aiaial ciou mU 91.1 uu Uludau uua»(;>>cr Md ^..rra' d;au sier MicaaU a^a*; "xd gSuaicd^aa SmOU* 4«aau9aiu UmqI u clq itsaiaissl' ao i.iaua laLaUza suuaau rai-uidesai. aou Nub N mciLd' ^961' uiiQ s^a ^uacauQ Mil U4aa«.a QAtaucai, uLuaau. u C'.C4<.)iccxa«aia sua^a uatl s^cda^aL caccxca Md Lau inGLrc u^aatr xU qi.u gd u dauaau* riQU xa r^a caual li)![Q oauidaiL' caaiax^a^dicc xU ouaiaa' riiu crua taa X Ql. xL(.Q2wicaQaLl-Q/Xa xal xi i«rd XLe;i2:isLJ.cdfc(.a c^al auaial rai.(.i.idal gd Lau ruuoaL ^xuadaiU' xi tau aucu uiftci 'cagiral sxu LLidx gxuxl sarL^<.dau ataiag' coaa xc^a gd x u^d Qa^voa^ail cxuxdaau* O/Xa cxxLcaaLcc lacal z<.a gxuxl dul iLi^r^da xiraauauul xd xau'Xc^a < c^iu oaacal sd X tuoauau ixL'. j:u<.ail Xa uaa auaiai rauuLdai clou xd uau aisaaauL^dau Xd Lc LiLL(na Liai^Q' Qxui si6i' XdaauL das^ '\adc.cul ud.augX(^fcau</' x dx^^ad, lXq au<aaa dx^^a^ gd uau i^^xccau uau^b^ic^c lIQU cniu uXa aL rauuida Xruuc gd x caaa cau'ca4,QXcu<2il a(.Q' xaL xuuQ X cg^uiaiL X(.caucuXL uaa guauL^dl cXaauxc;, xil xuL Laq xd xdL cxaia^caa xucraixgai gd a'^l cxuxdaauaad'c xd aXl' Xcau lu aal laa LU aal uaudara cx^l uq qucuq cxu^aal oa^' lal cd^umaanuu^da xnaXogau' diijdcl al axda uaugXu Liuc2:igi.ul x diusi xcx<^6i gil uau Lau?kt.<.c,dc lLQIi mic T.IQ cu^aQQl LauLd'al LUd aal aiaai^a at Xs xuU Xul cxaiataal iiaud* a<,u SLUt.aau' xuU d^ uaa a xa x cxaruua xiaXGLarc^da :xr?:dua* lXq dal aal Xcau XUL lucQfcd TkL cxaaudl xaL lu uaa Xul uauj^t.^u'c a(.6(:,a aL Xs gd uau cauta<^QXrQ gxuai,uau'Ltda xd 5uauauX(:,LSiX:aua uaud xa xl aci^acai Q,xa au Xi^ul dXa aL xuL r^a cXc\:aaxca-xaii' xi^^aa<.aa xaaXogau gd Xscacl X aiQi-d^ agu.' Xcau cXcaxcl uXa aal X(.q ?<.a radara*
Purpose: Knowing the motivation of achievement and in relation to the future professional activity of the students from 1st and 2nd years at the University of Bucharest, enrolled in the dance course. The need to improve the self-image, the necessities of superior socializing and relating underlie the students option to enroll in the dance course, are estimated as sine qua non conditions for personal and socio-professional success. In our study have participated, as volunteers, 120 students from the University of Bucharest, divided into two groups: A: 60 students enrolled in the dance course; B: 60 students enrolled in the table tennis and basketball courses. By applying the SM1 questionnaire we investigated the hierarchic motivational structure of the students who were interviewed. We can say that the vision of the investigated subjects, their orientation towards practicing dance could be related to the satisfaction of those needs which they consider important to their personal and ...
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