Presence and Telepresence: Conceptualizations in the Literature



Why examine the concept of telepresence? A number of emerging technologies, including virtual reality, simulation, home theater, state-of-the-art video conferencing and virtual three-dimensional (3-D) environment, are designed to give the user a type of mediated experience that has never been possible before. This new experience seems to be “real,” “direct” and “immediate.” The term telepresence has been used to describe this compelling sense of being present in these mediated virtual environments (Held & Durlach, 1992; Steuer, 1992). On the empirical side, the use of this new revolution in media technologies has expanded to telemedicine, telepsychiatry, distance learning, legal testimony from remote locations, arcade games and more (see Lombard & Ditton, 1997). An enhanced sense of telepresence is central to the usefulness and profitability of the new technologies mentioned above, and others such as the World Wide Web and highdefinition television. As underlined by Zhang, Benbasat,...