Teaching Impoliteness in The Second Language

In some cultures, disrespectful language, rudeness and impoliteness are considered taboo to be used in classrooms and become attributes of language not taught at all. Because some teachers would think foreign or second language mastery serves pleasant purposes of making friends, and the cooperation and relating of experiences with speakers of other languages, the idea that teaching impoliteness in the foreign-language classroom may have never occurred to them. In contrast to the steadily growing studies on teaching politeness in the ESL (English as a Second Language) context, teaching impoliteness appears to be disregarded. In this essay I will begin by defining impoliteness and I will then discuss different types of impoliteness uttered by First Language (L1) speakers toward Second Language (L2 )speakers with examples of impolite remarks and responses. Finally, I will offer possible suggestions on what teachers can do to raise the students' awareness of impoliteness in the world of second or foreign language learning. I.