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2007, Advances in Mathematics
In this paper we prove that a set of points (in a projective space over a finite field of q elements), which is incident with 0 mod r points of every hyperplane, has at least (r −1)q +(p−1)r points, where 1 < r < q = p h , p prime. An immediate corollary of this theorem is that a linear code whose weights and length have a common divisor r < q and whose dual minimum distance is at least 3, has length at least (r − 1)q + (p − 1)r. The theorem, which is sharp in some cases, is a strong generalisation of an earlier result on the non-existence of maximal arcs in projective planes; the proof involves polynomials over finite fields, and is a streamlined and more transparent version of the earlier one.
Discrete Mathematics, 1977
arXiv (Cornell University), 2021
Linear codes in the projective space P q (n), the set of all subspaces of the vector space F n q , were first considered by Braun, Etzion and Vardy. The Grassmannian G q (n, k) is the collection of all subspaces of dimension k in P q (n). We study equidistant linear codes in P q (n) in this paper and establish that the normalized minimum distance of a linear code is maximum if and only if it is equidistant. We prove that the upper bound on the size of such class of linear codes is 2 n when q = 2 as conjectured by Braun et al. Moreover, the codes attaining this bound are shown to have structures akin to combinatorial objects, viz. Fano plane and sunflower. We also prove the existence of equidistant linear codes in P q (n) for any prime power q using Steiner triple system. Thus we establish that the problem of finding equidistant linear codes of maximum size in P q (n) with constant distance 2d is equivalent to the problem of finding the largest d-intersecting family of subspaces in G q (n, 2d) for all 1 ≤ d ≤ n 2. Our discovery proves that there exist equidistant linear codes of size more than 2 n for every prime power q > 2.
Discrete Mathematics, 1989
Let F be a set of f points in a finite projective geometry PG(t, q) of t dimensions where t 2 2, f 3 1 and q is a prime power. If (a) IF n HI 3 m for any hyperplane H in PG(t, q) and (b) IF fl H( = m for some hyperplane H in PG(t, q), then F is said to be an {f, m; t, q}-minhyper (or an {f, m; t, q}minihyper) where m 30 and IAl denotes the number of points in the set A. The concept of a min . hyper (called a minihyper) has been introduced by Hamada and Tamari [22]. In the special case t = 2, an {f, m; 2, q}-min . hyper F is called an m-blocking set if F contains no l-flat in PG(2, q).
The set of all subspaces of F n q is denoted by Pq(n). The subspace distance dS(X, Y ) = dim(X) + dim(Y ) − 2 dim(X ∩ Y ) defined on Pq(n) turns it into a natural coding space for error correction in random network coding.
Contemporary Mathematics, 2010
The finite projective space PG(n, q), q = p h , p prime, h ≥ 1, is also investigated from a coding-theoretical point of view. The linear code Cs,t(n, q) of s-spaces and tspaces in a projective space PG(n, q), q = p h , p prime, h ≥ 1, is defined as the vector space spanned over Fp by the rows of the incidence matrix of s-spaces and t-spaces. This linear code can be investigated purely for its coding-theoretical importance, but the properties of this linear code are also of interest for the finite projective space PG(n, q) itself. Some of the best results on substructures of finite projective spaces PG(n, q) have been obtained by using their corresponding codes. Recently, there has been a new incentive on the study of the minimum distance of these linear codes and their duals. In this paper, we summarize what is currently known about the minimum distance and small weight codewords of these linear codes and their duals.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2008
In this paper, we study the p-ary linear code C(PG(n,q)), q = p h , p prime, h ≥ 1, generated by the incidence matrix of points and hyperplanes of a Desarguesian projective space PG(n,q), and its dual code. We link the codewords of small weight of this code to blocking sets with respect to lines in PG(n,q) and we exclude all possible codewords arising from small linear blocking sets. We also look at the dual code of C(PG(n,q)) and we prove that finding the minimum weight of the dual code can be reduced to finding the minimum weight of the dual code of points and lines in PG(2,q). We present an improved upper bound on this minimum weight and we show that we can drop the divisibility condition on the weight of the codewords in Sachar’s lower bound (Geom Dedicata 8:407–415, 1979).
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2007
We determine the minimum length n q (k, d) for some linear codes with k ≥ 5 and q ≥ 3. We prove that n q (k, d) = g q (k, d) + 1 for q k−1 − 2q k−1 2 −q + 1 ≤ d ≤ q k−1 − 2q k−1 2 when k is odd, for q k−1 − q k 2 − q k 2 −1 − q + 1 ≤ d ≤ q k−1 − q k 2 − q k 2 −1 when k is even, and for 2q k−1 − 2q k−2 − q 2 − q + 1 ≤ d ≤ 2q k−1 − 2q k−2 − q 2 .
We obtain, in principle, a complete classification of all long inextendable binary linear codes. Several related constructions and results are presented. LEMMA 2.3 If X is periodic then |X | is even.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2019
An outstanding folklore conjecture asserts that, for any prime p, up to isomorphism the projective plane P G(2, F p) over the field F p := Z/pZ is the unique projective plane of order p. Let π be any projective plane of order p. For any partial linear space X , define the inclusion number i(X , π) to be the number of isomorphic copies of X in π. In this paper we prove that if X has at most log 2 p lines, then i(X , π) can be written as an explicit rational linear combination (depending only on X and p) of the coefficients of the complete weight enumerator (c.w.e.) of the p-ary code of π. Thus, the c.w.e. of this code carries an enormous amount of structural information about π. In consequence, it is shown that if p > 2 9 = 512, and π has the same c.w.e. as P G(2, F p), then π must be isomorphic to P G(2, F p). Thus, the uniqueness conjecture can be approached via a thorough study of the possible c.w.e. of the codes of putative projective planes of prime order.
Discrete Mathematics, 1985
s), s = 2 ~ and n >12, denote the Desarguesian projective space of projective dimension n over the Galois field Fs. The set of its subsets with set theoretic symmetric difference as addition is a vector space over F2. For 1 ~< t n-1, let Ct(n, s) denote its subspace generated by the t-flats of PG(n, s) and for w c_ PG(n, s), let [wl denote the cardinality (or weight) of w. Our object in this note is to present a purely geometric proof of the following theorem proved independently by Smith [5] and Delsarte et al. [2]. Theorem. For s = 2", n > 1 and 0<t<n, the words of Ct(n, s) of least non-zero weight are precisely the t-fiats of PG(n, s). Some crucial parts of the proof are contained in the following lemmas.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2011
A set of n + k points (k > 0) in projective space of dimension n is said to be an (n + k)-arc if there is no hyperplane containing any n + 1 points of the set. It is well-known that for the projective space PG(n, q), this is equivalent to a maximum distance separable linear code with symbols in the finite field GF(q), of length n + k, dimension n + 1, and distance d = k that satisfies the Singleton bound d ≤ k. We give an algebraic condition for such a code, or set of points, and this is associated with an identity involving determinants.
Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2018
Consider the Grassmann graph formed by k-dimensional subspaces of an n-dimensional vector space over the field of q elements (1 < k < n − 1) and denote by Π(n, k)q the restriction of this graph to the set of projective [n, k]q codes. In the case when q ≥ n 2 , we show that the graph Π(n, k)q is connected, its diameter is equal to the diameter of the Grassmann graph and the distance between any two vertices coincides with the distance between these vertices in the Grassmann graph. Also, we give some observations concerning the graphs of simplex codes. For example, binary simplex codes of dimension 3 are precisely maximal singular subspaces of a non-degenerate quadratic form.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000
Some new infinite families of short quasi-perfect linear codes are described. Such codes provide improvements on the currently known upper bounds on the minimal length of a quasi-perfect [n; n 0m; 4] -code when either 1) q = 16; m 5; m odd, or 2) q = 2 ; 7 i 15; m 4, or 3) q = 2 ;` 8; m 5; m odd. As quasi-perfect [n; n0m; 4] -codes and complete n-caps in projective spaces P G(m 01;q) are equivalent objects, new upper bounds on the size of the smallest complete cap in P G(m 01;q) are obtained.
Journal of Geometry, 1997
We develop a technique for improving the universal linear programming bounds on the cardinality and the minimum distance of codes in projective spaces I FP n−1 . We firstly investigate test functions P j (m, n, s) having the property that P j (m, n, s) < 0 for some j if and only if the corresponding universal linear programming bound can be further improved by linear programming. Then we describe a method for improving the universal bounds. We also investigate the possibilities for attaining the first universal bounds.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000
The projective space of order n over the finite field q , denoted here as Pq(n), is the set of all subspaces of the vector space n q . The projective space can be endowed with the distance function d(U; V ) = dim U + dim V 0 2 dim(U \V ) which turns Pq(n) into a metric space. With this, an (n; M; d) code in projective space is a subset of Pq(n) of size M such that the distance between any two codewords (subspaces) is at least d. Koetter and Kschischang recently showed that codes in projective space are precisely what is needed for error-correction in networks: an (n; M; d) code can correct t packet errors and packet erasures introduced (adversarially) anywhere in the network as long as 2t + 2 < d. This motivates our interest in such codes. In this paper, we investigate certain basic aspects of "coding theory in projective space." First, we present several new bounds on the size of codes in P q (n), which may be thought of as counterparts of the classical bounds in coding theory due to Johnson, Delsarte, and Gilbert-Varshamov. Some of these are stronger than all the previously known bounds, at least for certain code parameters. We also present several specific constructions of codes and code families in P q (n). Finally, we prove that nontrivial perfect codes in P q (n) do not exist.
Ieee Transactions on Information Theory, 2004
Infinite families of linear codes with covering radius = 2, 3 and codimension + 1 are constructed on the base of starting codes with codimension 3 and 4. Parity-check matrices of the starting codes are treated as saturating sets in projective geometry that are obtained by computer search using projective properties of objects. Upper bounds on the length function and on the smallest sizes of saturating sets are given.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 1999
New constructions of linear nonbinary codes with covering radius R = 2 are proposed. They are in part modifications of earlier constructions by the author and in part are new. Using a starting code with R = 2 as a "seed" these constructions yield an infinite family of codes with the same covering radius. New infinite families of codes with R = 2 are obtained for all alphabets of size q 4 and all codimensions r 3 with the help of the constructions described. The parameters obtained are better than those of known codes. New estimates for some partition parameters in earlier known constructions are used to design new code families. Complete caps and other saturated sets of points in projective geometry are applied as starting codes. A table of new upper bounds on the length function for q = 4; 5; 7; R = 2; and r 24 is included.
be the smallest integer n for which there exists a linear code of length n, dimension IC, and minimum distance d, over a field of q elements. In this correspondence we determine n5 (4, d ) for all but 22 values of d. Index Terms-Optimal q-ary linear codes, minimum-length bounds. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9448(97)00108-9.
In this paper, we study the p-ary linear code C(PG(n,q)), q = ph, p prime, h 1, generated by the incidence matrix of points and hyperplanes of a Desarguesian projective space PG(n,q), and its dual code. We link the codewords of small weight of this code to blocking sets with respect to lines in PG(n,q) and we exclude all possible
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