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1 Assistant Professor and Assistant Director, IUBAT Institute of SDG Studies (IISS), International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 2 Assistant Professor and Deputy Director, IUBAT Institute of SDG Studies (IISS), International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 3 Professor and Director, IUBAT Institute of SDG Studies (IISS), International University of Business Agriculture and Technology & RCE Greater Dhaka 4 Professor and Director Admin, International University of Business Agriculture and Technology Embankment Drive Road, Sector-10, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230 *corresponding author:
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) becomes an imperative trend among educational institutions, which requires a change in education in this modern society. Consequently, all learning institutions need to revisit its functions if it plays its vital role in transforming society by promoting social and environmental equity. This qualitative research intends to explore the faculty members' experiences in a State College in Negros Occidental of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Four faculty members were purposely selected and voluntarily participated in the study. Their relevant ESD experiences were collected using semi-structured in-depth interviews, and results were analyzed using a thematic approach of Lichtman. Analysis of the data reveals exciting themes of their experiences. On becoming a greening organization member, their professional advancement and interest in the care for the environment prevailed. On the meaning of ESD, they highlighted the academe's role in promoting sustainability. Lastly, on their ESD experiences in their classes, actions for learning through the inculcation of sustainability competencies among learners were evident. Generally, the findings suggest teachers' significant role in promoting ESD and the importance of providing an avenue for learners to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to promote sustainability.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) is a long-term mechanism to translate the principles and values of sustainable development (SD) concept into practices. With the 'nurturing' nature of ESD it is hoped that it would give the learners a lasting impact on their practices. However, ESD poses great challenges to educators at every level of education system, including university educators worldwide, in many aspects. This paper focuses only on the aspect of integrating SD concept into university courses, with reference to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Hence, this paper analyses the challenges to integrate SD concept into university courses found in the literature, and with reference to UKM. The methods used in this study are the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, as well as logical and comparative analysis. The results show four main challenges faced by university educators: (a) the basis of integration, i.e., the extent to which SD provides a suitab...
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is vital in fostering quality education that enables stakeholders to work collaboratively and address complex problems related to sustainable development. ESD is a process for developing awareness, necessary skills, and values so that the learners can take responsibility in society for the future's sustainable development. The paper discusses two aspects of ESD, i.e., Environmental Education (EE) as the subset of ESD and the integration of ESD in educational institutions. The paper utilized a rigorous literature review to understand these aspects of ESD. It was seen that student-centric approaches, such as hands-on experiences and working with nature, can make learners aware of environmental sustainability issues. Further, ESD can transform education to inculcate sustainable development values and can be integrated into educational institutions by developing sustainability-related competencies and moving towards transdisciplinarity.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 15 (2) 188-207., 2014
This article aims to explore the challenges posed by the conceptual framework and diversity of practice of education for sustainable development (ESD). The implications of plurality of ESD perspectives and methodological approaches as well variations in ESD practice will be addressed. Critical framework for conceptualizing of ESD which takes environmental ethics into account will be proposed through the discussion of The Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Attitudes Toward the Sustainable Development (EAATSD) scale. Design/methodology/approach: The paper opted for a general review approach, covering literature which provides an overview of the concepts and practices of ESD, as well as program evaluation studies. Additionally, qualitative evaluation of EAATSD scale with students of higher professional education was conducted, using in-depth interviews and dialogue with individual students as well as classroom discussions. Findings: It was found that there are wide and inconclusive debates about the aims of ESD based on the critique of sustainable development discourse in general and instrumentalism embedded in ESD in particular. According to the qualitative evaluation, EAATSD scale can be used for testing anthropocentric and ecocentric attitudes towards sustainable development in students of higher education. Based on these results, this scale was found to be revealing of the critical view of paradoxes and challenges inherent in multiple goals of sustainable development as well as useful for testing anthropocentric and ecocentric attitudes in students of higher education. Research limitations/implications: Reliability of the scale needs further statistical testing, and as is the case in conventional ESD evaluations, and consequent research is necessary to improve institutional, national, and international applicability to particular cases. Future research should draw from this critical review in order to devise alternative evaluation tools. Practical implications: In practice, this implies that currently administered evaluations of generic ESD, while useful in concrete cultural or institutional settings, might be premature. The article concludes with the reflection upon which conceptual, methodological, cultural, and ethical challenges of ESD which should be useful for ESD researchers and practitioners in different national settings. EAATSD is proposed both as methodological and content-oriented tool to be used for generic ESD programs. Originality/value: This article fulfills an identified need to address the paradoxes of sustainable development and to study how ESD can be more effective. ""
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Higher Learning Research Communications, 2014
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a new educational paradigm that allows Universities to lead and respond to social needs towards a more sustainable life. The ESD is a global preparedness and complex phenomena in relation to the effects of human activity on the environment, society and economy in spatial (global, regional and local) and temporal dimensions (learn from the past, act in the present and anticipate the future). This article provides an important synthesis of the vast literature in recent years in relation to ESD. It is analyzed the areas and elements to be integrated into the application and integration of Sustainability in Higher Education (SHE), the importance of sustainability curricula and changing the teaching and learning methods into more participative and active techniques. This paper ends with a proposal of steps to follow to implement a sustainability plan, the various existing integration strategies, and the identification of barriers and remaining challenges into ESD.
Cogent Education, 2023
While the majority of universities teach all students essential knowledge areas related to sustainability theories and practices, we are still unaware of the sustainable skills our students will need in the future. In an effort to improve the manner in which we design sustainability courses that enhance future skills for all students, we developed a two-step study method. First, we investigated the structure and key features of three universities’ sustainable courses. Then, utilizing the knowledge gained in phase one, we redesigned the instrument for data collection and investigated the experiences and expectations of undergraduate students regarding the programs. We conducted three focus group interviews with fifteen undergraduates enrolled in a sustainability unit as a general elective course. Thai students enroll in sustainability programs and/or units for the following reasons: (1) sustainable employment preparedness, (2) future sustainable skills, and (3) relevance to their primary study. When we asked them what encouraged them to learn sustainability effectively, they identified multidisciplinary nature and digital skills as crucial. The majority of students participating in this initiative state that they anticipate that learning about sustainability and sustainable development will enhance their understanding of future careers. In addition, the majority of them anticipate acquiring and integrating technical (ESG) and global competencies, as well as novel competencies such as environmental analysis, sustainable finance and investment, global politics, and social impact assessment.
Brock Education Journal, 2022
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Infusion Into Curricula: Influences on Students' Understandings of Sustainable Development and ESD
UNESCO, 2018
Chapter 1, From Agenda 21 to Target 4.7: the development of ESD, by Alexander Leicht, Bernard Combes, Won Jung Byun and Adesuwa Vanessa Agbedahin, provides an account of this emergence and the development of the concept of ESD. The chapter highlights the two flows of change: the development of ESD examining both the integration of sustainable development into education systems and how education has been embedded in the discourse of sustainable development. It addresses certain international processes that supported the emergence of ESD and shows how these two flows of change laid strong grounds for ESD over the years. Among other things, the chapter addresses the increasing centrality of ESD to the global education discourse, as reflected in the Education 2030 Agenda, and the relevance of education and particularly ESD in relation to the achievement of all the SDGs.
Education plays a vital role in supporting national development and meeting the needs and objectives of the society. Education is a tool which strengthens the sustainable future. There are a number of issues which hinder the role of education in its full stance. Like resources, economic status and quality of education. The quality of education is most important factor, among all. Sustainable development can be reinforced by number of factors such as learning rather than teaching, Lifelong learning than limited learning, multi sourced education than single source education and Use of multi discipline approach than a particular approach. The main objectives of this research was to study the role of ESD at university level in Pakistan and to know about the views of university students about SD and its impact on higher education. The study was quantitative in nature and survey descriptive research design used in this study. A sample of 360 university students was selected from the HEC recognized public and private sector universities of Lahore city. Self-constructed questionnaire was used to collect data. Convenient sampling technique was used for this purpose and data was collected from the students of three departments from each university. Environmental sciences, education and economics departments were purposively selected. After collection of data it was analyzed by using SPSS. Frequency distribution and percentage were calculated by the researcher for demographic information and statements while independent sample t-test and one way ANOVA was applied to find out the difference in opinion between groups. The findings of the study show that many students have deep concern about ESD and thought that it can change our environment. But the students from the environmental sciences have clarity about ESD.
Sustainable Development, 2019
This paper presents a narrative of the outcome of an extensive historical literature review of global policy development and processes concerning the emergence, efficacy, and eminence of sustainable development, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs]) inception to date. It starts by presenting the emergence, efficacy, and eminence of the concept and term “sustainable development” (which is integral to ESD) in terms of its historical definition, dimensions, understanding, interpretations, and challenges. It also highlights the take‐up of sustainable development in terms of green growth, human development, and human agency. It then presents an overview of ESD, accompanied by a discussion of its key characteristics, approaches, and significances. The paper then highlights a semantic analysis of the development of ESD, with a special focus on some converging processes, events, concepts, discourses, and declarations that have supported the rise of ESD and shaped its status to date. Considerable emphasis is placed on the significance and nexus between environmental education and ESD. The paper analyses the crucial interconnection between education, sustainable development, ESD, the SDGs, and human development. Furthermore, the paper discusses the centrality of ESD to the global education discourse and the nexus, role, and relevance of education and particularly ESD in relation to the achievement of all the SDGs. The paper concludes by critically reflecting on the above, vis‐à‐vis the author's previous empirical research on higher ESD, making recommendations on the future of ESD research and practice. KEYWORDS 2030 Education Agenda, education, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), policy and practice, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), sustainable development
The Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2012
"Education for sustainable development (ESD) is a long-term mechanism to translate the principles and values of sustainable development (SD) concept into practices. With the ‘nurturing’ nature of ESD it is hoped that it would give the learners a lasting impact on their practices. However, ESD poses great challenges to educators at every level of education system, including university educators worldwide, in many aspects. This paper focuses only on the aspect of integrating SD concept into university courses, with reference to Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Hence, this paper analyses the challenges to integrate SD concept into university courses found in the literature, and with reference to UKM. The methods used in this study are the analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, as well as logical and comparative analysis. The results show four main challenges faced by university educators: (a) the basis of integration, i.e., the extent to which SD provides a suitable basis for integration into university courses; (b) the integration ability, i.e., the extent to which SD can be integrated into the courses by individual lecturers during the planning, implementation, and assessment stages; (c) the operational context, i.e., the appropriate operational context where the development of SD in teaching and learning process is expected to occur; and (d) mechanism of assessment, i.e., the appropriate mechanism to assess student’s learning experience of SD. The findings illustrate that integrating SD concept into university courses is feasible although no doubt it is challenging. A university would have to overcome all of the challenges discussed in order to implement the integration of SD concept into university courses. Thus, a university like UKM would have to face challenges centered on the basis of integration, the integration ability, the operational context and mechanism of assessment, in order to realize the integration of SD concept into university courses."
Issues and trends in Education for Sustainable Development, 2018
While the acquisition of sustainability competencies is at the core of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the choice of topics and content used for developing these competencies is not arbitrary. Key themes of ESD are crucial for sustainable development processes at the local and/or global level, and their selection has implications for the future.
International Review of Education, 2010
Creative Education
To understand the enactment of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in higher education institution (HEI) and why very unequal ESD activity that mostly focused on campus greening rather than on pedagogic reform in HEI requires more than simply an examination of the ESD curriculum and pedagogy. To grasp why and how ESD is implemented in a HEI, the contexts in which it was created and implemented should be considered. Systems structures that include the context of the phenomena can show how the interaction between various factors gives rise to the outcomes that can be observed at the event level which is the enactment of ESD at the HEI. This paper presents a finding of the case study concerning systems structure of ESD conducted at one Malaysia university. This study is explanatory and may give insight to understand ESD enactment in HEI especially in Asian and developing country context. The findings from this study demonstrate that the agents'/ lecturer's individual systems and the organisational/university system are co-evolving with their environment. The changes in the environment, such as the accelerating sustainability crisis and global influence, are perceived by the lecturers as stimulating ESD enactment in the university. The university's response to the sustainability agenda involves temporality and selection. This explained the university's delayed response to the sustainability agenda, until sustainability agenda gained attention globally after the Brundtland Report in 1987.Despite the forces to adapt to environmental changes, within a system there is resistance to change. In this study, it included: the lecturers' perceived lack of sustainability awareness; sustainability acceptance influenced by disciplines; limited financial support from the university; a compartmentalised education system; bureaucratic tensions; and lacking of teaching skills among ESD educators.
In response to UNESCO's Agenda 21, the Philippine initiative to assimilate Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in tertiary education is enunciated in the Commission on Higher Education's Strategic Plan for 2011-2016, which contains the roadmap to reform higher education institutions (HEIs) to respond well to the academic pursuits of sustainable development. Over the years, ESD has been instituted with practical strategies hinged on previously-built efforts promoting environmental conservation, climate change mitigation and adaptation as cornerstones of sustainable development among the HEIs in the country. The process of doing so has progressed from social marketing through alliance-building in pushing for eco-friendly and disaster risk reduction programs and community extension activities to enhance social awareness and preparedness to a more academic level through curricular review and development activities. The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a platform whereby ESD is instituted formally in tertiary education. However, sophistication for ESD to tackle the development of theories of practice is underway but slow. Some universities have been moving forward in this aspect in cooperation
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is recognized internationally as an essential tool to achieve sustainable development. Its importance is seen in the establishment of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) from year 2005 to 2014. Many scholars have stressed that integrating sustainable development concepts into curriculum being the most effective ways of increasing the effectiveness of ESD. Despite the vision of UNDESD is to integrate ESD in all levels and all sectors of education, the impact of ESD in higher education can be seen as significant. UNDESD is now in the second half of implementation, hence, it is necessary to shift from review on how global, regional and national engaged in sustainable development to monitor and evaluate the progress of ESD. Therefore, it is important to develop a monitoring and assessment framework to evaluate the achievement of curriculum towards ESD. For that reason, this paper aims to review the characteristics of sustainability curriculum. The findings emphasize on the characteristics of curriculum structure and teaching method. The major characteristics of curriculum structure are focused on; complexity of knowledge, flexible and permeable at discipline level, contextualizing, prospective orientation as well as consistency between theory and practical. While, the teaching methods are more narrowing on authentic learning experiences, provide space for reflection, mutual learning, and research. These characteristics can be used as a guidance in monitoring and assessment framework development.
Sustainability, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 2015
Sustainable Development (SD) is one the most discussed issue now days, which is gaining priority day by day due to the exploitation of nature in a drastic way. It is from this apprehension that 'Education for sustainable development' (ESD) emerged with an immediate urge to preserve and conserve our nature and natural resources.The concept of ESD entangles the different countries and states across the world as a whole for a sustainable society, which merges the environment, economic and social dimensions. The paper discusses about the effect of integrated approach to education for sustainable development on the students'knowledge on sustainable development.The investigator developed acurriculum by integrating SD concepts into science and social science of VII standard of NCERT syllabus and various learning activities for their transaction by incorporating several pedagogical strategies that lead to constructing knowledge, developing social perspectives and analytical abilities.The study was of quasi experimental in nature withtwo group pre-test-post-test design, whereby the integratedcurriculum was taught to the experimental group for about five months and the control group was exposed to the conventional curriculum and methodology. It was found that there was a significant difference on the knowledge on sustainable development between experimental and control group. The experimental group had a higher mean knowledge score than the control group.On the basis of the findings from the study, it is concluded that there is a sheer need to highlight the importance of integration of SD components in pedagogy at all levels.
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