On the k-planar local crossing number

Discrete Mathematics


Given a fixed positive integer k, the k-planar local crossing number of a graph G, denoted by lcr k (G), is the minimum positive integer L such that G can be decomposed into k subgraphs, each of which can be drawn in a plane such that no edge is crossed more than L times. In this note, we show that under certain natural restrictions, the ratio lcr k (G)/lcr1(G) is of order 1/k 2 , which is analogous to the result of Pach et al. [15] for the k-planar crossing number cr k (G) (defined as the minimum positive integer C for which there is a k-planar drawing of G with C total edge crossings). As a corollary of our proof we show that, under similar restrictions, one may obtain a k-planar drawing of G with both the total number of edge crossings as well as the maximum number of times any edge is crossed essentially matching the best known bounds. Our proof relies on the crossing number inequality and several probabilistic tools such as concentration of measure and the Lovász local lemma.