Chapter three

Surface flow types, runoff generation and hydrograph  In the hydrologic cycle, water comes from the atmosphere to the surface as precipitation or rainfall.  During precipitation, some of rainfall is intercepted by vegetation, some of rain fall evaporates after reaching the ground surface, some of the rainfall infiltrates into the pervious soil or ground. Cont.……  When the overland flow starts (due to a storm) some flowing water is held in puddles, pits and small ponds; this water stored is called depression storage.  The volume of water in transit in the overland flow which has not yet reached the stream channel is called surface detention or detention storage.  The overland flow occurs only when the rainfall intensity exceeds the infiltration capacity.  Conditions that encourage a high infiltration rate include coarse soils, well vegetated land, low soil moisture, and a top soil layer made porous by insects and other burrowing animals, in addition to land-use practices that avoid soil compaction. 4 Cont.… 5 Figure 3.1: Bank storage  The portion of runoff in a rising flood in a stream, which is absorbed by the permeable boundaries of the stream above the normal phreatic surface is called bank storage, Figure. 3.1