World Income Inequality 1820-2000 1


The aim of this paper is to present a new dataset of global inequality between 1820 and the present, based on the available historical evidence, and to tentatively analyse some of the results that emerge from these data. The importance of the subject hardly needs to be stressed: the enormous increase of inequality on a global scale is one of the most significant – and worrying features of the development of the world economy in the past 200 years. For this reason, the subject has become one of the most discussed topics in the social sciences; in particular the debate on the measurement and interpretation of recent trends in global inequality – is it still increasing? and why or why not? – has attracted considerable attention (Deininger and Squire, 1996; Jones, 1997; Bourguignon and Morrison, 2002; Milanovic, 2007 for a review of the debate). Economic historians have also intensely discussed the long term trends in the world that lead to the growing income disparities between nations...