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The conventional theory of everything concerns the unification of the four forces of nature: gravity, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and electromagnetism. But some of the most fundamental aspects of nature are left out. This article raises some important points which ought to be covered by a new theory of everything.
A theory of everything , or, grand unified theory (which Einstein had been working on without success, with Superstring Theory now being a good candidate), is one which unites all the forces of nature, viz., gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force. Important as this theory might be, it is lacking in one important fundamental aspect, viz., the role of consciousness, which could in fact be considered the most fundamental aspect of physics. This paper explains that a theory of consciousness is more important than a theory of everything or grand unified theory and should be the theory of everything instead, or, at least, a part of the theory of everything.
Researchgate, 2021
Richard Feynman, Paul Dirac and the new theory of Quantum Electrodynamics. Interaction of light and mass. Four quantum numbers and Pauli’s exclusion principle. Discovery of antimatter. The Standard Model: Quest for a general theory.
Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 2000
We discuss recent developments in our understanding of matter, broadly construed, and their implications for contemporary research in fundamental physics.
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Members of the public and intellectuals do appreciate that the universe appears to be something beyond explanations. It is a colossal miracle, because there is no evidence of any kind, capable of indicating how such an impossible reality could have arisen, without attributing it to superintelligent induction, based on nothing like the science and physics we know of. We should not use the limitation of human knowhow, to claim that it all of existence arose from nothing, or from a few grams of vacuum energy, based on science which did not exist. This third article is the last, before the author publishes his Theory of Everything, in his coming book, later this year, 2018. Elaborating a genuine Theory of Everything (TOE) is obviously a very demanding proposition. To start with, you can never be certain it has been correctly formulated, because we are just humans, created without the capacity to possess supernatural knowledge. The TOE remains the only universal unified concept having a future, after Glashow two years back openly admitted that the Grand Unified Theory of his and Georgi, of 1974, was dead. To start with, the TOE should be an all-encompassing model that provides answers to many questions from scientists and the public about the origin and nature of our universe. Historically, the seeds of a theory of our universe were sown in efforts to produce a field unification theory, in 1864, when Maxwell published his dynamical theory of electromagnetic field. This influenced Einstein in 1905 to use Maxwell’s constancy of the speed of light to unify space and time into the concept of spacetime. Later Einstein conceived of curved four-dimensional spacetime to describe gravity in his General Relativity. Some years later Weyl in 1919 came up with the gauge electromagnetic field theory, which eventually led to the concept of Grand Unified Theory, which was believed to be one in which all forces would merge into a single force, due to different fields being able to “merge” into a unified one. 2 Kaluza in 1921 envisaged General Relativity as a 5-dimensional entity in which Klein, in 1926, suggested that the fourth dimension could be curled up to illustrate gravitational force. These varied developments were the earliest attempts at trying to understand the universe in unified field theories, and it was in this rather confused context, as from 1930, that Einstein embarked on an ambitious journey into a 25 year-dedication to formulate a classical Unified Field Theory, which never materialised, and he was still scribbling some equations on his last day in 1955. A decade later, there started a new realisation about unifying the electromagnetic force with the Weak Interaction, arising from the work of Higgs, Glashow, Weinberg and Salam that produced the unified Electroweak Theory, the unification of the electromagnetic and weak forces. This trend encouraged physicists to contemplate that perhaps at very high energies, not yet possible under contemporary technologies, all forces might unify into one grand unified theory, the GUT, which when unified with gravity, would produce a theory of everything. Recent data suggest that a Grand Unified Theory is either a theoretical curiosity, misunderstood, or a mirage. Speculations went much further, for there have been suggestions that a GUT, championed by Salam and others, would produce at the highest energy a single combined field of all forces, from which would emerge evidence of the occurrence of superparticles, for each of the standard particles in today’s physics. The important questions are why the universe requires such physical entities and how do they fit into the final explanations of the realities of our laws of nature, for instance the nature of consciousness and other phenomena of existence, like Darwin’s theory of evolution or black holes or the Big Bang theory, or even about the origin of our universe. This being so, several efforts, in the physics and cosmology domains, try to dig into the strata of universal knowledge to search for our ultimate relevance and future, but the topic of finding a TOE was seen to be even more elusive. However, scientists were convinced that the Theory of Everything was first and foremost a concept of our ultimate realities and of existence. It is believed it would harbour major components of physics in intimacy with philosophy. You need philosophical inspiration to see the physics, which then tells you how the philosophy should be like, or you need to see the philosophy to understand why the physics is as it is. The physics is pure physics and the philosophy pure philosophy, but they might both be imperative towards understanding the origin and the meaning of existence. What we have currently is a collection of narratives about the origin of our universe, all spinning around contrasting centres of philosophical influence. Even here in intellectual work, there is an implication of entropy for once the culture of defining various theories of everything has reached a certain maximum, the true Theory of Everything could find a greater likelihood to emerge. In 3 entropy, including intellectual entropy, there will be factors of determinism and indeterminism, such that they would interplay in the process of the evolution of ideas, where entropy would ensure we always move from maximum order, with loads of data, to maximum disorder, in framed concepts on which little more conceptual work is possible, a fact which means that the Theory of Everything, describing the most evolved universal tenets of existence, would represent the most disorderly intellectual system, at the highest intellectual entropy. That would be the universal explanatory key conceived by humans for humans, based on philosophy and physics, to unlock the mysteries of the universe that was masterminded by a Supernatural Power.
The Unification of Physics
The objective is to find a unified description of physical properties which applies at the small (atomic) scale and at the large (cosmological) scale. The starting point is the General Theory of Relativity. Light is described as a wave disturbance of spacetime propagating through space. The light interference experiment is discussed in detail considering light as a real physical wave passing through the apparatus and interacting with the detector so that probabilistic effects take place at the point of detection. The nature of mass and the nature of charge are explained. The concepts of force and field are shown to be dependent attributes and all properties are shown to be derived from spacetime. The nature of protons, neutrons and electrons as looped waves in spacetime is analysed with the implications for experimental observations. The cause of the quantisation of electron states is explained and this leads to the cause for the quantisation of light as electrons change energy level. The unification of the four fundamental forces is achieved by recognising that the property "force" is not fundamental. The forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak nuclear) arise as a result of differences in energy between possible positions of objects in spacetime. The forces arise in each case due to the context in which they occur. The Theory of Everything (TOE) or master theory question is resolved by showing that the core theory equations are the Einstein equations of GR with a cosmological constant of zero.
The Theory of Everything is not a kind of master concept meant to integrate relativity and quantum theory, or to formulate the Grand Unified Theory. Nor is it a concept about the merging the forces and/or particles in one unified theory. In fact, these kinds of unified concepts are not very profound and are far from being a Theory of Everything, capable of describing the ultimate nature of our universe and existence. This is because the universe is now, in the beginning of the 21st century, starting to reveal its scientific nature, but an awful lot remains to be seen, perhaps in the decades, centuries and millennia of the future. We are still at a very early phase of elucidating its fundamental nature. What we know about Einstein’s relativity and quantum theory is a fraction of what is potentially possible. The nature of forces, particles, mass, gravitation is still fragmentary, while space-time and consciousness are hardly beginning to be investigated systematically. These are prof...
Frontiers of Astronomy Astrophysics and Cosmology, 2015
A theory of everything (ToE) or final theory, ultimate theory, or master theory is a hypothetical single, all-encompassing, coherent theoretical framework of physics that fully explains and links together all physical aspects of the universe. As Newton, Einstein, and the Standard Model failed to provide such framework, Unified Field Theory (UFT) is the best framework so far. UFT gave Physics a new definition: "A natural science that involves the study of motion of space-time-energy-force to explain and predict the motion, interaction and configuration of matter." The Torque Grid is the fundamental unit of universe. It is driven from gravity forces as result of space-time-energy-force unification. UFT deduces major Physics theories in no time. UFT unifies four major forces by resonance conditions with help of an arbitrary 3D prime wave model in which the twist/stretch ratio is 137. The resonance condition (distortion equals original size) of the Gravity force decides the size of universe and UFT concludes that the Grand universe is hierarchical. UFT builds foundation of Chemistry and Material Science with the help of predicted octahedron proton topology: proton/neutron pilings form nuclei; octahedron proton and electron interactions create cubic atoms; electron orbit overlapping decides crystal structure; electron and proton Torque and asymmetrical electron collision twist DNA. There are many UFT related papers we previously published. This paper provides main ideas of UFT papers in hopping that scientists can understand UFT better. This paper will further remove the doubts scientists have regarding the merits of the UFT theory as Theory of Everything (ToE), the final theory of the Physics.
General Science Journal, 2019
It is demonstrated that the realms of mechanics and electrodynamics are distinct and separate, but are combined and interact at every level. Examples are given to show that the fundamental mechanical laws of physics apply to both. Further analysis confirms that in all respects, the two realms are negative reciprocals and the mathematical transformation from one to the other is implemented by inversion. This applies to both micro and macrocosms which are also reciprocals. Relativistic equations, properly interpreted and applied, provide the basis for inversion, inertia, anti-gravity, pair production, entanglement, identities, et al., and a comprehensive cosmology emerge as a natural consequence of the theory. If there is any basis to the assumption of "dark matter", then according to the content of this paper, it is simply inertia applied universally. Introduction All salient aspects of this paper were originally stated in a paper presented to the International Scientist's Club, Congress, 2002, Russia 1 , and a subsequent paper the following year, depicting graphical representation and some conclusions 2. The added materials are a logical extension of the precepts identified at that time, or are directly related and were made explicit in subsequent investigations. The formulas of Newtonian mechanics are universal. The outstanding problems therein (inertia and anti-gravity) are resolved as an extension of the following. Galilean relativity is made explicit.
A new explanation of the nature of gravity is presented in this article. It interprets gravity as a property of mass to deform and absorb space cells around it, creating space flows towards any massive body. The notion of space flows can change perception not only of gravity but also of the many other phenomena of physics such as repulsion of particles or movement of peripheral parts of galaxies, strong or weak forcers, and so on. In the first part of this paper, proposed model of gravity is confirmed by a derivation of inverse square Newton’s law for gravitational force using the basic principles of this theory. In the second part, this model of gravitation is developed further and complemented with the main equation of space cells movement, which links a speed of space cells with their linear size. This equation allows us to obtain a formula for time relativity and to define an influence of mass on a value of the speed of light. In the third part, the space flows are used to explain an effect of gravitational repulsion on a micro level. The notion of space flows also is used to describe forces of strong and weak interactions. The fourth part is about particles. An important role of antimatter in a particles’ internal structure and a few schemes of elementary particles’ transformations are proposed there. This theory of gravity suggests that antimatter emits the space cells
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a most general physical theory, 2019
Theory of Everything: The Missing Link in Modern Physics, Which Solves all the Problems, 2014
2017.09.13 A unified theory of all fields and all kinds of matter., 2017
8604223 Canada Inc., 2019
Manifesto for a natural physics , 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022