Darboux Cosmological Fluids in Comoving Time


The barotropic indices and the corresponding FRW scale factors of the so-called Darboux cosmological fluids are presented in the comoving time axis, which is the natural one for the phenomenology related to the cosmological data. Some useful comments on the features of the plots are included. In a previous work, an interesting class of Darboux cosmological fluids in closed and open FRW models of the Λ = 0 cosmology has been introduced by one of the authors. 1 However, the results have been displayed in the conformal time axis, whereas for comparison with definite cosmological data the comoving time axis is usually needed. The purpose of this letter is to present the cosmological comoving evolution of that class of fluids and add several heuristic comments on the obtained results. We plot here the comoving time dependent barotropic indices and the corresponding scale factors for open FRW universes, 2 respectively. Our general conclusions are presented in the following. (i) For the op...