An MPEG-4 based interactive multimedia system

1998, IEEE GLOBECOM 1998 (Cat. NO. 98CH36250)


With the rapid convergence in telecommunications, computer, and TVIfilm industries, rigorous efforts are in progress for designing the emerging multimedia standard-MPEG-4. The main features of MPEG-4 z e its content-based interactiviry, ejjicient coding, and universal access. For realizing MPEG-4 based application oriented systems, various issues must be carefully addressed. This paper describes a full scale MPEG-4 based interactive multimedia system project underway at the Video Technology Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. This project aims to provide complete MPEG-4 based interactive services tailored to various applications. In order to do so, a number of key enabling technologies need to be investigated. These include encoding and decoding, multimedia server design, auser interface, and MPEG-4 stream transmission over high speed networks. The unique features ofthe project are: 1) to explore the feasibility of parallel and distributed technology using Network-of-Workstations (NOWs) to hinder thc intensive computation required for realtime encoding; 2) to provide flexibility of software-based encoding/decoding; 3) to design an intelligent transport service mechanism which can satisfy QoS requirement of MPEG-4.