Financial crises. Where do we stand



Starting out from the overview of recent sovereign crisis, this paper sets out to examine the principal reforms and normative changes put in place through a new regulatory framework. In particular, the article considers whether, in the middle of the restructuring process, the proposed European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is such a good new solution or whether a different mechanism should be at place. However, the ESM is a highly political institution both with respect to its staffing and its mandate. So, the question at stake is: should politics be the driving force? It is argued that private sector is important only insofar that it has to waive part (or all) of its rights; but it has no rights whatsoever on its own against the debtor state or against the official sector represented by the ESM. The pri‐ vate sector, thus, is needed for relieving the sovereign’s debt burden but has no tools or remedies to demand anything from that sovereign in ex‐ change for its own contribution to the...