Joan Miró: the years of francoism and cultural cold world war

2021, Galaxia Gutenberg


Joan Miró returned to Franco's Spain in 1940, fleeing from Nazi troops in France. How did the anti-fascist artist survive in a dictatorship and in the years of the cultural cold war? The investigation into unpublished archives reveals how the artist was able to keep unnoticed during the years of the Second World War and after the defeat of Hitler, how he was able to circumvent the pressures of the dictatorship to use his art in a laundering operation of the regime, such as the United States and the Vatican demanded. Washington for the installation of military bases in Spain and Rome for the signing of the Concordat. The research uncovers the link between Nazis or collaborators with Nazism refugees in Spain (Mathias Goeritz, Karl Buchholz, Erich Gäbelt, Abel Bonnard...) in the promotion of avant-garde art in Spain.